This drink has a pronounced disinfectant properties. It is often used for treatment of various wounds in living conditions. In addition, it has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. For medical purposes it is recommended to keep in the home medicine Cabinet a little vodka.
Vodka can be considered as antishock means, use it and reduce the pain.
Vodka is called alcoholic drink, the ethanol-water solution, which is colorless, noticeable smell and taste. In strength of this drink is different, in General, the percentage of the fortress ranges from 40 to 50%.
If you think that the composition of vodka contains only alcohol diluted with water, you are mistaken. In addition to the above two components in the drink there was a small amount of higher alcohols and fusel oils.
The calorie content of vodka is 235 kcal per 100 grams of product.
Composition and useful properties of vodka
Minerals that are major part of vodka – sodium, calcium, potassium.
Vodka does not contain any beneficial organisms, minerals, organic substances and proteins, but its use is by no means smaller.
Ethyl alcohol, which is the basis of this drink – is the only antidote when poisoning with methyl alcohol.
Vodka has the properties of reducing high levels of cholesterol in the blood. But that doesn’t mean you should abuse the drink, for medicinal purposes it is used in a day for no more than 30 grams. Contraindicated vodka in the use of drugs.
To use vodka, as opposed to natural wines, recommended only on holidays in small quantities.