September 11, 2024

The most popular models of shoes can be dangerous to your health

The summer season in shoe stores came before the calendar: exhausted by winter cold girls actively buy up summer collections even before the arrival of true heat.

Shoes should be picked up wisely, but in the euphoria of choice, many forget that it is useful for the feet. The correspondent of SHE found out what the most popular models of summer shoes could be dangerous for and what one should pay attention to when choosing it.


Heels do not give up their positions either in the frost or in the heat. “Most women from 16 to 35 years old choose shoes with heels, this is a classic high heel, and newfangled carved and cone heels,” – confirmed the leading consultant of the store “Rossita” Oksana Veselkina.

Problem:A high heel moves the center of gravity forward, and the muscles are forced to overexert to stop the “falling forward”, especially the calf and lumbar muscles are affected: they “buzz” and “whine. ”In addition, the heel is an important factor in the development of flat feet: “The load falls on the area of ​​the metatarsal, this provokes the growth of the” cone “in the joint region. The first finger compensates outwardly, “- the traumatologist-orthopedist of the clinic” Avicenna “Andrei Gerasenko recalls how a beautiful woman’s leg can turn into a deformed foot, requiring surgery.

Heels also provoke the development of varicose veins: the load leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, a violation of its outflow and provokes varicose protrusion of the vessel wall.

What to do:Heels can not be worn for people with diseases of the ankle, knee, hip joints, with diseases of the spine. All the rest – have a “change” and do not wear a high heel for more than 2 hours. And also to remember: life is facilitated by special orthopedic correctors-liners for model shoes (they are not visible even in open shoes).

Tank and platform

If you want to be taller, but the height of the heel is limited, a good choice is a wedge or platform. They allow you to “cut” the height of the heel by a couple of centimeters and feel more comfortable.

Problem:The platform reduces the footing area, thereby dramatically increasing the risk of falling, twisting the leg and tearing the ligament. Especially often this problem occurs in people with weak ligaments.

What to do:Choose a low wedge of elastic material, with a slight bend. If it’s hard for you to wear both a heel and a platform, the leg is unstable, it hurts from the heel or you constantly turn it around, you need to be alert: “The difficulty or the inability to walk on heels, the constant subluxations are associated with the weakness of the ligaments, but this is only one of the systemic symptoms, a common problem in the connective tissues of the body, “warned Professor NMMU Maria Perekalskaya. Other signs of these disorders are general weakness of the muscles, stretchability of the skin, propensity to omission or early manifestations of varicose veins (which, incidentally, is rapidly progressing from heels in this group of women). Such women in addition to comfortable shoes require specialist advice, otherwise violations will worsen.

Ballet shoes

A flat ballet has long reigned a ball on a par with the king’s heel. “Fashion on a flat sole does not fall off, ballet shoes are taken with the phrase” comfortable, beautiful and for every day, “- says Oksana Veselkina.

Problem:The idea of ​​the benefits and convenience of foot ballet is no more than a myth. Being barefooted was useful in antiquity when he walked barefoot on grass and soft soil. “The foot performed the function of depreciation, and the soft ground coached the ligaments of the foot and ankle joint,” says Andrei Gerasenko.

In a man living in stone jungle, the foot in the flat shoes “creeps”, the natural arches are leveled and the legs hurt even more than in the model shoes.

What to do:It is necessary to wear shoes with insteps (artificial vault inside) and a low heel (up to 4 cm). If the instep is not present, it can be created artificially: with the help of the correct orthopedic insole or half-stem. And yet – ballet shoes can not be worn all day, orthopedists have universal advice: change shoes at least twice a day.

Open sandals and flip flops

In the heat, I want my feet to breathe, because the natural choice for summer is maximally open sandals and “flip flops”.

Problem:Unsecured heel. In such shoes, we have to fix the leg with our fingers, in the area of ​​the membrane there are scrapes, calluses, it is easy to slip out of this shoe. Sandals slap on the heel, because of this, a solid dry callus is formed. In addition, shoes, in which we walk almost barefoot, are all in the street dust, and if there is microdamage – you can get an infection.

What to do:Choose shoes with a pronounced sole, and not a hint of it (when the sole appears almost a strip of skin), and make sure that the heel was fixed not by one flimsy rope, but a strong strap.

Synthetic material

At the time of economy, and someone for the sake of a new fashionable couple, sometimes, sins, buying shoes not from noble skin, and her plebeian fellow – kozhzama or completely incomprehensible synthetic fabric.

Problem:The effect of the hotbed: inside is moist and warm, and if you have been in contact with the fungus, for the latter all conditions for development are created.

What to do:Look inside the shoes. It’s not scary, if the top of synthetics (although it is better with perforation) is that the skin should be inside, and it should not be dyed (risk of dermatitis) and must be slightly rough (otherwise the sweating leg will be slippery). If you wear shoes made of textiles, remember: textile is a cloth, and it can also be synthetic, which is undesirable, this is the risk of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and fungus.

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