September 16, 2024


Pecan is a close relative to walnut, they taste similar, but the kernel of the pecan is slightly softer and softer. Pecan is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family, reaches a height of 25 – 40 m.

A prerequisite for aging this type of nuts is the presence of the hot and humid summer air brought from the Gulf of Mexico. Tree able to bear fruit for over 300 years.

Homeland pecan is North America, where he was particularly revered among Indian tribes. In the United States is still the pecan is one of my favorite nuts, bake them pies, bread, cookies and add it to salads and hot dishes.

Pecans it is best to eat immediately after cleaning (without the shell, they deteriorate quickly).

Useful properties of pecan

Calorie pecan is very high. A total of 200 g of the edible portion of the fruit provide about 1,700 calories, which is more than half the daily requirement.

Pecan consists of 70% fat, 11% from protein, 14% from sugars, so the pecan is recommended for fatigue and lack of appetite. Food butter pecan, reminiscent of the taste and smell of olive.

Pecans contain vitamin A, b, C, E, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

One of the varieties of vitamin E, which contains pecan, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from Purdue University in Indiana. It is proved that the drug gamma-tocopherol made in the laboratory and containing the above-mentioned kind of vitamin E, kills diseased cells, leaving only healthy. Scientists intend to use this discovery for the treatment of lung cancer and prostate cancer.

Pecans are a rich source of tannic acid, vitamin E; pecans also possess anti-cancer properties. If you eat them in small amounts can lower cholesterol. In pekan more calories and polyunsaturated fats than other nuts (70%), so it should be consumed moderately (by the spoonful five times a day) instead of fatty foods, not in addition to them.

The pecan is recommended for vitamin deficiency, lack of appetite, fatigue, anemia, it is well regulates the level of testosterone in the blood and has beneficial effects on the reproductive system.

Cleaned pecans should be stored as they quickly spoil – the taste of nuts appears bitterness.

Eating pecans, it is worth remembering. The body can not digest more than 100 grams of nuts for the reception. If you eat it more, it can cause problems with digestion. Allergies and fatty liver, and a tendency to obesity, it is necessary to limit consumption of nuts.

It is necessary to significantly limit the number of pecans in the diet for skin diseases and a tendency to constipation.

Pregnant women should eat pecans with caution. A significant amount in its composition protein can cause allergies in women and to provoke intolerance of this product at the kid. Safe levels of pecan for moms-to – 2 kernels three times a week.

The fruits of the pecan – heavy product for baby digestion. Pediatricians do not advise to feed their children up to 3 years. Offering nuts to a child with attention is to keep track of how will react his body. Some kids these fruits cause severe allergies, including asthma.

Pecan is a close relative of the walnut, to taste they are similar, but the pecan kernels are a bit softer and more tender. Pecan is a deciduous tree belonging to the family of nut trees, reaching a height of 25-40 m.

A prerequisite for the maturation of this type of nuts is the presence of hot and humid air in the summer, brought from the Gulf of Mexico. The tree is able to bear fruit for 300 years.

The homeland of the pecan is North America, where it was especially revered by the Indian tribes. In the United States, until now, pecan is one of the favorite nuts, with it bakes pies, breads, biscuits, as well as it is added to salads and hot dishes.

Pecan nuts are best eaten immediately after cleaning (without a shell they quickly deteriorate).

Useful properties of pecan

The calorie content of pecan is very high. Only 200 g of edible part of the fruit give about 1,700 calories, which exceeds half of the daily need for them in humans.

Pecan consists of 70% of fats and 11% of protein, 14% of sugars, so that pecans are recommended for fatigue and lack of appetite. Pecan edible oil, reminiscent of the taste and smell of olive.

Pecan contains vitamin A, B, C, E, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

One of the varieties of vitamin E, which contains pecan, is able to restrain the growth of cancer cells. To this conclusion came researchers from the Purdue University in Indiana. It is proved that the preparation of gamma-tocopherol, made in laboratory conditions and containing this kind of vitamin E, kills sick cells, leaving only healthy ones. Scientists intend to use this discovery to treat lung and prostate cancer.

Pecan is a rich source of tannic acid, vitamin E; Pecans also have anti-cancer properties. If eaten in small amounts, they can lower cholesterol. In pecans, more calories and polyunsaturated fats than in other nuts (70%), so it should be eaten sparingly (spoonful five times a day) instead of fatty foods, and not in addition to them.

Pecan nut is recommended for beriberi, lack of appetite, fatigue, anemia, it regulates the level of testosterone in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Dangerous properties of pecan

Peeled pecans can not be stored for long, since they quickly deteriorate – the taste of nuts such appears bitter.

Using pecans, it is worth remembering the measure. The body can assimilate not more than 100 grams of nuts per reception. If you eat more, you may have problems with digestion. With allergies and obesity of the liver, as with a tendency to obesity, it is generally to limit the use of nuts.

It is necessary to significantly limit the amount of pecans in the diet for skin diseases and propensity to constipation.

Pregnant should eat pecans with caution. A significant amount of protein in its composition can cause allergy in a woman and to provoke intolerance of this product in the baby. Pecans Safe for expectant mothers – 2 cores thrice a week.

Pecan fruits are a heavy product for children’s digestion. Pediatricians do not advise them to feed children under 3 years. Offering nuts to a child, it is worthwhile to watch closely how his body reacts. In some babies, these fruits cause severe allergies, including choking.

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