You stand at the mirror, admiring your reflection, walk your hand over the beautiful velvety skin, stop … What is it – a birthmark? But it was not here … Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of our body?
On average, the surface of the skin of an adult is about 2 square meters. m – more than 8% of the total body weight. Moreover, the skin is not just a mechanical case that protects its owner from the external environment, it is a kind of “monitor” that reflects the state of our health.
The skin performs many important functions: here and touch, and allocation, and heat regulation, and gas exchange. It perceives feelings and sensations, reflects well-being and pain, reacts to all external changes, environmental influences, heat, cold and mechanical influences.
In addition, the skin protects our body from loss of water, fat and minerals and, thanks to its ability to sweat, serves simultaneously as an organ that removes slag.
Specialists of the Specialized Breast Center “Vera” decided to tell you about benign skin tumors, as it is necessary to know about it and treat them in time, so that a “good” tumor does not turn into a “bad” one.
Pigmentary nevi (birthmarks)– a group of benign neoplasms developing from melanocytes (nevus cells). They have a characteristic color (from yellow-brown to black), depending on the concentration of melanin in them, and look like pigment spots of various sizes and smooth flat papules, sometimes densely covered with hair. Some pigment nevi can be transformed into melanoma (malignant tumor). The greatest danger of malignancy is represented by moles, which look like black or dark gray patches, papules, with smooth smooth surface and localized on the palms, soles and genitals.
Papillomasare clearly defined tumors on a thin stalk or a broad base, usually of small size. Their surface is uneven, small or coarse-grained, sometimes villous. Can be of different colors – from white to dirty brown. There are both single and multiple educations.
Angiomasare benign neoplasms consisting of altered vessel walls. Characterized by vascular spots of various sizes, with uneven borders, pink-red or cherry color. The surface of the spots is flat, even, sometimes slightly rising above the skin. The color of the hemangiomas varies and depends on the depth of their location in the skin. Superficial hemangioma is cyanotic red, deep – with a bluish tinge.
Atheroma– a benign tumor that occurs as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland. Atheroma usually occurs on any part of the body where the hair grows, but most often occurs on the scalp, on the face, back. Externally, the atheroma looks like a painless, rounded dense formation with clear contours, while the skin over the atheroma does not meet the fold.
Lipoma– a tumor of adipose tissue, can occur in any part of the body. With a significant inclusion of connective tissue, we are talking about fibrolipoma. It grows slowly, sometimes reaches considerable dimensions. Lipoma has a capsule, the consistency of the tumor is soft. Most often, the lymphoma is of a knotty shape and is delimited from the surrounding tissue, but sometimes it is diffuse, without clear boundaries.
Melanoma– one of the most malignant tumors, rapidly metastasizing with lymphogenous and hematogenous pathways. It comes from cells called melanocytes. Melanoma of the skin develops from both normal skin and pigmented nevi. Melanoma at first is a dark spot slightly elevated above the surface of the skin.
“Alarms”– increase in size, compaction, swelling of one of the areas or uniform growth of pigment formation over the surface of the skin;strengthening, and occasionally weakening pigmentation nevus;bleeding, the appearance of cracks or surface ulceration with the formation of a crust;redness, pigmented or unpigmented strands, infiltrated tissues in the environment of the nevus;the appearance of itching, burning.
The only possible way to treat benign tumors is surgical removal. Often patients do not know that benign soft tissue can be optional or obligate diseases, that is, with a greater or lesser degree of probability to transform into a malignant tumor. Taking this into account, if a tumor-like formation is found on the skin or in the subcutaneous tissue, it is necessary to resort to specialist consultation. In the mammal center “Vera” for patients there are all the necessary methods for diagnosing benign neoplasms. Experienced doctors will be able to advise you and choose an adequate method of treatment: the most gentle method and without a cosmetic defect, or remove the formation using the radio wave device “Surgitron. ”