April 26, 2024

To avoid problems with skin, experts do not recommend women to get involved in children’s cosmetics and hikes in the solarium

Cosmetics has become an integral part of the life of the vast majority of women. The more offensive, when such a delicate product, designed to make us more beautiful and rosy, causes a completely opposite reaction – intolerance and allergy.

In the end, instead of admiring the radiant face, we have to run to the doctor and ask for help.

The fact that the insidious allergy, what it can cause and how to act in these cases, recognized the correspondent of SE.

Caution – danger

The most famous signs of allergies are known, perhaps, to everyone: if the skin becomes inflamed, reddens, flakes and there are colonies of pimples on it – all this is an excessive reaction to the components that you have applied to the skin.

Our immune system evaluates everything that gets to her “reception”. If antibodies produced in the body perceive the guest as a stranger, the mechanism of destruction of the antigen (foreign component) begins and a reaction is triggered, which leads to allergic manifestations.

As Ekaterina Martyanova, dermatocosmetologist of the department of medical cosmetology of the Road Clinical Hospital, described, any unpleasant sensation from applying the product to the skin can be a symptom of intolerance. But here it is important to be attentive and to distinguish allergy from other problems. For example, puffiness can be caused by improper means, and maybe by incorrect application of eye cream before bedtime (less than two hours before bedtime). Another example: redness and tingling of the skin is normal when applying, for example, some active masks.

In order not to get trapped, the cosmetologist recommends carefully reading the instruction: if it says about the possible effect, everything is in order. If not, then your skin reacts inadequately.

Problem and solutions

So what makes us get covered with blisters from a harmless, seemingly, cream? The director of the Scientific Cosmetological Society, Anatoly Decin, identifies two main causes of allergies: preservatives and the presence of a large number of biologically active substances.

Preservativesin the composition are substances that protect the cream from spoilage. By their biological essence are called to fight the development of life. Since the skin cell is also alive, it can react inappropriately to the invasion. According to Anatoly Decin, there is not a single preservative that would not cause an allergic reaction in studies at least once. Another thing – the individual characteristics. If one calmly masquerades himself by the fact that the arm gets, then snow-white with a thin permeable skin can become covered with red spots even from tap water.

Solving the problem:when buying cosmetics, get used to reading the label. The list of ingredients is made on the principle of “from more to less”, and therefore the preserving substances should be given honorable last places. In addition, it is useful to remember that cheaper creams usually use cheaper preservatives, some of which may be dangerous. This difference is not visible, but it can affect in the future.

Therefore advice not to save on cosmetics is usually justified. If possible, use cosmetics labeled hypoallergenic. Such agents usually contain fewer active substances, preservatives and flavors. But to get involved in children’s cosmetics, which many consider a panacea for sensitive skin, dermatocosmetologist Ekaterina Martyanova does not advise:

“Children’s cosmetics have completely different functions, and for adults these products often do not fit, for example, mineral oil, which is designed to protect the skin of children, in adults can cause clogging of pores. ”

Too active substance

Modern cosmetology often reminds the race “who is more. ” As a result, the consumer believes that if the cream is saturated with useful additives, then it will work better. In life there is a reverse: any overdose of active substances – whether vitamins, amino acids, plant extracts, – causes hyper-reaction and the start of an allergic process.

Solution:if you are a possessor of sensitive skin (according to cosmetologists, today this is every fourth of us), be very attentive to potent cosmetics: your desire to rejuvenate sooner may lead to the opposite effect.

Most often, allergies are caused by means with essential oils – especially citrus oils, preparations with vitamin C, as well as products containing acids (for example, for home peeling). The latter, as well as too active means for washing (which are washed “up to the creak”), deprive the skin of the protective layer and thinner it, as a result, sensitivity increases.

By the way, cosmetologists note that the clients of the solarium are potential candidates for a visit to an allergist: ultraviolet increases the sensitivity of the skin.

Of the substances useful for sensitive skin, one can distinguish azulene, panthenol, licorice root extract, and urea, a substance that reduces the reactivity of the skin.

Excess saving

As the last option, one must say about the allergy to cosmetics, which you have been pleased for too long: with long-term storage of even very good and expensive products, substances that can lead to the development of dermatitis begin to form in them.

Solution:preference is given to cosmetics, the shelf life of which is not calculated for years: direct communication – the longer the cream is stored, the more chemicals it contains. You will also have to give up the habit of picking up the remnants of lipstick from the tube and using a foundation to the finish. If you are prone to allergies in any form – sneezing from a cat, scratching from a carrot or crying from spring air – then you will have to change makeup more often than others. In addition, pay attention to the general condition of the body. The emergence of dermatitis is usually a signal of ill-being in the body’s immune system itself. Therefore, visiting an immunologist will not be superfluous.

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