February 13, 2025

On what makeup it is better not to stint, and on what it is possible to save

Stopping before something in the struggle for beauty, modern girls have long ceased. They are not afraid of the horrors of the diet, pain in chemical peeling and waxing, the cost of creams from the first signs of aging.

Although, as for the latter, namely the cost of all kinds of cosmetic products, women are not tired of arguing: should all of them necessarily be expensive to be effective.

On what means it is better not to stint, and on what it is possible and to save, the correspondent SHE found out.

Approach to care

Cosmetics traditionally divided into decorative and care. The first is designed to emphasize what nature has given, and retouch what she gave not quite as we would like. And in order to correct its flaws, prolong its own beauty and youth, fight problems, there is a leaving cosmetics. Each of the categories of cosmetics is necessary, important and has its own hierarchy of quality, price and efficiency.

It is very good, when an independently chosen inexpensive means is suitable and gives the desired effect. But choosing some of them, it’s really better not to take risks, but to trust professionals. Especially it concerns the cosmetics for cosmetics.

“A good cream from signs of aging can not be cheap, if only because the preparation of plant extracts that fight against these signs is a high-tech and costly process, – says the doctor-cosmetologist on the body of the center of beauty and health “Leleya” Anna Baranova. “And if we want to see in the agent an effective extract, and not ordinary glycerin, you need to be ready for a certain cost. ”

A truly effective anti-wrinkle cream can not cost 80 or 800 rubles, its price starts from 1000 rubles. ”A product of a lower price category will moisturize the skin at best, but it is not worth counting on nutrition, recovery, and even more so on the anti-age action from such a cream.

Depending on the effect that you want to achieve, make-away cosmetics should be chosen in a store, pharmacy or beauty salon. “The means of luxury brands such as Biotherm, Clarins, which are sold in stores, are quite suitable for care, keeping the skin in good condition,” Anna believes. – But salon, pharmacy cosmetics also has medicinal properties, it can effectively fight with any skin defects.

It is better to choose such a means with a specialist, so that she knowsingly approached and did not cause a negative reaction first to try in the salon. ” Those girls who are lucky and whose skin does not need to fight wrinkles or any other treatment, you can do with moisturizing cream easier. The same goes for cosmetics for the body: if you need some special, medical care, it is better to give preference to the agent more seriously.

“If opportunities do not allow you to buy expensive, you can choose a brand cheaper, but a long-standing on the market, for example Nivea, L`Oreal, ” says Anna Baranova. “But do not forget: funds of a higher price category are usually spent very economically, and sometimes it makes sense to buy one jar of expensive cream than three cheap ones. ”

Elements of decor

Decorative cosmetics is also divided into four levels: mass-market (Max Factor, Maybelline, L’Oreal), luxury (Estee Lauder, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy), semi-professional (VoV) and professional (Berlin-Paris, Atelier and others. ). “The quality of professional cosmetics is an order of magnitude higher than what is sold in stores,” says the make-up artist Lyudmila Oschepkova of the International Academy of Hairdressing and Aesthetics of San Valero. – It is more stable, very economically consumed, does not cause irritation, it gives a saturated shade in one stroke. And if the funds permit, I advise you to use it.

But if you do not need professional bright make-up, you can use cosmetics from ordinary stores, and not necessarily the most expensive. ” Lyudmila believes that you can save money, for example, on mascara, and brands such as L`Oreal,

On what makeup it is better not to stint, and on what it is possible to save

Make-up artist does not recommend to save on brushes for make-up – bad ones can spoil the effect of the most expensive cosmetics, and also on the basis and on masking means: the area of ​​their contact with the skin is large, and a poor-quality product can not only go to bed, but also clog pores, cause allergies .

You can always find a balance between the funds of different price categories. It is not necessary to choose an expensive lip pencil (most of them are created in the same factories), so it is better to invest in quality lipstick – it will give a rich, persistent color and moisturizes the lips. It’s just as better to spend on a good fixer, and the varnish to choose the average price – they all dry up quickly and can not be used up to the bottom.

The Secret of the Goldilocks

Hair cosmetics also have their own scale of division: mass-market (Fructis, Pantin), luxury (Clinique, Biotherm), professional (such as L`Oreal Proffessional line), professional-lux (for example Kerastase) and pharmacy cosmetics (Vichy , Roc). “The main difference between professional cosmetics is not only that it is made from high-quality ingredients (for example, such cosmetics are most often produced in Spain and Monaco, where the highest standards of water in the world), but also because it helps to select specialists, – says hairdresser-colorist-visagiste salon “Kamiy Alban” Olga Kislitsina.

The main difference between professional cosmetics and pharmacy: the latter struggles with scalp problems (dandruff, hair loss), and professional cares for hair along the entire length. As for hair products for luxury brands, there are not so many of them, and according to Olga, the products produced by Clinique and Biotherm, care for the hair very well, have a pleasant texture and smell, but are not mandatory for purchase.

“As a rule, all cosmetic novelties, whether it’s a holographic lip gloss or a silk extract shampoo, first appear in the suite, and then gradually descend into mass market lines, but only with less expensive technology and ingredients. So, for example, L`Oreal shampoos possess quite worthy quality “.

If your task is to get a guaranteed effect, to cure or strengthen damaged hair, then it is better to consult a specialist and choose a suitable professional line. But if you do not have problems with hair, and a suitable, in your opinion, means is, then do not change.

Marketers in Novosibirsk recently note the trend among buyers: from two funds standing on one shelf, they choose what is more expensive. Especially it concerns cosmetics mass market. “If in the supermarket on the stand there are lip glosses of two firms, but one of which costs 50 rubles more, then the girls prefer it,” says marketing analyst Margarita Vysotskaya. “And they are not always right, because when it comes to products of about the same price category, the difference of 50-100 rubles is usually nothing more than a marketing move. ”Therefore, filling the cosmetic bag and shelves in the bathroom, it is necessary to be guided by your own feelings and advice of professionals, rather than abstract representations of prestige.

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