Who can forget how, as a child, licked a shiny metal object in the winter sun: racks of sleighs, a forged fence, a hill – and the tongue stuck tight?
And when the gloves stand up from the snowballs with a stake and the pimples appear on their hands, the skin is unmercifully itch, burns with a scarlet flame? But if we stick to the tongue only once in the life, then the pimples can bother us in the adult state.
With the arrival of frosts, even if not so painfully as in childhood, but it is quite palpable, the skin on the hands dries, the nails break, the red color appears red. It’s time to do such a wonderful escape procedure, like a spa manicure.
What is a spa? According to one of the versions, the spa is an abbreviation from the Latin Sanus per Aquam, which means “health with the help of water”. The concept is known since ancient times, where with the help of thermal springs they treated and restored beauty. Nowadays the concept of “spa” is applied to any health and beauty procedures using water – mineral, sea, fresh, as well as with the sea – algae, plants, mud.
However, more and more often the term “spa” is used to define procedures that involve not only care, not so much with “water” additives, as relaxing and leading to a favorable disposition of the spirit of manipulation. Improvement of the skin in this case, of course, occurs, and through it is a therapeutic effect on the entire body. Therefore, whole spa programs are developed to improve the body and spirit.
Now about the spa for the hands. Let’s write down the manicure step by step. Usually it implies not only the treatment of nails, but also peeling, and nourishing skin masks, as well as massage to the elbow or even to the shoulder at the “dessert”.
In the salon Stylish spa manicure costs 450 rubles. Do it with the help of Creative cosmetics – a well-known witch and decorative stamp. First, the nails are given the shape desired by the client. After that the pre-treatment of the cuticle takes place – it is applied to the eraser (a transparent substance that softens the cuticle), and the nails themselves are lubricated with oil.
Then begins an interesting – a superficial peeling. A special preparation is applied on the hands, which exerts a soft exfoliating effect – crystalline granules work, as in a scrub. It also softens, knits and soothes.
Most often, the spa peeling contains fruit acids, and the light green preparation with which the master worked, very smell of lemon. Due to the presence of these very acids, the remedy can only be used in conjunction with the contents of the other jars for spa manicure, otherwise acid-base balance may break down (a similar catastrophe happens not only in the mouth).
Therefore, after the first remedy is thoroughly massaged in the palm of your hand, fingers and wrists, an activator is immediately applied on top of it, which is rubbed until all the granules of the previous one dissolve. The activator performs a deep peeling of the skin of the hands, preparing it for applying nutritious and moisturizing preparations. Although the activator itself also has a moisturizing effect, in addition – heals wounds.
To enhance the effect, heavily oiled hands were wrapped in polyethylene and pasted into terry white mittens. A nice master girl put a napkin on one of them and gave me a cup of coffee in the other – watching the movie “Girls” on TV, drinking coffee, I spent a pleasant 10 minutes, and at this time the skin of my hands was active.
After the set time, the gloves were removed, the hands were cleaned with a warm wet towel. Softened cuticle master very gently pushed. The keratinized remains have been removed. Ceramic file, used as a soft pumice, polished the skin around the nails.
We switched to “dessert” – a massage of hands with deep moisturizing. Since the skin is cleaned of dead cells, it is very well prepared for taking active cosmetics. The lotion instantly absorbs and brings into it a whole list – long with the Homeric list of ships, which the poet has read only half – of useful nutritional, protective and moisturizing agents.
Hands are massaged to the elbow, and the sensations are so pleasing that you close your eyes and realize that all the everyday worries are not at all terrible, and in general, they are not so important when you can so enjoy your time.
When brush massage, the master paid attention to the pillow at the root of the thumb – with prolonged work at the computer, the muscle stagnates and overstrains it. And the truth, at first it was very painful, but under soft movements the sensations died down. After coating the nails with lacquer, drying under a special lamp, another cup of coffee, the most pleasant procedure, lasting an hour and a half, was over.
I wanted to, but the attention quickly switched to the result – the skin of the hands, still dry and tired, became very smooth, smooth, unusually fresh. The effect lasts a long time – the skin does not use so much nutritious and moisturizing agents. In general, such hands are not ashamed to give with the heart.