Kilograms of masks and creams, varnishes and gels are applied to the skin and hair of the townspeople. Sophisticated, they no longer believe in the promise of a miracle, they approach the issue of choosing cosmetics more pragmatically.
Professional cosmetics – this expression increasingly began to sound in commercials. To praise the means, it is not enough to say that it is “unique”, that it is “absolutely natural”, that the formula is “exclusive. ”Now the fact that the cream, mask, oil is used by professionals, acts on buyers, as a strainer on Ellochka cannibal.
The correspondent of SE has learned, what cosmetics actually is considered professional, who, what for and as it should use.
Professional cosmetic products give a lasting effect, but for their use you need patience
Salon at home
One of the distinguishing features of professional cosmetics is narrowly focused. The most common procedures with its use: bleaching, modeling, oxygen-stimulating, peeling, anti-cellulite, spa-programs, etc. Agree, not everyone will agree to peeling at home.
Such procedures are best left to cosmetologists, not to take away their bread – the consequences can be tragic. Another feature of professional creams is their narrow focus not so much in use as in the appointment. Let’s clarify: if the mass-market cosmetics is targeted at three, a maximum of four types of skin – for all and, in fact, for no one, then the directional means of such units by types – up to 22.
To understand yourself what is needed for you, not so easy: “There are no contraindications to use professional skin care products, but there are important conditions,” explains Ekaterina Lebedko, a beautician “Sante Aesthetik”. – Firstly, the funds should be selected by a specialist – a cosmetologist, who can accurately determine your skin type and the problem that needs to be solved.
Secondly, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations for use, otherwise you can achieve the opposite of the expected results – a decrease in skin immunity, strong allergies. ”
Myths and rules
What effect can you expect from professional cosmetics? According to Ekaterina Lebedko, the best way to use this product – in between procedures at a cosmetologist – is to strengthen and maintain the effect. But if even in the salon you are not a frequent visitor, with the help of properly selected cosmetics you can achieve not visible immediately, but serious skin changes – it is not aimed at a one-time external effect, but on a cumulative long-term effect. About professional cosmetics, there are two myths – it is terribly expensive and it is easy for her to harm. The cost of these funds is really high enough, it depends on the scientific base, which is put under the composition, but in comparison with luxury cosmetics, professional means, which, incidentally, can be bought in small portions from the so-called prof. volumes, are quite tolerable.
It is also believed that active cosmetics harm the skin. “If you do not use it every day, and how you were recommended – usually once or twice a week, to withstand exactly the time – without delaying, not experimenting with acids – then there will be no harm, and the benefits will be much more serious than when using mass-markets means “, – the cosmetician is assured.
Read the instructions The
same masks and hair balms from professional series are quite suitable for home use. But again there are several reasons why not all of them resort to it: “Such funds have a strong cumulative effect, but it is not as fast and visible as the products of the mass market, which, by the way, the action disappears as quickly as appears, “explains Alexander Tropin, leading methodologist at Plastek.
Professional hair masks are more expensive, but more economical – they are enough to use once a week. Another misconception of users is daily use and overdose, as a result of which a woman receives heavy dull hair and frustration at the facility. Once a week and most importantly – as many minutes as written in the instructions – and a good mask will reveal all its advantages.
As for mousses, foams, gels, varnishes, waxes, stylings for styling, Alexander Tropin does not recommend taking anything other than lacquers and very light sprays for styling: “Textiles with unprofessional application only overload the hair. ”
Tone of the day
Cosmetics professional can be used not only for care. Decorative means, especially with the increased popularity of such a profession as a stylist-make-up artist, are increasingly appearing at home on dressing tables. However, not all of them immediately and not all make a choice: “Decorative professional cosmetics are rarely chosen on their own,” says Maria Lipatnikova, a stylist and make-up artist.
Most often it begins to be painted after a make-up session, or on the recommendation of a stylist. ” According to Mary, with all the merits of these funds, the main problem in everyday use can be called inability to use it. For example, shadows for professional make-up usually require special feathering, the tone also needs to be able to be applied – often it is designed for shooting and working under strong electric light and the day at work may look inappropriate: “Often for make-up, make-up artists use a conventional, not specialized tone – it’s less noticeable and easier,” warns the stylist. It is rare to see in the hands of makeup artists mascara from the lines for professionals – manufacturers are resting on it – which, in general, it is clear – when make-up is often used extensively eyelashes, so that there is no special need for a spectacular carcass.
In general, the resume can be done this – professional decorative cosmetics more dense in texture, it more masked, corrects, more often its color palette is more vivid. The cost of such cosmetics is high enough and often even exceeds the price of luxury goods, which in turn are more suitable for everyday private use.
If you go back to cosmetics for care, then, according to all experts, the cost of professional funds is composed of a high concentration of active substances, quality and new developments. Their advantage is a longer effect, work with the problem, and not with symptoms. All this is attractive, but again – without the care and advice of makeup artists, beauticians to understand all this is not easy. But if there is a desire and time, then please – the effect is guaranteed by professionals.