Persistent nature and endurance are useful in life quite often. Unfortunately, these qualities have to be applied not only at the annual meeting, but also in the doctor’s office. If you had to endlessly get treated in a gynecologist’s office, you quite understand what it’s about.
What sexual infections are more difficult than others to treat, why it happens and in which cases you need not worry, the correspondent of SHE explained.
To date, doctors (and behind them and the ladies on the forums and in the comments) most often distinguish three infections, which have to be treated longer than others. These are trichomoniasis, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. Let’s take a closer look at each of them in order to understand why the rating looks exactly like that.
1. Trichomoniasis
The most common sexually transmitted disease (according to WHO statistics, every tenth inhabitant of the planet is sick). The causative agent is Vaginal Trichomonas vaginalis, the simplest single-celled parasite. The disease is transmitted sexually in 90% of cases. The risk group is all sexually active people.
Symptoms:In the acute stage, trichomoniasis is characterized by severe itching, swelling of the mucous membranes. The discharge is yellowish-greenish, foamy and abundant. But this is a classic, in reality, often the symptoms are smoothed out, complaints are fast, and the patient loses vigilance.
Than dangerous:Trichomonads provoke an ascending inflammatory process in the genital organs (and this is fraught with spikes). In addition, these parasites are very voracious: they “absorb” (phagocytize) any bacterial “trifle” (for example, chlamydia), thus serving harmful bacteria as a convenient bus – as soon as Trichomonas dies, its “fellow travelers” go to freedom and begin their active activities.
How to identify:The main method of diagnosis – bak-sowing, but without preparation, it can show nothing. Fence analysis for trichomonads requires provocation (thermal, food or physical appliances) and the right time: for women – the period immediately after the menstrual period.
Difficulty of treatment. Ironically, doctors would very much like to see patients with trichomoniasis in the acute stage – it is treated quite quickly. But, as accentuated attention by the department of reproductive health of the center “Zdravitsa” Natalia Latkina, having moved to a chronic existence, Trichomonas establish such relations with the genitals and mucous host that he can never even know about his illness.
It is possible to not treat? With regard to trichomoniasis from the academic stands today, this position is increasingly heard (it was told by Natalya Latkina): the endless treatment of chronic trichomoniasis can do more harm than good.
The drugs for treating this infection are very aggressive for the liver, so if the trichomoniasis in a chronic patient does not provoke inflammation, then it can be left alone.
Women before pregnancy will have to subscribe, but if there is no inflammation, to postpone pregnancy does not make sense – after all, you can wait for full recovery for years.
2. Chlamydia
Infectious disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis – cunning small organisms. They live inside a living cell, like viruses, and are similar in structure to bacteria.
Symptoms:Acute clamidiosis doctors see extremely rarely. This – leucorrhoea, reddening of mucous membranes, resists, pain, including with urination. As a result, patients confuse him with thrush or cystitis and safely forget. There are no symptoms in the chronicle.
Than dangerous:Causes inflammatory changes in the urogenital tract. It leads to infertility, adhesive process, chronic diseases of the pelvic organs.
How to identify:PCR (scraping) – the main method, ELISA (blood test for antibodies to the pathogen) is ancillary, it often helps the doctor to track the body’s response to treatment (how the titles change).
Difficulty of treatment. The parasite sits inside the cells, and to get it from there, you need a long course of a potent antibiotic that will ensure a high concentration of the drug inside the cells. Many patients do not maintain all the requirements of the course. As Irina Fornel, a obstetrician and gynecologist at the Dune clinic, told the infection, the causative agent of the infection often mutates due to self-medication, incompetent treatment (when both partners are not treated together), because of this, the effectiveness of the following therapy is reduced.
It is possible to not treat? You can not. Chlamydia is an absolute pathogen, dangerous by the development of infertility and even, perhaps, cancer of the cervix. If you take the will in a fist, take hours to take pills (while not drinking them than you have and not to combine with alcohol and other incompatibilities), you can be cured. The second point: send a man to the doctor. Most cases of re-infection are reinfection from a partner.
3. Ureaplasmosis / mycoplasmosis
Microbes Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis are considered conditional pathogens: they have a right to exist in the genitourinary tract, but they should not be in charge there. “The question is how much the relationship between the host parasite is violated and is the basis for the diagnosis. If there is an inflammatory process and microbes are sown in high titres, antibiotic therapy should be prescribed, “explains Natalya Latkina.
Symptoms:Inflammatory process, swelling of mucous membranes, discomfort and leucorrhoea. Frequent cystitis and dysuria (pain when urinating).
Than it is dangerous:At women the not treated ureaplasmosis provokes an inflammation, solderings in fallopian tubes, there is a risk not to bear pregnancy.
How to find out:The PCR method allows to detect the presence of microorganisms, but the most important analysis is bakosev, where the amount of CFU / ml (the number of colony forming units per unit volume) will be indicated. Usually, treatment is started if the figure exceeds 10,000 cfu / ml.
Difficulty of treatment. The difficulty is that the disease often recurs: the colonies of ureaplasma or mycoplasma easily reproduce after they have all been killed by antibiotics, and the treatment cycle begins anew.
It is possible to not treat? It is possible, if there is no inflammation, and the number of bacteria for a long time keeps “on the brink” and does not want to decrease.
“Sometimes there are cases when a particular pathogen so” loved “the owner, that we are forced to only control: is there inflammation.
If it is not there and nothing bothers you, you need to restore local microflora so that it will fight, “Natalya Latkina admits. Exception: if in the analyzes we found a special subtype of the microbe – Mycoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma genital). Not so long ago it was recognized as an unconditional pathogen, and it must be completely destroyed, as well as chlamydia.
No matter how your relationship with this or that infection has developed, if it happened that you and your husband are being treated together, and immunity is weakened and does not want to fight the sore, the most important thing (and this is even noted by doctors) is not to get hung up on the problem. Stopping constantly thinking about the bad, people get rid of many diseases, and not only from infections.