The statement that pregnancy paints a woman is no less controversial than that scars decorate a man. Maybe it’s a very successful pregnancy? Or about very small scars?
One can say with certainty only one thing: in either case, there is a special relationship to a person with a scar or abdomen. What happens to female beauty during pregnancy and how this aspect is estimated by men, SHE learned.
Everything has changed
“I seem to be a behemoth. Tell me honestly, am I very fat? “- the girlfriend asked without interruption during pregnancy. Most of all I got my husband – he had to explain several times a day that he did not care about swelling or stretching.
“Just look at her,” she poked a finger in the photo of Angelina Jolie, who obviously did not suffer from age spots. Looking at pregnant Hollywood stars, it seems that they do not gain a gram of excess weight and do not suspect about toxicosis. Women at the gynecologist’s office do not always look like Angelina Jolie, and some suffer about this, forgetting that they did not look like her before pregnancy.
“A pregnant woman in her own way is beautiful, she has a spirituality in her face. But, of course, there are changes related to hormonal reorganization. It becomes a little swollen, pigmentation spots appear, of course, it adds weight (up to 12 kg normally), sometimes there are acne on the face, hair begins to fall out, –
says Alla Dudareva, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic of Professor Pasman. “It would be rude to say that she is becoming dumb, but, probably, there is some truth in this. ”It is worth noting that some unpleasant changes will help to eliminate the treating doctor, but first you need to conduct a survey of the thyroid gland.
According to Ms. Dudareva, pregnancy rarely decorates. The exception is women with body weight deficiency: “If she was very thin, then she will certainly bloom – she will gain weight, she will have a chest, hips. ”
What does it depend on?
In theory, women should already get used to periodic changes in their body – if you recall the age of transition, girls have much more difficult than boys. “The first changes in the body in women occur in adolescence, and many react to them very painfully: they actively monitor their nutrition, they are engaged in fitness – just to keep the body longer almost asexual so that the breast does not appear so that the thighs are narrower so that the fat was not postponed, “says Tatyana Skritskaya, a psychologist at the Perinatal Center.
According to her, these girls are sensitive to the appearance of varicose veins, stretch marks and other troubles accompanying pregnancy. The way in which pregnancy will take place and what changes your body will undergo depends on many factors – first of all, on the general state of health. Nevertheless, the inner mood has its influence. “A woman should be good during pregnancy, a positive state is the norm. If hormones of joy and pleasure are allocated, then it looks good, “says perinatal psychologist Anna Dodonova.
Watch Yourself
Often pregnant women are reinsured, refusing cosmetics and other manifestations of caring for the beauty of the outside. If in the refusal of dyeing the hair the logic is traced, then the reluctance to go for a haircut for nine months is perplexing. Numerous prejudices and signs, inherited from grandmothers, are still alive and have their faithful followers. “It happens that by coincidence of circumstances the sign is confirmed – for example, a woman went to the hairdresser, and troubles began – so coincided. Perhaps, because of such coincidences, the suspiciousness rises, and many lead a way of life connected with restrictions, “explains Tatiana Skritskaya.
“Pregnant women are simply not interested – they do not need to be prettily dressed up, the man has already been attracted, the child has been brought in”, Anna Dodonova expresses her point of view.
So shifting priorities and switching from the waist to the height of the tummy is quite natural and normal.
But excessive feelings about the hair and face color during pregnancy are not so harmless, some experts say. “This is a negative for the state of pregnancy, a negative for the child, paradoxical as it may sound,” Igor Poperechny, director of the Center for Medical Sexology and Psychotherapy, categorically states. – The child changes it, and she does not want to accept it. When a child is born, when he is projected, a woman should forget about everything and devote herself only to her child. ”
The most attractive
When asked whether a woman will remain as attractive to a man after she becomes pregnant, there is no unequivocal answer – it depends on each future parent individually and on the relationship between them. “This is the most beautiful, most sexual condition in a woman,” Igor Poperechny admits. – A man always feels some mystery inside a woman and tries to know her. And here this mystery is already evident. But the most important thing is that a pregnant woman in the overwhelming majority is a calm, self-assured creature, she just rejoices herself. Always want to be next to a confident person. ”
Problems may arise, rather, not from the fact that a pregnant woman seems to be ugly to a man, but from the fact that he is simply afraid to touch it. According to Anna Dodonova, such fear is associated either with the perinatal problems of the man himself (it was hard to conceive and was born), or with parental attitudes.
If throughout life mother in detail told him, in what agony she gave birth to him, it is not surprising if the pregnancy of the wife will cause the desire to step back and wait.
There is one more thing that strains the men. When a woman instead of caressing her husband, strokes her belly and purrs him (belly) song, it can cause protest behavior and resentment. “A pregnant woman gradually falls into a child’s condition and is waiting for support from a man,” says Anna Dodonova. – Previously, in traditional cultures, this support came from the mother, from other women. And now we live in pairs, and, accordingly, the entire emotional burden falls on the man. “