February 12, 2025

The effect of rejuvenating creams will come no sooner than in 2-3 months

Wrinkles. This word brings to modern women such horror, in which even awe at the mention of cellulite. The small “chicken legs” near the eyes indicate that time now does not work for you, but against you.

Despite the fact that the appearance of wrinkles is as inevitable as the annual birthday, women at all costs try to delay the moment of their appearance, and in case of tragic availability – to smooth and make wrinkles and grooves unnoticeable.

What is included in “any price” and from what time it is necessary to start paying it, the correspondent of SE recognized.

Dossier of the enemy

“Wrinkles are the main sign of skin aging,” says Irina Gennadievna, a dermatovenereologist at the Zdravica medical center. – It is associated with atrophic processes in all layers of the skin, but primarily with a change in the fibrous apparatus of the dermis. ” Fearfully? Further more terrible. In addition to age changes, genetic disposition, the type of skin, does not work in our favor: thin, dry, sensitive skin is more prone to wrinkles than fat and fat.

In addition, the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer, the state of the teeth, the way of life, ecology play a role. “External or internal factors can aggravate or provoke wrinkles,” the doctor continues.

Of the external factors, the most significant are ultraviolet irradiation and smoking, from internal – weight changes, chronic diseases, long-term use of certain drugs. ”

Noticeable wrinkles begin to appear clearly on the female skin by the age of 35, but even a 20-year-old girl can detect them. But if in 20 years, with a smile and crying, folds disappear as quickly as they appear, then by the age of 25 they begin to linger, becoming deeper and more noticeable. After 35 do not disappear at all, and after 40-45 years begins the process of chronostenia, associated with the gradual development of atrophy in the skin.

“By the way, it is believed that the skin of men ages earlier, but due to the social importance of women’s attractiveness, wrinkles are given less attention in men, and they are often appreciated by others,” added the piquant detail to Irina Sergeyeva.

Methods of struggle

What to do? Declare the war. What troops are pulled up on the battlefield? Firstly, it is a three-phase care system at home: cleansing, toning, moisturizing or nourishing. “Permanent care should become a habit, like brushing your teeth,” Ekaterina Lebedko, a cosmetician at the center of beauty and health “Sante Aesthetik”, warns. – You can not count on the action of creams, using them from time to time.

“Secondly, salon procedures: peeling, lifting, myostimulation, various complexes of masks, massage. “Cosmetic hardware procedures do provide a rejuvenating and smoothing effect”, – the beautician of the “Milady” salon Anna Borzenkova is sure.

And thirdly, injection cosmetology: mesotherapy, injections of botulinum toxin. “With the help of injections, you can win 5 years of youth,” the plastic surgeon of the “Other Rules” clinic, Alexander Bush, does not doubt.

Engine oils

Let’s start with creams. If at a young age it is enough to use cleansing and protecting from the environment means, after 25 it is necessary to introduce humidification into the diet, after 30 – nutrition, and to 40 help to fight not only with external influence, but also with internal changes.

“Closer to 30 years, you can start using active creams for the skin around the eyes, for the skin of the face,” says Ekaterina Lebedko. “It is better to immediately choose a whole complex of products that will help prevent the appearance of static wrinkles and generally refresh the appearance, protect, nourish, moisturize. ”

It is worth entering into the arsenal of serum – this remedy is more saturated with active substances than the cream. It should be applied directly to the skin, under the cream.

A cream for the skin around the eyes is not a superfluous pampering. First, it is designed to not irritate the mucosa. In addition, the skin on the eyelids really differs from the skin on the face in that it has almost no sebaceous glands, it is thinner, easier to stretch and is constantly involved in active work. Therefore, the cream for it has a special composition. According to Ms. Lebedko, it can also be used to care for the skin of the neck – in structure it resembles the skin of the eyelids.

How soon will the effect come and what will it be? In connection with the fact that at a young age the complete cycle of cell renewal is 26-28 days, and by the age of 50 it can reach 60 days, it is not worth waiting for obvious changes before 2-3 months.

If, of course, you want the skin to improve from the inside, rather than being satisfied with the outer filling of wrinkles. This is how creams work, in advertising of which the unreasonable for the anatomy of the skin is indicated the renewal time – for example, 14 days. According to cosmetologist Anna Borzenkova, during this period, neither collagen nor elastin fibers can recover.

Support for Allies The

list of salon procedures that correct and provide anti-wrinkle prevention is very long. They are mainly aimed at stimulating the muscles and toning the skin. What exactly is suitable for your skin type, can only be determined by a cosmetologist.

Heavy artillery

Mesotherapy is the injection of active substances under the skin of the cocktails. According to Dr. Bush, it is possible to start the prevention of aging with mesotherapy at any age: “It increases the turgor, raises skin tone, improves hydration, nourishes. But the wrinkles are not direct, but indirect effect, improving the general condition of the skin. ”

Injections “Botox” or “Disport” block the muscles responsible for the facial expression, protecting them from permanent work, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. The result is visible immediately after application. And in the future, according to Catherine Lebedko, a muscle memory is developed that prohibits involuntary cuts. There are also contraindications – skin diseases, drug intolerance. All this is found out by the doctor who conducts the procedure.

There is one more “but” – a high probability that after 6 months the effect of the drug stops, the woman will want to repeat it again and again, and more. A constant use is fraught with muscle atrophy.

And by the way, until the studies have confirmed the absence of negative influence of immobilized muscle on blood circulation and nourishment of the skin.

The victory is yours

Taking care of themselves, it must be remembered that, nevertheless, the apples have not yet been invented, and each age has its advantages. Audrey Hepburn, an actress recognized as the most beautiful woman of all time, gave one recipe: “To make your lips beautiful, speak only kind words. So that your eyes are beautiful, look for only good in people. ” Trivial, but beauty – in the expression of the face, and wrinkles appear most often from laughter. So do not panic, looking for a new fold that is visible only to you.

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