February 13, 2025

Perfumes with pheromones are equally popular among men and women

Sexual attractiveness and attention of men is the most important component of women’s success. But often it happens that the picture is like nothing – the hair is whitened, the face is painted, the figure is slender, the heels are high – and draws no one. Then you will involuntarily remember the love potions.

And they are right there. “If you use perfume with pheromones, then the attention of the opposite sex is guaranteed to you,” says the advertisement. Is this true, learned the correspondent of SE.

“Pheromones are biologically active substances that animals release into the environment in very small quantities,” says the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. With the help of pheromones in agriculture, animals behave quite successfully. For example, traps with synthetic pheromones are used to account for the number of insect pests, and in some cases also for their mass destruction.

With the help of pheromones reduce the population of harmful insects – males, attracted by a stronger synthetic odor, will not be able to find a female for mating.

Can pheromones deceive the males of Homo sapiens, science does not know. The “Wikepedia” honestly states that “the question of the existence of pheromones in humans remains open. ”True, it is noted that in large female groups the menstrual cycle eventually synchronizes, leaking simultaneously in most women. This feature is also attributed to the effects of human pheromones. It is also noticed that in the sweat of some men are substances attracting women.

However, back in the late 1980s, the American biologist Winnifred Cutler announced that she had learned to synthesize the human pheromone, but kept the formula secret and was the first to open the perfume industry with male and female pheromones. She was repeatedly accused of quackery, she has not yet received a patent for the discovery, but the product is very popular, despite the high price – from $ 100 per 10 ml.

In Novosibirsk sex shops, perfumes in pheromones, according to sellers, are very popular, and they are equally popular among men and women. Sell ​​them at 250-350 rubles per 10 ml.

The basis is taken by famous and popular smells: Deep red, Miracle, Hugo Boss Woman. The fact that the formula of human pheromone is open, the producers are sure. “Studies and experiments have proved that pheromones are biologically active substances that cause the sharpest sexual desire in both women and men,” is written in the advertising texts that flacons are supplied with.

How pheromones are produced by our producers and distributors and how they add the substance to the perfume, the advertising tests say very blurry. But the “scientific” mechanism of action on the opposite sex is described: “Through the receptors of the vomeronasal organ (VNO), which is located in the nasal cavity, pheromones affect the hypothalamus and the limbic system of the brain of the individual of the opposite sex, thereby attracting attention. ”But the fact is that, as the journal Science and Life reports, the presence of this organ (VNO) in humans has not yet been proven.

But even if we assume that the human pheromone could be studied and produced, its presence in the composition of spirits is almost impossible to determine. Traditionally, the composition of perfume is kept secret – it is the creative property of the manufacturer.

In his article devoted to this issue, a leading member of the Institute for Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Alexander Severtsev Alexander Minor suggests that at best in the spirits there is androstenone, the famous boar pheromone, as it is studied and it has learned to synthesize.

And if you break away from the evidence of the action of pheromones on a person or their absence, as well as the possibility of packing them in perfume, the very fact that people resort to such manipulations to attract the opposite sex is understandable, but sad. “In fact, everything is not as simple as that of Zuskind.

Talking about the effect of pheromones is like talking about the effect of Viagra, a drug that contains substances that were still treated in the 1970s with problems of blood pressure, said

Igor Poperechny, director of the Center for Medical Sexology and Psychotherapy. – Everything depends on the degree of suggestibility of the population: “I myself am deceived myself” – this is said about most people. Yes, for a while a person, perhaps believing that he has a magical potion, begins to behave more relaxed and attract attention to himself. But his essence does not change – he as before did not know how to build relationships, and will not learn spoiled by spirits. It’s good that he thinks about the problem – it’s bad that he does not want to find its root, but hides his head in the sand. ”

And by the way, no one promises romantic relationships to the user, it is only about sexual arousal at a nearby person. And it, you see, different things.

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