February 13, 2025

Today is a holiday for girls

“Be silent, woman, your day – March 8! ” Recently, the first spring holiday is said exactly in this vein: with irony that confirms the idea of ​​skeptics that this is not a holiday for a long time, but the only chance for our women to receive a bouquet colors.

Nevertheless, there are those who sincerely congratulate the girls on this day and are really trying to come up with an original gift. After all, there are so few holidays and so many skeptics in our life.

And while the latter did not win and inevitably the International Women’s Day is approaching, the correspondent of SE found out what the famous women of our city think about this holiday.

Irina Kamynina, actress of the Globe Theater:

March 8 is the only day of the year when a woman is gifted simply because she is a woman. Well, how can you not love such a holiday? Even if I do not plan any solemn celebrations on this day, a special mood is present and felt literally in everything. Fortunately, usually I am not deprived of attention on this day, I receive congratulations and, of course, flowers. I love them very much, because today it is not only an amazing universal way to express a whole range of feelings to another person, this is a whole work of art. Flowers evoke emotions, create an atmosphere, so this holiday I always have a great mood. The only thing that can cause internal dissonance this day is gifts from women. I do not understand when women congratulate women on March 8, and I do not do it myself.

Elena Shestak, regional director for Siberia and the Far East of the international recruiting company Kelly Services:

I love absolutely all the holidays and I think that you can and should not only celebrate them on the calendar, but also arrange for yourself and your relatives just like that. I do not think that we should not recognize any holiday because it has outlived itself or came to us from the West. It’s a great opportunity to rejoice and make others happy. Therefore, I usually congratulate all women around 8 March – relatives, friends, colleagues and, of course, clients.

And for me the process of congratulation, choice and presentation of a gift is not less, and sometimes even more pleasant, than getting something back. And gifts can be very different: it is important with what mood a person chooses and gives this gift, even the way and time of delivery can play a role. For example, when you receive congratulations, pleasant words and flowers right from the morning, the mood rises and remains all day. And if it is spring flowers – tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, then the mood all the day long will be spring, bright and sunny.

Lena Berezina, presenter of the morning broadcast of Radio Unison:

From the very childhood for me, this holiday is one of the most anticipated and special. We had three women in the family (mother, sister and me) and one man – father. Therefore, of course, before March 8, he had a hard time – you need to think up what to give to all of us, and most importantly – where to get these gifts. Nevertheless, my father always came out of the situation with brilliance and gave me some unexpected and very pleasant gifts. Impressions of this day have always been the brightest, so remain so far. Therefore, I will definitely congratulate all the girls in my environment with this holiday, I give them gifts. I try to choose something original – such that I myself would like to receive. When we meet with friends, and they unwrap gifts from me, I often think that it would be nice to give yourself such a gift. And for this, there is absolutely no need for an excuse.

Natalia Grel, co-owner of the model agency Elite Stars:

For our agency, March 8 is a real holiday, which we always look forward to with special impatience. Many of our models work abroad, where this holiday is not celebrated as it is in Russia. For them to receive congratulations on this day is especially pleasant, it is such a part of the house, which they all are waiting for. For models on March 8 – a hot working season, but nevertheless, all the girls are trying to somehow celebrate this day.

Although traditional on this day are considered flowers, I do not like to receive them. I love flowers myself, but the cut bouquets wither so quickly, and every time I am terribly sorry that the gift practically “dies” in my hands. Gifts on March 8 should, in my opinion, perform some kind of female tricks, but not so feminine as pans, pans and the like. It should be beautiful things, donated with love. I am absolutely sure of this, because the best, special gifts that day I received from my husband.

Lyudmila Yurganova, a psychotherapist at the Insight Clinic:

I try to use every opportunity to get pleasant, joyful emotions, that’s why I really love this holiday and always wait for it. I especially like to choose gifts for my patients, because by virtue of our relationship, I often know about them much more than their loved ones, and I can choose something individual, with meaning. They in return give me some cute little things and, surprisingly, always guess my desires and mood. These are souvenirs, postcards and even poems of your own work, always something special. One client, as a sign that our therapy gives results, gives me green apples every time she manages to cope with some problem.

I do not think a woman is easier than a man to come up with a gift for another woman. Men do an excellent job, it’s just that not all of them know how to get pleasure from it, and in fact each of us has a child, and as little girls, we really like getting attention and gifts.

Natalia Ivleva, founder and director of the fitness club “5 elements”:

Despite the fact that on March 8 for me let incomplete, but a working day, I certainly consider it a holiday. A real, full-fledged holiday, no less significant than others. At work, I am mostly surrounded by women, colleagues and clients. Therefore, there are a lot of congratulations – and to do and to receive. We always congratulate our visitors, give champagne and in the evening after training we arrange a small performance of our instructors: oriental dances, capoeros, belly dancing. We give out invitations in advance, so that everyone could come. Usually there is a full house in the hall. This gift is original, beautiful and also incendiary: at the end of the performance many guests join the dancers.

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