Low-growing tropical tree with multiple trunks with feathery leaves, petioles and axes are covered with spikes. Clusters of red-brown fruits grow directly on the ground at the base of the trunk. Scaly, rough, spiny and resembling a snake skin fruit herring (hence the name snake fruit (snake fruit), similar to small onions.
The flesh is beige–yellow, sweet, aromatic and has a specific taste.
This fruit grows on a palm tree and has many small spines. To be clear, it is necessary to adjust or easily possible to cut away all the hands.
Homeland salacca South-East Asia – Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia in other countries it occurs very rarely. It is believed that the most delicious varieties grow on the island of Java near Yogyakarta and Bali.
Useful properties of herring – semeinogo fruit
The taste of the fruit varies with the variety. Some describe as sour-sweet with a nutty flavor, some say the taste resembles something like cherries, gooseberries, and strawberries, for others something like a mixture of banana and pineapple, and there are those that describe how wool is filled with Valerian or sage with the same smell and taste.
Unripe fruit is either very bitter or tart and sour. Recall that it depends on a variety salacca. By the way, and apparently they are different from round to almond-shaped forms. But all the same brown color. The pulp has few or a single segment and of different intensities of beige. Again, depends on salacca.
Salak (snake fruit) contains tannin, which rids the body of all harmful substances, astringent, styptic, Antidiarrhoeal and protivogemorroidalnyj.
Usually the fruit is consumed in cheese form, but also it can be used in boiled and candied. Unripe fruits are sour and astringent taste, be pickled like pickles.
Despite the fact that the special contraindications to the use herring no, it is not necessary at the first acquaintance with this fruit is to consume it in large quantities. Those who are not accustomed to the tropical fruits, like “overeating” can be expressed in itching, rashes and disorder of the digestive system – in other words, allergies.
In order to avoid diarrhea, you should pay attention to the freshness of the herring in its acquisition.
Rapidly growing, low tropical palm with many trunks with pinnate leaves, petioles and axes covered with spines. Grapes of red-brown fruits grow right above the ground at the base of the trunk. Scaly, rough, prickly and resembling the snake skin of the fruit of the Baltic herring (hence the name snake fruit, similar to small bulbs. ) The flesh is beige-yellow, sweet, aromatic and has a specific taste.
This fruit grows on a palm tree and has many small thorns. To clean it you should properly fit or easily be able to cut all hands.
The homeland of the South-East Asia – Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia in other countries, it is very rare. It is believed that the most delicious varieties grow on Java near Jogjakarta and Bali.
Useful properties of Baltic herring – snake fruit
The taste of the fetus varies depending on the variety. Some describe it as sweet and sour with a nutty taste, some say that the taste it resembles something similar to cherries, gooseberries and strawberries, for others something like a mixture of banana and pineapple, and there are those that describe cotton as filled with Valerian or Corvalolum With the same smell and taste.
Sour fruits can be either very bitter or tart-sour. Recall that all this depends on the type of herb. By the way outwardly and they are different from round to almond-shaped forms. But all the same – brown. The flesh has several or one segment and a different intensity of beige color. Again, it depends on the sort of herbs.
Salak (snake fruit) contains tannin, which removes from the body all harmful substances, has astringent properties, hemostatic, antidiarrheal and anti-hemorrhoidal.
As a rule, the fruit is eaten raw, but it can also be used in cooked and candied form. Unripe fruits have an acidic and astringent taste, they are as pickled pickles.
Dangerous properties of Baltic herring – snake fruit
Despite the fact that there are no special contraindications to the use of Baltic herring, it is not necessary to lean on it in large quantities at the first acquaintance with this fruit. Those who are not accustomed to tropical fruits, such “overeating” can be expressed in itching, rash and digestive system disorders – in other words, in allergies.
In order to avoid diarrhea, it is worth paying attention to the freshness of herring when purchasing it.