Pregnancy is an event, the significance of which in every woman’s life can not be compared with anything, which is why there are a lot of fears and anxieties. For pregnancy to proceed in the right way, it is desirable to prepare for it in advance – this is a fact that is difficult to argue with.
Conscious young couples who are concerned about the proper preparation for planning offspring last Sunday gathered at the Zdravica medical center to ask their questions to the obstetrician-gynecologist ZSMU Zdravitsa Lyudmila Tsarenko. SHE correspondent visited the meeting and summarized the answers to the most interesting of them.
All you wanted to know about the preparation for pregnancy, but hesitated to ask
Safety valve
In an age when hormonal contraception is considered the most reliable method of prevention, many people have a question – how to plan pregnancy is desirable, if before that time the woman took the pill. “When a woman takes OK, the ovaries work in a special regime, under control. After cancellation, there is a so-called cancellation effect, which can result in the release, maturation and fertilization of several eggs at once, that is, there is a multiple pregnancy, “explained Lyudmila Tsarenko.
In addition, during the intake of hormonal contraceptives of the endometrium, which is a kind of feather bed for the fetus future, it becomes thinner.
“It’s like a feather and a soldier’s blanket,” the doctor gave an illustrative example, explaining why the gynecologists recommend another 2-3 months after the abolition of the OC in other ways.
The break is needed to restore the endometrium, forming a “feather bed” for the fetus, and the risk of not enduring the child due to endometrial disease has decreased. At the same time, the doctor recommends not panicking, if the pregnancy still occurred immediately after the abolition of the OK: the stories that the child is necessarily born sick, are not confirmed by any studies.
The Hidden Enemy
The list of studies that need to make a future mother, is very extensive. Includes a general and biochemical blood test, gynecological smears, hormone tests, antibodies for determining the blood group and Rh factor and a number of others – according to the indications. A gynecologist urges women not to strive for maximalism, seeking to hand over all existing analyzes that she has read or heard about.
Including tests for infection. Lyudmila Tsarenko believes that if a woman does not have symptoms of the disease, she did not change partners, was protected, and on examination she is all right, there is no sense to check her for the whole spectrum of infections. But if the situation is reversed – then the analysis “under the full program” will have to be done not only during the planning period: after all, the infection can happen the next day after the examination,
Those who are worried about the effect of antibiotics on the future child’s body, you need to know that the half-life of most antibiotics is about 2 weeks, because at least the first cycle after treatment is still recommended to be protected.
Rubella is one of the most terrible words for a pregnant woman, the question of whether or not to do the inoculation was asked by many.
“A rubella vaccine is recommended for a woman planning a pregnancy only if she did not get sick, is not vaccinated, or does not remember either the illness or the vaccinations,” the gynecologist stressed.
And the vaccine needs to be done 3 months before the expected pregnancy – it is necessary to form the immune system. On the question of whether it is useful to strengthen immunity with the help of herbal preparations, in particular Echinacea, the doctor noted that this is not so safe, and taking the tincture should last no more than 10 days and be surely under the control of blood tests.
Friendly inspections
Planning a pregnancy, you need to visit not only the gynecologist: as Lyudmila Tsarenko explained, according to the standard, every woman needs to undergo an examination with a therapist, an ENT, a dentist. This is necessary to eliminate possible foci of infection: for a child it is dangerous not only for sexual infections, but also for mothers not treated teeth.
A separate item is the oculist (looks at the fundus and is especially important for women with nearsightedness) and gastroenterologist: if there are parasites in the body of a woman, for example lamblia, pregnancy can take place with severe toxicosis. Consultation of the specialized doctor allows to prevent an exacerbation of a chronic disease during pregnancy. And, importantly, it will tell you what to replace the usual medicines, if the disease does manifest itself.
Harmful habits
Abandon harmful habits, including alcohol consumption, smoking and love of spicy and salty foods, you need three months before trying to conceive. The verdict of the gynecologist is severe: there are no safe doses of alcohol for a pregnant woman. And passive smoking is as harmful as active.
There are fewer restrictions for those who plan pregnancy, but it is quite possible that they will then have to communicate with a geneticist: complex cases when parents are not sure how the drinking or consumption of any dangerous substances (for example medicines) affects the child, the geneticist disassembles, calculating the degree of risk for the fetus. For couples who are not burdened with bad habits, a geneticist will be needed only if there is evidence for that: a bad heredity in the anamnesis or the age of a woman older than 35 – no matter how the fashion develops for later children, the risk of unhealthy offspring,
Paired interest
In preparing for pregnancy, it is important to consider: a man’s obligations are not less than that of a partner. Smoking, vascular diseases, bad habits and untreated husband infections can affect a child or failures to get it. Lyudmila Tsarenko advises that if a urologist doctor can not clearly explain how he, a man, prepare for a supplement, one can safely come to a gynecologist together – a doctor interested in a healthy child of a woman, will advise what to look for and a partner.
Another important point: in the planning of the child, superpowers are not welcome, including in the matter of matrimonial duty. One of the men present at the meeting modestly asked if there were enough two copulations per day.
The doctor answered: it is enough 2-3 times, but a week, because the quality of sperm from frequent sex does not improve. And because it is much more useful to calculate the day of ovulation and make love on schedule – starting from two days before the proposed day of “X”.
The last advice that the gynecologist gave to the attendees was the following: the most harmful in planning pregnancy is overdoing, too much zeal is almost always accompanied by a strong nervous strain, and this condition for conception is the least suitable.