Orange juice is a popular drink for Breakfast, obtained by squeezing the liquid from fresh oranges.
Caloric content of orange juice is 36 kcal per 100 grams of product.
The composition of orange juice. In fresh orange juice are abundant in vitamins A and C. In slightly lesser amounts in the composition of the juice includes vitamins (B6, B2, B1, B8, B9, B3), vitamins C and E, as well as Inositol, biplane and eleven essential amino acids. In addition, orange juice has minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.
Useful properties of orange juice
In orange juice high in vitamin C: one Cup contains almost the daily norm for an adult. The flu and sore throat doctors prescribe orange juice as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. It is recommended for hypertension and vitamin deficiency, it improves skin tone and strengthens the immune system.
Orange juice is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the joints, diseases of the liver, lungs and skin. Shown orange juice and for the treatment of anemia and other pathologies of the blood system.
Like pineapple, orange juice is low in calories, so people struggling with excess weight, it will be very useful.
Contraindications orange juice
Orange juice is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice suffering from gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In addition, orange juice not shown in almost all diseases of the intestine, and those who have an allergic reaction to citrus.
Orange juice in cooking
Orange is especially good with sweet juice: the acidity mutes them cloying. But if you pour this juice muesli or corn flakes for a delicious and healthy Breakfast.
The juice can also be used for preparation of various desserts, sauces, cakes etc.