January 14, 2025

The use of chewing gum not only does not give fresh breath, but can also cause disease

The role of smells in our lives is difficult to overestimate. Many sympathies and antipathies arise unconsciously, under their influence. Smell from the mouth spoils a person’s life is very tangible.

Everyone faced this problem, and even in constant trouble it does not turn out to be very rare. How to deal with the scourge and prevent unpleasant symptoms, the correspondent of SE explained.

The problem of bad smell from the mouth is most often the problem of others, because a person is very often adapted to his own smell. It is also tied to the psychological characteristics of a person: one is nervous after eating an acute salad, the other will never notice such a trifle as his own stale breath, because this is a “stereotype imposed by society. ”

If you do not belong to either of them, if you suspect smell, perform a simple manipulation: floss the interdental spaces, and after a minute, when the thread dries, evaluate the odor.

The use of chewing gum not only does not give fresh breath, but can also cause disease

Where does it come from?

An unpleasant smell of exhaled air is attached to volatile sulfur compounds, formed during the breakdown of proteins. “Any smell gives a microflora, especially anaerobic, when it multiplies without the presence of air,” says the doctor-periodontist of the clinic “Shine on Sovetskaya, 64” Natalia Zotova.

Often the reasons lie in dental problems – for example, untreated teeth, inside which there is a breakdown of hard tissues. Such a tooth may not even be ill for the time being, so the advice to visit a doctor twice a year is not at all unfounded. Plaque and food remnants with insufficient hygiene accumulate between the teeth and at their base. The inflammation of the gum begins, eventually a dentogingival pocket appears where the microbial background actively develops. All this is accompanied by a smell. Wrong restorations, crowns also provoke inflammation.

If the teeth are whole and smooth, regular cleansing, and the smell still torments, then you need to be checked for other diseases.

Inflammation of the tonsils and pathological processes in the nasopharynx are a source of pathogenic microflora that causes odor.

“Chronic tonsillitis affects almost 70 percent of people, but not everyone has a smell. Sometimes the presence of an odor is an indication for the operation, “says the head of the Otolaryngology Department of the Road Clinical Hospital, Ph. D. Igor Pantyukhin.

If the ear and throat and nose are in order, then your path lies with the gastroenterologist. According to the head of the gastroenterology department of the Road Clinical Hospital Tamara Kopychko, the cause of the unpleasant odor may be a decreased acidity of the gastric juice: the food is not digested properly and begins to ferment. Very often there is a so-called reflux disease: with weakness of the lower part of the stomach, the bile is injected back into the stomach and (or) the gastric contents are thrown into the esophagus. Usually it is accompanied by heartburn and worries the patient. Symptoms are aggravated by dyskinesia of bile ducts – then often the smell in the mornings worries. The emergence of a persistent unpleasant odor can be associated with metabolic disorders and somatic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, lung diseases.

The use of chewing gum not only does not give fresh breath, but can also cause disease

What to do if you are determined to get rid of an annoying smell?

First, brush your teeth properly. Dentists literally sound the alarm: home hygiene of many is unsatisfactory, so today, for better self-control, you can use the means that color the remaining plaque (such hygienists use at receptions). People who are predisposed to the formation of tartar (specific metabolism) and gum disease, you need to get used to the fact that it is necessary to carry out professional tooth cleaning twice a year.

Secondly, buy yourself a brush or a special scraper for cleaning your tongue. This is not a newfangled trend, but a proven need: studies have revealed that smell from the mouth often causes a special kind of bacteria living on the root of the tongue. He even gave the name – halitosis.

If in the mornings you find a grayish coating on the tongue, do not be too lazy and clean it. At the same time, think about the reasons that could cause increased exposure: any microflora develops when general or local immunity is weakened.

Anaerobic bacteria that cause odor die when interacting with oxygen, so toothpastes and rinses that release free oxygen (for example, containing hydrogen peroxide bleaching pastes) can be used. With reduced secretion of saliva, natural cleaning of the oral cavity is broken, ideal conditions for colonization of microorganisms are created, which reduces local immunity, and the oral cavity does not freshen. In these cases, chewing gum and lollipops help: they do not themselves give a chilling freshness to the breath, but they will help when the mouth is dry or after eating to eliminate the remnants of food.

According to the director of the Clinic for Aesthetic Dentistry of the dentist Tatyana Laskova, the overexpenditure of saliva released during chewing can provoke the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Abundant saliva signals the body of food. If the body does not receive it, gastric juice can not be used, and this can lead to gastritis. Knowingly dentists advise to use chewing gum, but only after eating, and do not chew it for longer than 10-15 minutes.

Proper nutrition – a pledge of mutual understanding

In the prevention of stale breath, food takes an important place.

There are several rules to remember:

1. There are often and gradually. It prevents the stagnation of bile, causing bitterness and bad breath.

2. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates that contribute to dental plaque. Also – alcohol and acute, irritating stomach and causing heartburn.
3. To use a sufficient amount of fiber and dietary fibers of greenery and vegetables: they allow you to cleanse the intestines and avoid the formation of toxins that cause putrefactive odor.
4. More often there are raw apples. They freshen breath and improve digestion. Very useful celery and parsley: they help to get rid of even the garlic ambre.

The use of chewing gum not only does not give fresh breath, but can also cause disease

Infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, mint, St. John’s wort) suppress fermentation processes. They can also rinse your mouth – to prevent problems with the gums. The leader in the struggle for fresh breath is peppermint: mint candies in the restaurant lie not just so – they improve digestion.

And remember: an unpleasant smell always has a cause, and it must be identified. Unfortunately, many physical disorders we begin to treat only when we notice external manifestations, in this case – the smell. And this is usually the last signal of the body.

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