January 14, 2025

Well… that’s actually kind of cool (25 Photos)

When training for surgery, some doctors apparently make bead patterns

This “chork” – chopsticks and a fork.

Well… that’s actually kind of cool (25 Photos)

Baby Groot stands in the front yard of a home in Cheshire, CT. The work was carved in Massachusetts by artist Ken Packie and then installed atop the trunk of a maple tree for the homeowner.

Bug trail in the dust at work

A bowl of real pearls.

“Guy kayaking at my school’s fountain today. ”

Different type of coffees explained.

“I was divebombed by a hawk that waited for me to attack back”

This cup is designed with 2 layers of glass with an empty space between them so that you don’t burn your fingers.

Just finished this plastic wrap. Check out the date!

This tree stump looks like a city skyline.

Stumbled across this impressive stack on rocks while hiking the greenbelt.

The ceiling of a shop in Hollywood is made of old film reels.

This layered sand picture in a bottle of a surfer and scenery.

The Seattle IKEA tracks Azeroth time.

The way the neck of the bottle disappears with portrait mode.

“Over the years the window in my wallet has scratched off pigments from my student ID so now my face is vaguely visible after removing the card. ”

Push dagger made out of melted pop cans.

Clam shells.

Sparking water spill.

Dog’s nose is recovering from a cat scratch.

This crosswalk was once a burial ground. Not particularly cool, but definitely interesting.

The colours of this pepper.

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