September 16, 2024

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is pollinated by the wind, blooms in late spring. The fruits are small (8-10 mm), orange-yellow or red-orange, oval. The name for this plant is “sea Buckthorn” is very apt, as the berries it on very short peduncles, the branches sit like ablepsia them.

The berries have a rather pleasant sweet-sour taste and unique aroma, which rather resembles a pineapple. That is why sea-buckthorn is sometimes called the Northern, or Siberian pineapple.

Sea buckthorn is a shrub or small tree, reaching a height of three to four meters with branches covered with small spines, and the slightly elongated green leaves.

This plant has a fairly wide distribution from Western and Eastern Siberia to southern regions of the European part of Russia, Moldova, the Caucasus and Ukraine.

Even in the heyday of Ancient Greece, a strong decoction of the leaves and twigs of sea buckthorn watered the horses. This was done in order to keep their skin healthy and shiny.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn berry is incredibly rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K, P; flavonoids, folic acid, carotenoids, betaine, choline, coumarins, glucose, fructose and phospholipids. The berries have a fairly large number of acids, such as malic acid, lemon, coffee and wine. The berries are also rich in tannins. Not deprived of this modest-looking berry macro and trace elements such as sodium, magnesium, iron, silicon, aluminum, lead, Nickel, manganese, strontium, and molybdenum.

The bark of the branches hides a significant amount of serotonin, which has a very beneficial effect on the Central nervous system and retards the growth of malignant tumors. The leaves of this unassuming plant hidden the real wealth in the form of ascorbic, oleanolic and ursolic acid.

Sea buckthorn has healing properties. It can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them less permeable, to improve tissue metabolism, has antioxidant action (prevents oxidation of the tissues, and hence aging).

Sea buckthorn reduces inflammation of tissues and promotes wound healing, it is able to improve the course of any chronic disease due to the large amount of vitamins contained in it. Buckthorn bark has antitumor properties.

Inside sea-buckthorn is used for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases, blood diseases, gastritis, ulcerous illness of stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, lack of vitamins.

Anemia and depletion of sea-buckthorn berries are used in food in any form. The leaves and young twigs brew and drink as tea.

Almost without exception, know about the miraculous sea buckthorn oil, which is “mined” from the fruits and seeds of the berries contain it much more than pulp. The oil is highly effective in the treatment of radiation injuries of the skin, with thermal or chemical burns and in the treatment of venous ulcers. Thanks to the truly magical and miraculous powers of sea buckthorn doctors are opposed by ulcerative disease of stomach and duodenal ulcers, stomatitis, and pulpitis.

With laryngitis and pharyngitis sea buckthorn oil deals instantly. This unmatched facility is subject to injury and defects of the cornea, conjunctivitis, radiation burns to the eyes. Many dermatologists recommend sea buckthorn oil to enhance hair growth and in cases of certain skin diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat burns, bedsores, frostbite, senile cataracts, gastritis, diabetes, anemia, hypertension, various ulcers, atherosclerosis.

Inhalation of sea buckthorn oil are used for the prevention of occupational diseases of the respiratory tract working in hazardous industries.

It has long been established that the preparations made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil is able to greatly improve the portability of the body of some anticancer drugs, and sometimes even to enhance their effect.

Valuable content sea-buckthorn – tocopherol (vitamin E), stimulating the work of all internal organs and endocrine glands. The shortage of this vitamin have nothing to rely on active aging, male and female power, fertility. Together with vitamin a vitamin E stimulates the immune system. That’s why the expectant mother is very well for the future of “fill” in these substances, ideally before pregnancy. If vitamin E in the body of a pregnant woman is not enough, there is a danger of spontaneous abortion, prematurity or genetic shift leading to the birth of a freak. 20 -30 g (4 – 5 teaspoons) per day of sea buckthorn oil provides the daily requirement of vitamin E.

Sea buckthorn insure as a pregnant woman and the newborn. In the milk of lactating mothers sea-buckthorn juice it is recommended to add already with months of infant’s age. A few drops of juice added to the complementary foods of infants, under normal absorption of juice quickly increasing the dose.

The sea buckthorn has some contraindications. Fortunately, they are few. First and foremost, it is worth remembering that it is a vehicle with a high content of a variety of biologically active substances. In this fruit a lot of carotene, which can cause allergic reactions with severe disorders of the immune system.

