Trends in the hairdresser’s art, perhaps, are the farthest from the people. If the clothes, thanks to the specializing in lightning fast reproduction of “fast fashion” brands like Zara or Mango, descend from the podiums to our streets almost without delay, then the usual shape of the bang can be replaced by years.
The correspondent of SHE found out from hairdressers how quickly the world fashion in the field of hair color comes to our streets and what color options are most popular among Novosibirsk ladies.
And also – that in the coloring of the townspeople, the specialists are especially upset.
School of Slander
Answering the question about how quickly world trends in color reach the masses, interviewed hairdressers name the terms from six months to two years. “Basically, interest in the trend begins to manifest when it is officially replaced by another,” says art director of the salon “Kamiy Alban” Andrei Kovalev. – People are mostly conservatives. Many still believe that if you do highlights, then clearly pronounced, with white stripes – and so still half the city. Understanding that melirovanie has long been to be natural, shading the main color of hair, comes very slowly. ”
“Our main difference from European countries is that they focus on naturalness. There, people treat themselves more easily;we try to be super beauties every minute.
In Europe, much less women generally dye their hair, and those who paint, choose natural shades, “- commented the top-master of the image laboratory” Persona “Valentina Chichkova. “In Europe, they listen more to the master with respect to fashion trends, but we have the opposite: the client dictates, the master works:” I want white strands and nothing else, “thinks Andrei Kovalev. “That’s the problem. ”
If, as usual, to apply metropolitan standards, then, according to observations of hairdressers, from Peter we differ radically. “Peter in terms of attitude to style and appearance – almost Europe,” – explains Valentina Chichkova. And from Moscow – either do not differ at all, or differ a little more bias in the quickness and primitiveness of the solution. “If, for example, talking about adult ladies who are painted in red, in Moscow it will be more muffled, noble shades. At us – red. That is, we choose brighter colors and, of course, it is not always appropriate, “says Nadezhda Miroshnichenko, hairdresser-designer of the Yunna salon.
Gentlemen prefer blondes
Paint, about which more jokes are composed than about all politicians combined, is the main expense in hairdressing salons. The fact that the blonde is the most popular color, converge in almost all salons. According to the experience of Valentina Chichkova, young ladies often dream of becoming pearly and ashen blondes;according to the experience of Andrew Kovalev – blondes pearly, golden or a la Marilyn Monroe.
On the second place, according to the statistics of hairdressing salons, are dark “natural” brownies. “In the last couple of years, very many are painted in chocolate shades;colored blondes return to a more native dark tone, “says Nadezhda Miroshnichenko. “I’m glad that there are more good natural tones over the last couple of years,” says Marina Lapkina from the Vinyl salon. – Light brown, chocolate, ashy tones in our salon lead in popularity among customers.
Burning – in spite of the color-type – the brunettes, on which there was a boom a couple of years ago, fortunately, remains ever less. ”
And, finally, in third place in popularity – golden chestnut tones, also refer to nature – for girls older and red – for radical youth.
Razorha – on their heads
In conclusion, the correspondent of SHE asked hairdressers to name the most common mistakes when dyeing hair. The most popular trick – turning into a cold blonde – was recognized and the most risky. “If you choose a color that you can not economize on, it will be a platinum blonde or a blue-black brunette,” warns Mr. Kovalev. – There are two possible outcomes: a stunning, expensive view or a full collective farm. There is no middle ground and you can only deceive yourself. To be painted in a golden blonde is safer – the shade is quickly washed to the natural. ”
In general, the problems of dyed hair are the same for all colors. First, the choice of a shade with a violation of the color-type (even noble dark chocolate can “wipe” the face of a fair-haired girl by nature with soft eyebrows and eyelashes). Secondly, the notorious dryness, dullness and other painful symptoms.
The last hairdressers write off not only for the obvious reason – insufficient care, but also on a too straightforward approach to staining.
“I often see that people, especially those who paint themselves, with unprofessional colors, apply too rigid methods where a competent hairdresser would have come softer,” says Nadezhda Miroshnichenko. – The same chocolate shade for girls who do not need to paint over the gray hair, you can achieve shading with shampoos, and not with aggressive paints. “