We all know that your eyebrows can make or break a makeup look (or a career – we’re looking at you, Cara! )
Done well, they can enhance and lift, add shape and pump up the drama. But if they’re over-plucked, badly filled or shakily-stencilled, they can turn heads for all the wrong reasons.
We know what you’re thinking, if only there was a way to magically grow more brow hairs without having to fork out for a full-on transplant! WELL, one Japanese brand has given it a red hot go with a product called: Reallyyy? Eyebrow Extension.
The product is packaged similarly to Benefit’s Ka-Brow! , but instead of a pomade being found inside the pot, a gel-like substance filled with large fibres that look like ‘hairs’ can be found.
We first spotted it on Vogue Korea’s Instagram, where it looked pretty promising…
But since then, many Youtuber’s have tried their luck with the glue-on brows and haven’t quite had the same effect…
If you have a steady hand and a hell of a lot of patience, this could be exactly what you’re looking for.
But for now we’ll be sticking to our top picks of precise pencils, gels, and pomades…
Looking for more tips? Check out our handy guide on how to boost your eyebrows at home, how to thread your eyebrows, tinting your eyebrows and trying microblading.