February 13, 2025

Unwanted pregnancy? There is an exit

The appearance of the long-awaited baby is always a small miracle and a great happiness for the parents. However, there are situations when such changes in life are considered undesirable – to the procedure of termination of pregnancy, each woman is suitable for their own reasons.

There are a number of medical indications for the procedure: when pregnancy can adversely affect a woman’s health or there is a high risk of a baby with pathological abnormalities. Other women are not ready to become mothers on social, moral or material circumstances. Specialists of the Institute of Contemporary Medicine “He Clinic Novosibirsk” do not set themselves the goal of edifying the reasons.

Their task is the most responsible and careful attitude to every woman,carrying out the procedure for abortion at the highest level, excluding the development of complications, carrying out a full range of measures aimed at preventing the termination of pregnancy. Every child has the right to be born in a desirable and favorable time.

One of the newest developments of modern medicine is the technique of drug abortion with the help of the drug “Mifegin” (“Mifepristone”).

This technique is used in early pregnancy (up to 6 weeks), when the fetal egg is still very small.

The technique is distinguished by its high efficiency, relative safety and ease of conduct – there is no intervention in the uterine cavity and the risk of infection. With the application of this method, pain in the abdomen is minor, usually they are similar to pain during menstruation. This gives a significant advantage to the drug interruption of unwanted pregnancy before surgery.

After such an interruption, a woman can quickly return to her usual life.

Another plus of this technique is the lack of infertility hazard.

Blocking of the receptors of progesterone is temporary and reversible. A woman can get pregnant already in the first menstrual cycle, so she needs to use contraceptives.

The pharmacological interruption of pregnancy using “Mifepristone” is safer than other types of abortion. The drug does not have long-term effects on the body and does not affect health. This method is recommended by the World Health Organization as a safe form of abortion. Moreover, interruption of pregnancy with the help of medicines practically does not have a negative effect on the immune system of young nulliparous girls.

Researches of scientists have shown that the non-surgical interruption of unwanted pregnancy is tolerated by the patients well, in addition, it secures the secret of its conduct (hospital sheet, stay in the hospital is not required).

Separately it is necessary to say about the psychological side of the question: medical abortion, in comparison with surgical, allows to remove fears of women connected with interference in flesh, anesthesia, dangers of postoperative complications. The drug abortion is tolerated more easily by the patients and is perceived as a natural process – profusely flowing menstruation. A woman can resume her intimate relationship with a partner 7-14 days after medical abortion, and not a month later, as in the case of a surgical abortion. Thus, the harm caused by abortion to the physical and mental health of a woman can be minimized using a medical method of abortion.

Doctors and gynecologists of the International Medical Center “He Clinic Novosibirsk” for more than 3 years have been helping women in difficult times, preserving their health.

Great attention in the clinic is given to explaining the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy. After all, no matter how high the professionalism of the doctor and the manufacturability of equipment, abortion is always a certain portion of the risk.

But you can always be sure that you will be surrounded by the attention and care of the staff, who will do everything possible to maintain the safety principle and the effectiveness of the procedure.

The reception is conducted by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a doctor of the highest category.

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