Sea buckthorn should also be used with caution for people with liver disease, pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas), cholecystitis (gall bladder inflammation), and inflammation of the duodenum, as in sea buckthorn has a lot of acids. We must remember that buckthorn increases the acidity of the urine, it is best to opt for kidney stone disease.

Sea-buckthorn is a shrub or a small tree, reaching a height of three to four meters with branches covered with small thorns and green leaves slightly elongated.

Pollinates sea buckthorn, blooms in late spring. Fruits are small (up to 8-10 mm), orange-yellow or red-orange, oval in shape. The name for this plant “Sea-buckthorn” is very accurate, since its berries are on very short pedicels on the branches sit very closely, as if stuck them. Berries have a rather pleasant sweet and sour taste, as well as a unique, unique pineapple aroma that it resembles rather remotely. That’s why the sea buckthorn is sometimes called northern, or Siberian pineapple.

This plant has a fairly wide distribution range: from Western and Eastern Siberia to the southern regions of the European part of Russia, Moldova, the Caucasus and Ukraine.

Even in the heyday of Ancient Greece, a strong decoction of the leaves and branches of sea buckthorn was given to horses. This was done so that their skin was healthy and shiny.

Useful properties of sea-buckthorn

The berries of sea-buckthorn are incredibly rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K, P; Flavonoids, folic acid, carotenoids, betaine, choline, coumarins, glucose, fructose and phospholipids. In berries there is a fairly large amount of acids, such as: malic acid, lemon, coffee and wine. Berries are also rich in tannins. This modest berry is not deprived of macroelements and microelements, such as: sodium, magnesium, iron, silicon, aluminum, lead, nickel, manganese, strontium and molybdenum.

The bark of branches conceals a significant amount of serotonin, which has a very beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and also inhibits the growth of malignant neoplasms. In the leaves of this plant unpretentious, real wealth is hidden in the form of ascorbic, oleanolic and ursolic acid.

Sea buckthorn has medicinal properties. It can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them less permeable, improve tissue metabolism, has an antioxidant effect (prevents tissue oxidation, and hence aging).

Sea-buckthorn relieves inflammation of tissues and promotes wound healing, it can improve the course of any chronic disease due to the large number of vitamins contained in it. The sea buckthorn bark has antitumor properties.

Inside sea buckthorn is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases, blood diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, lack of vitamins.
With anemia and exhaustion, the fruits of sea buckthorn are used for food in any form. Leaves and young twigs brew and drink like tea.

Almost without exception everyone knows about the miraculous sea buckthorn oil that is “extracted” from the fruit, and the bones of the berries contain it much more than the flesh. Oil is very effective in the treatment of radiation damage to the skin, with thermal or chemical burns and in the treatment of trophic ulcers. Thanks to the truly magical and miraculous forces of sea-buckthorn, physicians resist peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, stomatitis and pulpitis. With laryngitis and pharyngitis, sea buckthorn oil straightens instantly. This unrivaled remedy is subject to injuries and defects of the cornea, conjunctivitis, radiation burns of the eyes. Many dermatologists recommend sea buckthorn oil to enhance hair growth and in cases of certain skin diseases.

Sea-buckthorn oil is used to treat burns, bedsores, frostbite, senile cataracts, gastritis, diabetes, anemia, hypertension, various ulcers, atherosclerosis.

Inhalation of sea buckthorn oil is used to prevent occupational diseases of the respiratory tract working in hazardous industries.

It has long been established that the preparations made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil can many times improve the tolerability of some antitumor drugs, and sometimes even enhance their effect.

The most valuable contents of sea-buckthorn are tocopherol (vitamin E), stimulating the work of all internal organs and endocrine glands. With a deficiency of this vitamin there is nothing to count on active longevity, on male and female strength, reproductive capacity. Together with vitamin A, vitamin E stimulates the immune system. That’s why the future mother very well for the future “fill” with these substances, ideally even before the onset of pregnancy. If vitamin E in the body of a pregnant woman is not enough, there are dangers of spontaneous miscarriage, prematurity or a gene shift, leading to the birth of a freak. 20-30 g (4 – 5 teaspoons) per day of sea buckthorn oil provides a daily rate of vitamin E.

Sea-buckthorn insures both a pregnant woman and a newborn baby. The milk of the breastfeeding mother is recommended to add the juice of sea buckthorn from the month of age of the baby. A few drops of juice are added to the lactation of the baby, with the normal assimilation of juice rapidly increasing the dose.

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