April 26, 2024

Procedures that promote weight loss, you need to take a comprehensive

Literally in three days there will come long-awaited May holidays, and any cooling will not stop the cheerful companies which have got out on picnics. Shish kebabs, fresh air, shish kebabs, shish kebabs …

As a rule, after the May holidays, the number of girls hysterically sitting on hard diets, and even completely stop eating, increases dramatically. Still – to resist the temptations of the first spring picnics is difficult, and even impossible, and summer – that’s it, and everything you want to hide, and not show – too, here it is, reflected in the mirror with a mild reproach and spoils the mood.

Meanwhile, only diets will not only not give the desired effect, but can also cause harm to health. It is not accidental that in medical centers specializing in cleansing the body and losing weight through medical starvation, first of all, a full medical examination is conducted. And then, in the process of starvation,

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. As a rule, people who have undergone a course of treatment fast in a good clinic then tell that they did not experience hunger pangs – the day was filled with procedures so tightly that there was simply no time to think about food. What procedures are shown to a hungry organism?

These questions are answered by the specialists of the “Effekt” medical center, who have been specializing in cleansing the body and reducing weight through therapeutic starvation for more than seven years: “Of course, to fill the patient’s day as much as possible and thereby distract him from thoughts about food is not at all basic and not even a secondary goal. Each procedure is aimed at achieving the ultimate goal – a harmonious, beautiful and healthy body.

And the programs developed by our specialists allow us to repeatedly strengthen and consolidate the effect obtained during our stay in our center. ”

What are these procedures?

Cryosaunais a kind of “sauna on the contrary”. This installation, in which for three minutes “steamed” in the clubs of liquid nitrogen. At extremely low temperatures, the body is forced to intensively produce heat, primarily due to the breakdown of fatty tissues and increased blood flow. One session lasting a maximum of 3 minutes burns from 1 to 3 thousand calories. In addition, the procedure perfectly tones the skin.

Aromafitobochka with oxygen.

By itself, the aromatherapy pill is an amazingly effective healing method based on the recipes of ancient Tibetan and Old Russian folk medicine. During the procedure, there is an active release from the body of endotoxins, slags, salts – in a word, all the “garbage” that inevitably occurs in the body before and during weight loss. In the medical center “Effect” the effectiveness of this procedure is increased several times due to the simultaneous oxygenation session. 90% oxygen fed to the person not only makes the procedure more comfortable, but also significantly increases its effectiveness. “Burning” fat – the process is oxygen-dependent, so a portion of pure oxygen will speed up the process.

Physiotherapy exercises with elements of yoga and respiratory gymnastics.

Only a qualified specialist can correctly calculate the load that will benefit, rather than harm the body, actively losing weight. And the load is simply necessary – if we want to reduce not the muscle mass, but fat deposits.

Water procedures– such as Charcot’s douche, circular, hydromassage and contrast baths – are absolutely necessary in order to lose weight faster, and muscles and skin stayed toned and not sagged. The use of a therapeutic shower has a stimulating effect on the circulatory and lymphatic system (eliminates the lack of active oxygen in tissues and blood). Thermal and mechanical skin irritation improves blood and lymph circulation, and thus feeds tissues, stimulates metabolism, promotes faster resorption of inflammatory foci. Therefore, very often Sharko dos doctors recommend for obesity and everyone who just wants to quickly get rid of extra pounds or adjust the figure. Also, Charcot’s shower – an excellent assistant in the fight against cellulite, because it increases metabolic energy processes and splits fats. With regard to contrast baths – their main task is to strengthen lymph drainage and strengthen carbohydrate, lipid and water-mineral metabolism. In addition to the fact that the alternation of temperatures is also excellent gymnastics for blood vessels, contrast baths are one of the most irreconcilable enemies of cellulite.

Ozone therapy– this procedure is called “non-surgical liposuction” throughout the world. Ozone is one of the most mysterious components of the air. Being one of the forms of oxygen, it is a much stronger oxidant than oxygen. Intravenous ozone injections have a beneficial effect on blood, improve metabolism, 2-4 times increase the function of the immune system, remove toxins and toxins, relieve fatigue symptoms, cause a surge of energy. Subcutaneous same ozone injections burn excess fat at the injection site, giving a unique opportunity to correct the problem areas without resorting to the scalpel of the surgeon.

And for a week with a little stay in the “Effect” patients have time to undergo courses of liver cleansing, hydrocolonotherapy – and remember what a feeling of lightness and radiant complexion. And someone’s thirst for transformation is so strong that they manage to have time in the solarium, and to the beautician – good, in the “Effect” all this can be done in one place, without wasting time on movement.

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