Because the environment is suffering, that’s why. Despite how rapidly the sector is growing (2million tonnes of electronic waste is discarded each year in the UK alone), 80% of the stuff isn’t recycled and ends up in landfill.
And don’t go thinking we’re strictly talking TVs, phone and computers, either. Your beauty regime has a part to play too. Every time you treat yourself to a new pair of hair straighteners, what are you doing with your old ones? Tossing them in the bin, right?
Did you know that electrical waste is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world? And it makes sense. We’re working our way through electrical goods insanely quickly and, with new gadgets coming out every day, having things like laptops and phones fixed is fast becoming a thing of past. Why bother paying to get it fixed when you could just buy the latest model?
Well, it turns out that, just like the majority of the electrical items that end up in landfill, hair straighteners can be recycled if you know where to take them. Sadly though, due to insanely complex recycling rules, most of us don’t know where to take them. However, a new service is here to save the day and we are living for it.
In a bid to save 1. 5million straighteners from landfill, hair tool brand Cloud Nine have launched a super easy hair straightener recycling service for the lazy amongst us who don’t have the time or energy to research how to recycle them ourselves (guilty). The game-changing Iron Recycling Service allows you to recycle your hair straighteners for free, regardless of the brand or where you bought them.
If you’re as into this as we are, here’s all you need to do:
1. Visit cloudninehair. com/recycle and download a free pre-paid postage label.
2. Place your old straighteners in a secure package.
3. Drop off the package at your nearest post office, et voila!
With more heat than ever on the beauty industry to look after its eco-footprint (pun intended ofc), we are LIVING for this.