February 6, 2025

Binky Felstead’s mother Jane reveals she plans to DIE at 85

While many people hope they live to a grand old age, Binky Felstead’s mother has revealed that she doesn’t plan on living past the age of 85.

Jane Felstead, who has starred in Made in Chelsea with her daughter, said she doesn’t want to lose her ‘dignity and independence’ in old age.

Speaking on ITV’s Good Morning Britain on Monday, the 66-year-old revealed her battle withMultiple Sclerosis has made her dread becoming infirm and reliant on her children in her old age.

She debated chef Rustie Lee, who said she wanted to live as long as possible like her grandparents, who were all over the age of 100 when they died.

Jane Felstead, who has starred in Made in Chelsea with her Binky daughter, revealed her plans to die at 85-years-old on Good Morning Britain on Monday

Jane chose the age of 85 because her children and grandchildren would be grown up and independent by then.

She said: ‘If I get to 85, if I’m upright and able and valuable in some way, I’ve done my grandchildren, they’ll all be in their 20s and my kids will be in their 50s and late forties, and I’m kind of thinking that’s quite a nice time to bow out.

‘The next stage, and I’ve witnessed it, is for you to lose your dignity and your independence and for me that would be the worst thing in the world. ’

Jane was diagnosed with MS last year after years of believing she hadfibromyalgia following a misdiagnosis from her doctors.

The reality TV star doesn’t want her children to take care of her basic needs when she can no longer take care of herself. Pictured with her daughter Binky in 2014

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?

MS is an an immune system disorder. This is when something goes wrong with the immune system and it mistakenly attacks a healthy part of the body – in this case, the brain or spinal cord of the nervous system.

In MS, the immune system attacks the layer that surrounds and protects the nerves, called the myelin sheath. This damages and scars the sheath, and potentially the underlying nerves, meaning that messages travelling along the nerves become slowed or disrupted.

Exactly what causes the immune system to act in this way is unclear, but most experts think a combination of genetic and environmental factors is involved.

MS has left her withchronic aching joints and fatigue, and symptoms can also includesight disturbances (caused by inflammation of the optic nerve), slowed thinking and bladder problems.

Jane, who has three children with Binky’s father Roger, explained that she doesn’t want her children to have to look after her when she is no longer able to do basic things for herself.

She continued: ‘I would rather be gone than for any of the children I adore to have to take me to the bathroom. ’

Rustie, whose grandmother lived until she was 106, revealed her wish to live as long as possible.

The duo were discussing the news that Australian scientist Dr David Goodall has decided to end his life at 104 despite his good health because he regrets living so long.

Rustie, 65, argued that it was worth staying alive into old age because of scientific developments might make us live longer.

She explained: ‘There’s so many things that comes on board scientifically where you might choose to die, when you choose to die someone might come up with something that can help you.

She debated with chef Rustie Lee, who said she wanted to live as long as possible

Rustie believes older people can life healthy lives into their hundreds as science develops

‘I think life is a gift and we shouldn’t just take it and throw it away. I understand when people are suffering but there are so many medications, there are tablets that’ll keep you going and you should keep active. ’

But Jane disagreed, explaining that her faith meant she was looking forward to an afterlife.

She said: ‘I’m really excited about the next stage, a whole different subject this I know you don’t want me to go into it now. I have massive belief and I think the next stage is so exciting.

‘I’ve had a ball and I’m going out on a high. ’

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