February 13, 2025

Fashionable hairstyles: forget about highlights!

The fashion became feminine and natural. This, in general, everything is said, but to consider all the nuances of modern fashion for hairstyles, still worth it.

After all, any borrowings from the 40’s, 60’s, 80’s (and otherwise our fashion does not form in our postmodern age) do not accurately copy pictures from the past, but create strong knots from retro and ethno, taking into account the current political environment and pop- stars.

The correspondent of SE went deep into details, having been among the case at a master class of leading Petersburg hairdressers and a show of hairdressing art held in mid-April in Novosibirsk.

We twist the waves

The most popular theme of the season – curls, as well as waves, curls – that is all that curls and gives femininity, softness and naturalness to the image. Therefore, by the way, very greased gel curls that look artificially and slightly aggressive, do not apply to fashionable trends. Curls, for lack of their own, are wound with forceps or curlers, and then combed (which has not been done for two years already) and even combs, as shown in the master class, with hands to get the effect of a large volume, but at the same time – ease. By the way, chemical perm, which is already widely perceived by many as a bad joke, according to Sergei Danishevsky (St. Petersburg), an art critic, the absolute champion of Eastern Europe in hairdressing art, is soon awaiting a new birth:

“Alternatives to chemical wave have not yet been invented. And they are unlikely to invent anything new, just now there are drugs on which it can be made more sparing. ”

Smooth waves, laid in the style of the diva of black and white cinema, are especially often mentioned associations with Veronica Lake, look very good even in everyday hairstyles.

By the way, the curly hair curls did not bypass either – curly locks at the forehead and at the temples (like the beauties of Pushkin’s times) create a gentle, romantic and fashionable image.

The bangs – one of the trends of the season, should be thick, heavy, cut or very short, or very low – below the eyebrows.

Big heads

As for the volume already mentioned, yes, today the “big heads” are relevant: “We left a small head last year, now even short, not to mention long and magnificent hair, is given volume and splendor, while trying to avoid heavy weight, – says Sergey Danishevsky. Indeed, the masters created by the masters were balancing between hyperstyle and insanity, of course, without going beyond the first – then they were done by masters. However, women of fashion who decided to create an actual image of their own efforts, one must be more careful – the notorious “explosion at a pasta factory” can happen at any time.

Eternal values

This year, in the forefront, traditional haircuts, which never leave fashion, are always in demand among admirers, as they go to many, but they periodically become major hits. We are talking about such haircuts as “bean”, geometric “Sassoon”, created on the motives of the old “page” by the legendary Vidal Sassoon, “ganson”, invented by the joker Jacques Desessange, square square with a straight fringe.

“Do you want to be at the height of fashion – cut as Mireille Mathieu in his youth,” advises Sergei Danishevsky.

These hairstyles are simple in styling, really stylish and, despite the fact that they are mischievous and foolish, are feminine and give the image of the bearer a fragility and defenseless.

Fashion palette

Let us repeat that there is a naturalness in fashion. This means that the red color of hair has gone down in history along with the multicolored on the head:

“Forget about melirovanie, and most importantly – coloring! Now on the head you need to have one, a maximum of two similar tones.

The times when the skill was determined by the ability to color the hair in all the colors of the rainbow have passed! “- St. Petersburg masters claimed in vain during the master class. The most actual color of the season was a warm brown, the most daring is golden, but it is not the hair without pigment, burnt with discoloration, but painted in a specially selected warm shining color. Also popular are graphite, ashy, natural-red hues. For extreme youth it is recommended to use blue, yellow and green, but only for painting individual thin strands.

Of course, in our time there is no diktat of fashion, and every woman is free to choose a haircut that fits her. However, such an important factor as naturalness and femininity, relevant in this season, you can only greet – this is not a single lady spoiled. Be yourself!

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