Pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for every woman, and for her figure especially. The feelings of a woman who is born are very mixed – from the joy of the long-awaited child to the chagrin of the changes that have happened to the body.
And the list of claims to the figure is fairly standard. What should a young mother do to feel positively not only internally, but also looking at her reflection in the mirror, the correspondent of SE explained.
The main problem of a recently given woman is excess weight. Of course, there are lucky ones who soon after the birth of the child return to their beloved narrow jeans, but such are always a minority. Most suffer, and quite severely. Doctor-endocrinologist of the clinic “Catharsis” Andrei Shishigin identifies three causes of excess weight after childbirth. The first is the situation when the future mother eats “for two. ”
Heavy weight
The second is fluid retention due to edema. And finally the hormonal changes that occur during the period of gestation. Excessive fat deposition on the abdomen and hips serves to protect the baby.
Physiological is considered an increase in weight not more than 10 kg – then a woman will be able to return the former size without problems. Unfortunately, often this figure is greater, and it is very difficult to return to the initial state. If after the birth your weight not only does not decrease, but also rises – means, there were metabolic disturbances (neuro-endocrine syndrome), and this is fraught not only with excess weight, but also with other troubles. Therefore, if by the half-year after the birth the weight has not decreased, you need to contact the endocrinologist.
Bread and milk
Experts recommend losing weight after childbirth, adhering to several rules:
1. Do not increase the caloric intake even during the period of feeding the baby. The last meal, as before pregnancy, should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. It was in the days of our grandmothers, when a woman worked a lot physically, it was believed that it was possible to provide a baby with high-quality food only with the help of a plentiful meal. Today this advice is irrelevant – an increase in the daily diet, if possible, is no more than 500 kcal. In addition, as explained by Andrei Shishigin, the development of milk is controlled by the hormone prolactin, and his education with food is not directly related.
2. Do not rush with losing weight. The body accumulated reserves for nine months, sudden weight loss can harm both mother and child:
“Lose weight quickly non-physiological: fat accumulates toxins, and when they lose weight, they enter milk, which causes allergy in children.
I observe this often enough, “commented Anna Dodonova, obstetrician-gynecologist, psychotherapist, director of the center for the preparation for childbirth” Pearl “.
3. Rationalize nutrition. As it is boring, but proper nutrition is the first guarantee of the restoration of form. If you get out of hand (and thighs) evening dumplings before the pregnancy, then more such a number will not work. A changed hormonal background often requires a revision of the way of life. A young mother needs to drink a lot of fluids (up to three liters), especially herbal and dried fruit broths. It is necessary to remove from the diet products containing many preservatives, to prohibit smoked products, salinity and spicy dishes. However, spicy herbs, on the contrary, are very useful, including for the production of milk.
4. Monitor appetite. To do this, you need to eat often and in small quantities. However, snacks should also be correct: for example, nuts are useful, but if they are glasses, you can regret it soon. In addition, according to Anna Dodonova, excessive appetite is almost always a sign of increased anxiety and postpartum depression – in this case, you need to turn to a psychologist, and not eat much, arguing that this is an imaginary benefit for the baby.
5. Do not go on a diet. Agree, appetite control and diet are a few different things, and food restrictions that do not relate to a balanced diet can easily deprive you of milk.
6. Breastfeeding. It is for the feeding of the body and accumulated fats during pregnancy, so now, giving them, it grows thin easily and naturally.
Dancing with an infant
Physical activity, even with a child in his arms, is a pledge of effective weight loss. The first two weeks or a month after birth should be calm – the body is restored. By the beginning of the second month (if the birth was uncomplicated), you can start to swing the press. And the outputs with a stroller turn into active and long walking tours – this is the most accessible and useful kind of activity. After three months, you can go back to the gym and choose the training by force. But by and large “gym” for the woman during this period moves home.
Anna Dodonova notes that after giving birth, the most important thing is to restore the muscles of the pelvic floor and return the organs to their position, in addition, strengthen the press, the back and stretch the ligaments of the spine.
Such should be the primary tasks, and the return of the swan grace will take a little later.
For the chest:
• “Seagull”. Hands raise your palms forward, slightly bending them at the elbows. We spread our hands to the sides and maximally we bring the shoulder blades from behind.
• Push-ups from the wall.
For lifting the load and back pain:
• Stretching while standing. Hands up – leg up, take a breath. On exhalation, we drag ourselves up and then drop our hands.
• Sit with your back straight, take a breath. On exhalation we lean forward and stretch our chest.
• Twisting. We put the knees in one direction, the heels are closer to the buttocks. Hands in the other direction – gently curl in the place where it is more pleasant.
To strengthen the press, thighs, waist and pelvic floor muscles:
• “Kitty”. On all fours, bend your back serially in both directions. “Get through” through an imaginary fence and come back.
• Standing on all fours, lift up a straight leg, performing several lifts. Important: do not move like in fitness, sharply and actively, on the contrary – slowly and smoothly.
• Lying on the back. The legs are bent at the knees, the heels at the distance of the palm of the buttocks, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Raise the pelvis maximally up, the neck is free. Slowly sink.
• “Fish”. Lying on my stomach, we lift our arms and legs together – back and waist.
As you can see, the exercises are very simple. But they need to be performed every day, choosing several and repeating each from five times, gradually bringing the number of repetitions to 10-15.
The period after childbirth is a great time to start a new life in all senses. Therefore, it is quite logical to acquire new habits – for a new form.