Noodles are a product familiar and beloved, but surrounded by many myths. Chief among them: pasta spoil the figure. In fact, the paste does not contain a lot of fats, or an excessive amount of calories, and in fact they are dangerous for women’s sizes.
In addition, the main component of the paste is carbohydrates, which constitute up to 70% of the mass of macaroni and which are the main source of energy for our body. And if you decide to surprise a loved one with a borscht, but butterfly paste, you can be sure that you will have enough energy until the morning.
The culture of the paste is closely related to the so-called Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the healthiest food systems in the world. It is based on low-fat foods, fruits, vegetables and pasta as the main source of carbohydrates. Macaroni, generously flavored with vegetables, is her main trump card.
So, let’s get started.
The first dish isFarfalle with meat and vegetables.
Behind the intricate name farfalle hiding macaroni in the form of butterflies. Each type of Italian pasta is combined with a certain type of sauce, therefore, it is possible to replace recommended ones with those that are available in home storage rooms, but not always: the nuances of taste can suffer.
Note: the number of products in the restaurant is traditionally calculated for one person. If you cook for the whole family – count the number of eaters, if the dinner for two – arithmetic is limited to doubling.
You will need:
farfalle (butterfly) – 70 g,
beef tenderloin – 80 g,
Bulgarian pepper – 45 g,
fresh mushrooms – 50 g,
olive oil – 15 g,
soy sauce – 10 g.
Olive oil in Italian cuisine – independent and high-grade ingredient, so you do not need to save on it. Choose only the first cold pressed oil, which is marked as “Extra Virgin”.
Fry the sliced meat along with the Bulgarian pepper and champignons on it. When the ingredients reach the condition, pour into the pan a soy sauce (it should be without additives and sweetish flavor) and fry the vegetables a little more until the sauce evaporates. After that, start preparing the paste. A good culinary preparation of pasta is by no means reduced to the concept of “boil”.
To buy products purchased from the store of solid wheat varieties were able to approximate their properties to a relative from Italy, you must observe several rules for cooking:
“Panzanella in the cheese basket”
• Cook the items in a large pot, remembering the following proportion: 1 g of water and 10 g of salt are counted per 100 g of the paste, and the salt is added when the water starts to boil. If this is done earlier, the salt will delay its boiling, if later – it will not have time to soak into the paste.
• Stir the paste with a wooden spoon and at least every 3 minutes. Do not cover the pan with a lid.
• Maintain the cooking time. Real Italian pasta is not too soft, its ideal condition is a little crispy inside. In Italy, this condition is called al dente, which in translation means “on the teeth. ”
• To add oil and other ingredients to avoid sticking during cooking, it is not necessary – if the products tend to merge with each other, you have purchased an unsuitable product.
Prepared pasta should be put in sauce and cook for about a minute, so that all the ingredients are harmoniously joined together. At the end, rash on your favorite greens and decorate it with a dish.
Siberian summer is not summer without cucumber-tomato compositions. In Italy, it turns out, there is something similar. One of the Italian salads – “Panzanella” – also contains the usual ingredients for us, which is very convenient for summer experiments with a standard set of products.
So,“Panzanella in the cheese basket”. If to be quite accurate, the panzanella is called a salad, which contains stale bread (the Italians in this respect are very similar to the Russians – everything goes into play, it is worth remembering the history of pizza). In the given recipe, bread is not used (it is assumed that it can be eaten separately), but the dish is served in a cheese basket and contains white beans. Probably, bread and cheese in one dish to our fellow will be strongly reminded by a morning sandwich.
You will need:
white bean bean – 100 g,
cherry tomatoes – 90 g,
olives – 15 g,
olives – 15 g,
fresh cucumber – 50 g,
rucola salad – 15 g,
olive oil – 15 g,
parmesan cheese – 50 g.
In a large ceramic bowl, mix the tomatoes, cut into large pieces (in the case of cherry, large pieces, however, automatically turn out small), olives, olives and cucumbers. Tear the leaves of the salad, put everything on a plate and add the beans. Salt, pepper and pour with olive oil.
“Pirog di Mele”
While the salad acquires a unity of taste, we prepare a cheese basket. To do this, it is necessary to rub the cheese on a fine grater, lay it all round on parchment and put in an oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for a couple of minutes. The cheese will turn golden and melt. At this time, it needs to be quickly pulled out, shaped like a basket (you can use a mold to wrap the cheese and then remove it), then put the contents of the bowl in the resulting edible containers (made according to the number of participants in the dinner).
Elegant hot, light salad – and it is likely that you will have a place in the stomach for dessert. It is possible, even for a pie. Therefore, on a sweet cook a hot apple pie on a puff pastry, decorated with a ball of ice cream.
“Pirog di Mele”
You will need:
apple green – 110 g,
cognac – 10 g,
sugar sand – 30 grams,
butter – 30 g,
ice cream – 50 g,
dough flaky – 30 g.
Puff pastry can be made by yourself, but to save time you can use the ready. Defrost, roll out, give a round shape, bake in the oven (200 ° C) until a golden crust is formed. Then prepare the filling. To do this, diced apples fry in butter with the addition of sugar. Ideally, you need to arrange a fiery show: pour cognac into a frying pan and set fire to the contents. Perform this action only if the kitchen dimensions and ceiling height allow. If not, perhaps it’s better not to take chances. If everything went well and the alcohol safely evaporated, spread the resulting filling on the baked dough, decorate the berries (until the fresh season – it’s completely suitable frozen) and to top it off, put each slice over the ice cream ball.
After all the events, change the apron to a colorful dress and call for dinner.