December 6, 2024

Ureaplasmosis causes problems with conception and indicates the presence of more dangerous infections

Sexually transmitted infections are the eternal headache of doctors and an inexhaustible source of trouble for people living sexually. Today so much is said, for example, about chlamydia, that even those who never thought about “indecent diseases” know about this disease.

On the other hand, this gives the experts an excuse to warn women that they should be careful about other, less “popular” infections. Such, as, for example, hardly noticeable in the literal and figurative sense of ureaplasmosis.

Ureaplasmas are one of the varieties of bacteria, it is found in the vagina in more than 30% of healthy women. At one time a discussion was held among specialists about the danger of ureaplasma.

Invisible front

Today, basically this discussion is completed, and doctors agree that ureaplasmas (as well as related mycoplasma) living in the vagina, belong to the group of conditionally pathogenic microbes. This means that as long as they live peacefully in the host’s body and do not cause disease, they do not need to be treated.

It is quite another thing – when small cohabitants begin to feel so free, that they begin to actively breed, squeezing the useful flora of intimate places. Often this happens with reduced immunity, and then you can already talk about ureaplasmosis: a disease caused by innocuous intracellular residents.

Transmission of the infection occurs mainly through sexual contact, but there are such variants, when the bacteria got into the girl’s body even during childbirth, but for years did not show themselves.

Symptoms and

Attention Symptoms of ureoplasmosis occur about 3 weeks after infection. However, you probably will not find out about them: ureoplasmosis manifests itself with insignificant signs that do not bother the patients, and often they do not manifest at all.

If nothing disturbs you, then you are unlikely to decide to seek ureaplasma. The main alarm bell usually is the fact that the gynecologist repeatedly finds signs of an inflammatory disease. Then he, most likely, will send you to take tests. Irina Danilina, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Zdravitsa Medical Center, recommends that you pay special attention to the so-called dysuretic phenomena: frequent urge to urinate, unpleasant sensations, cuts and any discomfort.

These symptoms, similar to a small cystitis, women often stop using elementary herbs-uroseptics, as a result the disease hides again and does not manifest itself. As for men, they often do not show symptoms of the disease at all. The doctor recommends very carefully and to more abundant, than usual, secretions: especially if they appear,

Dangerous consequences

Despite the fact that ureaplasmosis is transmitted sexually, you do not have to go to a sexually transmitted disease. Natalia Latkina notes that a gynecologist can assess the condition of a woman as a whole (when finding a ureaplasmosis it is very important) and choose treatment with drugs if necessary. After all, the tactics of treatment depend on whether the woman plans a pregnancy in the near future. Ureaplasma can cause inflammation of any parts of the genitourinary system.

Chronic adhesive processes and problems with conception are a small part of the list of consequences characteristic of any untreated infection.

If the bacteria settle in the urinary tract, the patient may develop urethritis, cystitis, and if the infection is not cured in time, the kidneys may suffer.
For men it will be interesting to know that ureaplasmas can be fixed on spermatozoa and disturb their motor activity – which in turn will affect the spermogram indexes. It is worth considering those couples who are planning to replenish the family.

In general, pregnant women are afraid of ureaplasma. It is believed that the disease is most dangerous for them: ureaplasmas can cause spontaneous abortion and premature birth. Nevertheless, Natalia Latkina notes that gynecologists today have moved away from the tactics of obstetrical aggression in prescribing antibiotics for every finding of ureaplasmas – even antibiotic therapy is not always shown to pregnant women.

Find and neutralize

Detection of ureaplasma is not a diagnosis of the disease. To find a ureaplasma with the help of DNA-diagnostics (PCR) is very easy, but it can be single specimens. Gynecologists note that without a quantitative confirmation by bacterial culture, the doctor can not prescribe a treatment today. Therefore, expensive PCR is not always better and more indicative.

That’s what really is unpleasant – it’s a fact that ureaplasmosis rarely meets one. Usually, against the background of a decrease in immunity, other bacteria also flourish in the body, in particular, there are definitely pathogenic chlamydia, which should be treated in any case.

By itself ureaplasmosis, according to Irina Danilina, is treated quite easily, but the concomitant infections are not always.

In either case, the primary task for the doctor and patient is to restore the disturbed flora. And for this, some tablets will not be enough: during the treatment, help the body with a diet rich in vitamins, lactic products, avoid fatty, spicy, fried, smoked food, seasonings and ketchups, alcohol. And be sure to send to a urologist or a dermatovenerologist partner: because men, as doctors say, often do not have any symptoms of latent infection.

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