February 13, 2025

Тested simulators, which themselves move the problem areas and remove excess centimeters

Lovers of delicious food and laziness, as a rule, eager to look good, despite their criminal weaknesses. Doing nothing and losing weight is a lazy dream. A living embodiment of it is promised by all kinds of wellness centers with simulators that do all the work for you.

The most attractive tables look like tonus tables – you lie and everything goes by itself: tables move the necessary parts of the body, raising arms, legs and breaking fat on the hips. As the correspondent of SHE reduced her waist, resisting the spreading of her legs – in the fitness guide she “tested herself. ”

Reference:Wellnes (English wellness, from be well – “good health” or “well-being”) – reasonable loads. In the wellness centers, as a rule, classes are offered on “simulators for the lazy”, where the human body is affected by mechanisms or thermal radiation: tonic tables, vibration platform, roller massager, pressotherapy, infrared pants, etc. Tone tables consist of a fixed part and moving parts, the speed can be set, the amplitude remains unchanged.

Sloth card

First of all, to look for toned tables, of course, you start at the club with the spoken name “Tonus Club”. There are three in Novosibirsk, according to the DoubleGIS directory. In the same place we find another club on request “wellness” – wellness center Slim Club, however here among other simulators there was no object of our field experiments – tonus tables. But they are in beauty salons “Estelle” and “Art Deco”.

The trial hour of lessons on the tonic tables everywhere costs approximately the same: 250-270 rubles. before 17:00 and 300 rubles. in the evening and on weekends. The minimum subscription in the “Tonus Club” on Derzhavin and Dzerzhinsky is 2500 rubles. and gives the right to visit 11 workouts on the tables. In the “Tonus Club” in Uritsky, which belongs to other founders, but is a franchise of the same Russian network “Tonus-clubs”, the minimum subscription is calculated for 3 months and 40 training sessions and will cost 5400-7000 rubles. depending on the time of visit. In “Art Deco” and “Estelle” the subscription for 10 lessons is the same: 1800 rubles. day and 2000 rubles. evening.

Just a find

In the minus 30 weighty factor in choosing the place of field experiments is the immediate proximity to the place of dislocation of your body. In the “Tonus Club” on Uritsky in the hall are arranged toned tables, similar to soft leather sofas.

The training lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. Each of the seven tables should be held for 9 minutes, during which the position changes 3-4 times.

The instructor explains how to fit on the table and when to change position. This is for beginners. Old men are able to control the process themselves – checking the timer and an explanatory note about the time for changing the poses that are attached to each table. On the walls hang posters with photos poses.

Tortoise tables

The first SHE correspondent tested the buttocks massager: a sofa with two moving squares.

You sit down from above, resting your elbows on the stationary part of the table from behind. Feelings and sound – as if you would ride on a clumsy goat on impassability.

And immediately begins to feel the work of the muscles of the inner thighs – to sit, you need to try. Next on the waiting list was a table stretching. Sit down, and lying on moving platforms legs alternately rise up – to the legs you need to reach out. The instructor noticed that such stretching is effective for “big women”. However, in the lying position on the abdomen with crossed bent legs incredibly nicely stretched lateral muscles of the waist.

The most difficult is the table, working on the press. The problem is, when you begin to feel pain in the lower back, instead of loading the press, with normal independent training, it is familiar to many. An important advantage of the tonus tables is considered to be a lack of strain on the back, but expectations were not met. The back continued to exfoliate from the couch, although it can not be denied that it was less active than usual, and therefore managed to finally feel at least a little work of the press.

There was another simulator for stretching the lateral muscles, but he also turned out to be more likely for large women: in order to feel the pleasant pain of stretching, we had to move the body parts further than the laid one, where the pose was not fixed.

Little differently than all the others, the simulator worked, pushing out the legs: to work out the inner and outer surfaces of the thighs. The simulator moves apart and shifts your legs, and you must prevent both of them – there is work for resistance.

The universal favorite is a relaxation massager: a table with a vibrating area in the region of the shoulder girdle. He is the only one in this room that makes it possible to be lazy. On the other tables of effort, not so much is spent. Although there was no sweat either on themselves or on anyone else. However, when you moved your body from one table to another, there was a slight tremor in the legs that received good tension, and also staggered a little.

Minus 12 centimeters

Master of Sports in Swimming Svetlana (63 years), which we found on the next table, admitted that the usual training in the pool and gym has long ceased to have any effect.

“Here the weight does not decrease either, but the volumes go off very quickly – 3 cm for each workout,” Svetlana said, she took off 12 cm in the “Tonus Club” for 2. 5 months, saying goodbye to her breeches.

However, the instructors of traditional fitness centers respond to the tonus tables with skepticism. “Do you think you will lose weight if someone raises the bar for you? ”– Asked the head coach of the Immer fitness club Kirill Ignatiev. “It’s good for those who are on rehabilitation after injuries. ”“Nothing can replace normal training in the hall, but in order to bring the muscles into tone, – a good option,” says fitness instructor of the club City Fit Olga Gramzina. – Many people are also prohibited from exercising in the gym due to problems in the cervical or other spine department. For them, such training will be safer. ”

According to the teacher of the “Tonus Club” Anastasia, toned tables will not help lose weight, they will only lead the muscles into tonus after trauma, childbirth or a long absence of physical activity.

The main customers, she said, were women over 30, as well as those who suddenly lost weight and collided with sagging muscles and skin.

Control measurements before and after an hour and a half training showed a decrease in waist size by 1. 5 cm, the remaining parameters remained unchanged. Much depends on the effort. In general, toned tables can be recommended for the beginning of classes, as well as for those who are not happy with the swing of the press because of problems with the spine, but it will not be lazy.

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