February 10, 2025


Physalis alkekengi (pozarnik, dog cherry merunka) is a perennial plant of the family Solanaceae height of 50-100 cm physalis Underground runners creeping, woody, branching. Stems it erect. angularly bent. The leaves are opposite, thin, ovate, one-piece, slightly toothed.

Flowers solitary, white or cream color, located in the leaf axils. Calyx campanulate, with triangular or lanceolate teeth. Fruit globular, succulent, orange or red berry encased in a fiery orange swollen, vesicular. almost spherical Cup, whereby the plant got its name physalis is from the Greek word “Fizo”, which means swollen. Blossoms in may – August. The fruits ripen in June – September. It grows everywhere in open forests, among shrubs, forest edges, in ravines.

Physalis is widely distributed in Bulgaria, and Iraq. It is cultivated in Russia, the Baltic States, the Caucasus, Central Asia and other regions.

The beneficial properties of physalis

In the fruit of physalis contains 10% dry matter, 4. 5% of sugars. 0. 7-1. 4 percent organic acids (mainly citric and malic, tartaric and succinic), bitter substance, traces of non-poisonous alkaloid, 45-100mg of ascorbic acid, 0. 1 carotene, up to 0. 45 /about generousi pectin and other substances, red dye, physalin, minerals, volatile and 2. 5% proteins.

Physalis is rightly considered a medicinal plant. Its fruits have diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic action. They are used in rheumatism, diseases of the respiratory system, dropsy, gout, and purulent inflammation of urinary pelvis, and urinary tract infections, herpes and other diseases.

Physalis fruit in the diet used fresh. Before use, they must be sure to rinse with boiling water to remove the sticky plaque voskapodobny. Ripe fruits are recommended as dietary product. They are sour-sweet with a distinct bitterness. They are added in salads, vegetable soups, and vegetable canned food. Boiled fruits are used as seasoning to dishes, grilled first passed through a meat grinder, and then prepared from these eggs. From the fruit of physalis can be cooked jam, cook juices, dried them.

With the medical purpose used fruits juice fruits and roots. The roots are harvested in the fall.

The roots are found alkaloids: celloidin, 3-tileposition, Kashirin, Tropin, pseudotropyl. Leaves contain carotenoids: alpha-carotene, bisoxatin, lutein, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, zeaxanthin ester, and lutein ester; steroids: sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol; phenol carbonic acids and their derivatives: chlorogenic; flavonoids: luteolin, 7-beta-D-glucoside luteolin. Discovered in the fruit of carbohydrates and related compounds: sugars, pectin; organic acids, carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, and in seeds – a fatty oil (14,86%). In addition, fruits are found ascorbic acid, tannins, macro – and microelements, carotene.

The fruits of physalis alkekengi have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic action.

A decoction or water infusion of the fruit take for kidney stone disease, cystitis, hepatitis, bronchitis, intermittent fever, edema, ascites, rheumatism, gout, bruises.

Fresh fruit and juice is used for dermatoses, diseases of the respiratory tract, gonorrhea, dysentery, hypertensive disease.

A decoction of the roots folk medicine recommends as an antitussive, analgesic and useful in stop menstruation means.

In folk medicine of Central Asia the fruits of physalis is widely used in the treatment of anemia, hypertensive disease, and also recommended for persons suffering from senile constipation. For this purpose, patients recommend fresh fruit – 5-10 pieces 2-3 times a day before meals. Patients suffering from hypertension, healthy tea from dried leaves and fruit-shaped case.

Bulgarian folk medicine, a decoction of the fruit of physalis uses rheumatism, gout, jaundice, haemorrhages, gastro-intestinal colic, as a diuretic and difficult urination and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The fruits of physalis useful for cholecystitis.

The Tajik Garm on a slow fire boil fresh juice and pulp from the fruit of the physalis mixed with milk and given to children to treat sore throats, laryngitis and stomatitis. Tabib argue that if daily patient with laryngitis 3-4 times a day to give the mixture

3-4 tablespoons for 4-5 days, there comes a full recovery, and intermittent doses of this compound prevents the occurrence of relapses.

According to the literature, the fruits of physalis was used for diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory and endocrine systems.

Ibn Sina believed that the therapeutic properties of fruits and leaves of physalis is similar to a nightshade. It is recommended to use fresh fruits in bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, jaundice, in the treatment of ulcers, diseases of the urinary tract.

In modern medicine, the fruits of physalis is used as a multivitamin and dietary aid patients with hypoacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, diabetes and hypertensive disease. It is necessary to use only ripe fruit. Small fruits at one time it is recommended to use 10-15 pieces, and large – 4-8 pieces for 10-15 minutes before eating. Patients with increased acidity of gastric juice should be consumed 2 times a smaller dose and just before eating, gradually, as the improvement of health, increasing the amount of berries to 8-15 pieces.

In homeopathy, the fruits of physalis are used for kidney stone disease.

Ointment from the fruit of physalis is used externally for inflammation, as an anesthetic, in rheumatic and gouty pains and as a wound healing agent, enhancing tissue regeneration. The juice of the fruit in the Crimean folk medicine used for herpes.

