Once upon a time, female frigidity was considered a rule rather than an exception. But for a long time already the banner of the female orgasm – and its inexhaustible search – proudly boils over not only the demonstrations of feminists; this is the subject of numerous studies, marital conversations and simple jokes.
Women who previously considered orgasm a rare gift of nature and humbly treated its absence, now require it as their legal right, go to specialists and raise intimate muscles with weights and crystal balls.
These tricks also promise the prevention of gynecological diseases and the tightening of the gluteus muscles. Intim-fitness is gaining momentum – than it is useful and what dangers are hidden in itself excessive training of intimate muscles, the correspondent of SHE explained.
Reference:Imbilding (vumbilding, intim-fitness, intimate gymnastics) is a training technique for the development and restoration of female intimate muscles with the purpose of acquiring the skills of owning them in sex, during childbirth, and also for the prevention of female diseases. The basics were developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the 40s of the 20th century for the treatment of women with incontinence.
In training for imbuilding, women learn to cut certain vaginal muscles by moving them placed inside special training equipment (a wooden egg, “jade balls”). These exercises are resorted to either for medical reasons – with urinary incontinence, for recovery after childbirth, with uterine lowering, to prepare for childbirth (the muscles that are needed for labor are strengthened), or under the impression of numerous stories about the unprecedented heights achieved by training in the sexual field – and in the eyes of the partner, and in terms of their own pleasure.
In Novosibirsk, Tatyana Kozhevnikova, the most famous instructor in intimate gymnastics, is the author of a patented training in women’s intimate gymnastics and the only woman in the world who lifted 14 kilograms of intimate muscles (2003). Classes in the group (8-15 people) are held by Ms. Kozhevnikova twice a week for an hour and cost 3000 rubles a month. Also, training on imbuilding is carried out by some psychological centers. In the center of the Formula for Success, for example, a course of 8 lessons (held once a week for an hour) costs 4500 rubles, in a group of 5-6 people. Yuri Kornev’s method is used there, which the director of the psychological center “Formula of Success” Alena Kuzmina praises for thoughtfulness, and “smart simulators”.
Contraindications to the employment of imbildingom – fibroids and other formations, especially growing, inflammatory processes, temperature, cold. The postoperative operation or delivery requires 2-3 months of recovery before the beginning of the session.
The results of training depend on the readings. Tatiana Kozhevnikova argues that when urinary incontinence in women, the need to wear diapers can disappear after 12 sessions. But most of the audience comes for other effects. First, with intimate fitness, according to the assurances of his followers, those muscles of the buttocks that do not participate in normal training are pulled up. “Without the muscles of the perineum, the buttocks are not tightened – as it is written in anatomy,” Kozhevnikov’s verdict endures. “Unfortunately, in the fitness format this is not taught, so they practically do not have results: people go, and how the priest hung, and hangs. ”Secondly, Kegel also noticed that, with regular training, his patients began to experience bright orgasms, even if they had not experienced them before.
“If a woman had not experienced an orgasm earlier and set herself the goal to achieve this, then by regular exercise – every day for 15 minutes – they achieve excellent results: both men are delighted and women themselves,” says sexist Lyubov Nesterova.
Many women, embarrassed to go to classes, prefer to download exercises from the Internet or buy a disc. But the instructors say that, like with any work with the muscles, you need control, even if you master the basics. “The problem is that women do not feel their intimate muscles, therefore, doing exercises downloaded from the Internet, they pump up unknown, which is unknown,” explains Alena Kuzmina. – Anyone involved in any fitness or exercise equipment, I understand: sometimes you do – it’s kind of easy, but the instructor comes up, slightly adjusts your leg – and immediately it’s hard, and it’s clear that you did not pump those muscles. ”
Never having experienced orgasm, Marina (36 years old) was initially involved in books, and in January she attended Tatiana Kozhevnikova’s training. “I came to the seminar and found out that I had done many exercises before,” Marina shares her impressions. – After classes sensitivity develops, all parts of the vagina are used. It’s like a violinist: until his violin tunes, he can not play. Thanks to Tatiana, I was able to feel this (orgasm – ZK) for the first time. ”
As for constraint, the simulators before the occupation are introduced in the locker room or toilet, and not publicly. In Tatyana Kozhevnikova classes are held in special pants with slits, in the “Formula of success” – in skirts. However, in addition to hampering women, one more thing is even more embarrassing: another thing is quite scary to penetrate into such intimate spheres, as if there is something unnecessary and harmful to not train.
Doctors really treat the vaginal foci ambiguously: if Kegel’s gynecologists recommend the patient often, then work with the goods are cautious.
“We are not advocates of such radical interventions with weights. Meaning in terms of health in this, no, – says Elena Loginova, gynecologist of the medical center “Avicenna”. “This stress can lead to stagnation in the pelvic organs, which can give a chronic pelvic pain syndrome – and gynecologists begin to wonder what is happening: like there is no inflammation, and organic – and the woman suffers. ”In any case, the fact that Kegel exercises are useful, all converge. But to proceed to work with cargoes, you must carefully and with caution, listening not only to the coach, but also to the recommendations and warnings of the gynecologist.