The development of the most common female disease is facilitated by the change of partners and underwear. Advertising kefir and yogurt has taught us that the balance of the flora in the intestines should be groomed and cherished.
We honestly eat curd and consume bifidobacteria, so that the stomach does not grumble, and the skin does not have rashes. And yet the balance of flora is important in a delicate “female” place, but for some reason they do not talk about it in advertising.
Today, more and more diseases arise precisely because of a violation of the microflora of the vagina, the most famous of them is thrush. Unfortunately, it does not limit women’s woes. The bacterial vaginosis, the most common disease of the female sexual sphere, was recognized by the correspondent of SE.
Reference:Bacterial vaginosis is a syndrome characterized by a sharp decrease or absence in the vagina of the lactoflora, which is replaced by a microbial flora, most of which are usually Gardnerella vaginalis, so the disease is also called Gardnerella.
Friends and Enemies
Normally, the female vagina is inhabited by a large number of lactic acid or lactobacilli, they are also called Dodderlein sticks. They perform important work: create an acidic environment in the vagina, in which there is no possibility to reproduce the pathogenic flora (the representatives of which live in the same place, but are in oppressed condition).
With bacterial vaginosis, the number of lactobacilli decreases and their place is occupied by so-called conditionally pathogenic bacteria, most often gardnerella (Gardnerella vaginalis), because the disease to this day is sometimes called gardnerellez. “The term” gardnerellez “is a little outdated, it is generally accepted and registered today the name” bacterial vaginosis “because the disease is caused not by one gardnerella, but also by other microbes,” commented the endocrinologist of the medical center “Avanta-honey” Nadezhda Meshkova.
“This is the most common non-infectious disease of the female sexual sphere – that’s why it is called vaginosis, not vaginitis, that is, it is not an inflammatory disease, but a dysbiosis condition of the vagina, similar to a dysbiosis in the intestine,” the doctor continues. According to the research, up to 80% of women are faced with the squirrel, and almost one episode of the disease in life.
The disease is primarily young, sexually active women who have more than one partner or inclined partners to change: frequent changes of men change the microbial flora, and at some point, its imbalance arises.
In this case, the disease itself is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease: as explained by gynecologists, somatically unhealthy men may have similar cells, but they do not cause disease. So gardnerellez, or bakvaginoz, can be safely attributed to a purely female sore.
The first reason is me
Most often, the flora is disturbed in women with some kind of hormonal changes. For example, the bakvahinoz very “loves” pregnant women in the early stages – the disease develops as a reaction to the “foreign body”. Also, it can appear against the background of taking oral contraceptives – in this case the acid-alkaline balance of the vagina changes.
And if a woman uses contraception in the form of candles and creams, it is perceived mucous as a chemical attack and turns into vaginal dysbiosis even more often. As for any other ills in the female sphere, the disease requires general “comfort” conditions: stress, immunodeficiency or any chronic diseases. Obstetrician-gynecologist ZSM “Zdravitsa” Oksana Sergeeva reminds: bacterial vaginosis very often accompanies dysbacteriosis in the intestine and often appears after taking antibiotics.
In this case, the vaccine can be combined with candidiasis, although, as doctors say, this is a relatively new phenomenon: before the spheres of influence of fungi and microbes were clearly separated. “Earlier it was a rarity, today there are cases when a woman simultaneously diagnoses candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis,” says Nadezhda Meshkova.
Previously, there were also different symptoms: when candidiasis was burning, inflammation and discharge, similar to cottage cheese. The classic gardnerelleza – grayish liquid discharge with an unpleasant “fish” smell. Today, more and more often the symptoms are smeared: discharge and odor appear (especially often before menstruation) and disappear, then appear again. As a result, the woman cherishes the illusion that the disease “has passed. ”But the peculiarity of vaginal dysbiosis is that there is no spontaneous recovery. A long-existing dysbiosis, as explained by Nadezhda Meshkova, always serve as an additional risk factor in the development of intrauterine infection during pregnancy.
In addition, bakvaginosis very often develops against the backdrop of chronic infections – hidden and flowing without symptoms: often combined with ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.
And also with viruses – cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus. Therefore, doctors persistently recommend that every woman twice a year visit a doctor and take a general smear.
History without repetition
It is the smear that is the main method of diagnosis: the presence of so-called key cells in the smear gives grounds for diagnosing. Additional methods are necessary in case the doctor suspected of having other infections, and also if the vaccine recurs: he is treated quickly and successfully today, but the relapse says that it is necessary to look for the cause deeper.
After the doctor prescribes treatment (usually preparations of the metronidazole group), it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, for this, as the gynecologists tell, they appoint a complex treatment: local – candles, and with food – probiotics, to restore the microflora of the intestine: “A woman all the mucous interconnected – the intestine, urethra, the vagina, so it is necessary to prevent the “upper floors” of digestion, to adjust digestion, “insists Oksana Sergeeva.
Of the general means of prevention, doctors recommend not persist in hygiene and douching syringings and protect the microflora, and also stop wearing synthetic thongs. Their creators, many gynecologists still consider the enemy of women.
Take care of yourself!