Ripe physalis fruit are eaten fresh as fruit. They are used for canning, sauces, jams, candied fruits, pickles. They can be marinated and add to the cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, pears, plums for canning. Boiled fruit of physalis prepare fillings for cakes, decorations for cakes. The juice of physalis is added to meat and fish dishes as seasoning. Fresh juice or pulp of fruit is eaten with cottage cheese, yogurt, tea, jelly and other products.

Physalis with extreme caution should be consumed for people suffering from hyperacidity. So, they can start eating one or two berries, increasing their number gradually.

Remember that all ground parts of the plant and the shaped case physalis poisonous because they contain alkaloids and Veselin that are considered toxic, so the treatment of them can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under its control.

Physalis vulgaris (bubble, cherry, marunka) is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family of 50-100 cm high. The aerial shoots of the physalis are creeping, woody, branching. His stems are erect. Angular-curved. Leaves opposite, thin, ovate, whole-cut, slightly dentate.

Flowers are single, white or cream colored, located in the axils of the leaves. Calyx campanulate, with triangular or lanceolate teeth. Fruit is a globular, juicy, orange or red berry, enclosed in a fiery orange bloated, vesicular. Almost spherical cup, thanks to which the plant and got its name physalis from the Greek word “fizo”, which means swollen. The plant blooms in May – August. Fruits ripen in June – September. It grows everywhere in light forests, among shrubs, on the fringes, in ravines.

Physalis is widespread in Bulgaria and Iraq. It is cultivated in Russia, the Baltics, the Caucasus, Central Asia and other regions.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:

Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
2 0. 6 0. 9 11. 3 85. 6 55

Useful properties of Physalis

The fruits of physalis contain 10% of dry matter, up to 4. 5% of sugars. 0. 7-1. 4% organic acids (mainly citric, as well as apple, tartaric and succinic), bitter substance, traces of non-toxic alkaloid, 45-100 mg of ascorbic acid, 0. 1 carotene, up to 0. 45 / o pectin and other gelling agents Substances, and red coloring material, fizaline, minerals, phytoncides and up to 2. 5% of proteins.

Physalis is justly considered a medicinal plant. Its fruits are diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic. They are used for rheumatism, respiratory system diseases, dropsy, gout, with purulent inflammations of urinary and pelvic organs urinary tract, lichen and other diseases.

Fisals in the diet are used in fresh form. Before consumption, they must be burned with boiling water to remove the wax-like sticky coating. Ripe fruit is recommended as a dietary product. They are sour-sweet, with particular bitterness. They are added to salads, vegetable soups and canned vegetables. Boiled fruits are used as a seasoning for the second dishes, baked first pass through a meat grinder, and then cook caviar from them. Fizalis Of the fruit, you can brew jam, prepare juices, and dry them.

With therapeutic purpose, fruits, fruit juice and roots are used. The roots are harvested in autumn.

Alkaloids have been found in the roots: teglovidine, 3-glygloxytropane, cuscigrin, tropos, pseudotropin. The leaves contain carotenoids: alpha-carotene, fizoksantin, lutein, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, zeaxanthin ester, and lutein ester; Steroids: sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol; Phenolic carboxylic acids and their derivatives: chlorogenic; Flavonoids: luteolin, 7-beta-D-glucoside of luteolin. Fruits contain carbohydrates and related compounds: sugars, pectin; Organic acids, carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, and in seeds – a fatty oil (14. 86%). In addition, ascorbic acid, tannins, macro – and microelements, carotene were found in fruits.

Fizalis ordinary fruits have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic action.

Water infusion or Decoction of fruits is taken with urolithiasis, cystitis, hepatitis, bronchitis, intermittent fever, edema, ascites, rheumatism, gout, bruises.

Fresh fruits and juice are used for dermatoses, respiratory diseases, gonorrhea, dysentery, hypertension.

Decoction of the roots of folk medicine recommends as an antitussive, analgesic and useful for stopping menstruation remedy.

In folk medicine in Central Asia, fizalis fruits are widely used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, and are also recommended for persons suffering from senile constipation. For this purpose, the patient is recommended fresh fruit – 5-10 pieces 2-3 times daily before meals. Patients suffering from hypertension, useful tea from dried leaves and cases of fruit.

Bulgarian folk medicine decoction of the fruits of the physalis is used for rheumatism, gout, jaundice, hemorrhages, gastrointestinal colic, as a diuretic with difficulty urinating and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The fruits of physalis are useful for cholecystitis.

Taji Garma on a slow fire boil fresh juice and gruel from fizalise fruit in a mixture with milk and drink children in the treatment of angina, laryngitis and stomatitis. Tabibs claim that if the patient laryngitis 3-4 times a day, give this mixture

3-4 tablespoons for 4-5 days, there is a complete recovery, and periodic intake of this mixture prevents the occurrence of relapses.

According to the literature data, the fruits of physalis were used for diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory organs and the endocrine system.

Ibn Sina believed that the medicinal properties of the fruits and leaves of the physalis are similar to nightshade. He recommended using

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