With the onset of the cold season, we are displeased with scarf, think about spring and drink hot tea. For some, however, tea is not limited to: it is in the autumn that many of us remember what a real appetite is.
And the opening is not joyful: after all, increased appetite inevitably leads to an increase in the scales.
Why with each coat under a coat blouse want to eat more and whether it is worth fighting against this seasonal feature, the correspondent of SE learned.
Exchange change
As a rule, in the cold season we really eat more caloric and nutritious food. This is the evolutionary habit of mammals: on the eve of winter, the body requires guarantees that it will not suffer from hunger and cold. And although we are not bears and fat at the time of hibernation, we are not required, the cold climate makes us gain kilos. Nevertheless, this does not mean that in the autumn every extra kilogram is “naturally conditioned”.
“In the cold season, the body spends more energy to keep warm. All animals are prone to accumulation of fats for future use, in order to survive the winter, but the person in this respect is an irrational being. We do not hibernate, we dress warmly – our body, in fact, does not need additional energy. A big role here is played by the factor of seasonal depressions associated with the reduction of daylight hours.
In addition, with the onset of bad weather, we move little, and people tend to eat their boredom and lack of exercise – so the real need for food is not related to energy metabolism,” says Yulia Parlyuk, a therapist at the Sirena Center. Of course, if you are accustomed to easily dress up to the frosts or your home has not yet connected the batteries, the body really needs energy, it’s hard to argue with, and you’ll have to get it from food.
Warm food
Surely, each of us noticed that if in the summer we fully and without claims from the body treated with “fodder”, now he wants fried potatoes with a brisket, a rich borscht or demands frantically grasping his teeth in a juicy meat piece. In other words, he does not want a dietary meal. Here, too, evolution worked: as nutritionists say, it is the fat-saturated foods that best serve the saturation function, enhancing the sense of pleasure. It is not for nothing that the Russian tradition of adding oil to all conceivable dishes is so strong. This was actual when a person spent calories on hunting or engaged in heavy physical labor, but completely inadequate to the needs of contemporaries.
And yet there are a number of products that help keep warm in the cold better than others. First of all, it is fish oil.
Not from the bottle, of course (although this is an option), but in its natural form – inside the cooked fish. So fatty fish, such as herring, salmon, mackerel and salmon, must necessarily appear on your table.
If you compose an approximate autumn menu, you can focus on some average example, recommended by specialists:
Breakfast : cereals with honey, fruits and nuts, which provide you with carbohydrates for energy. Nutritionists recommend, for example, such a recipe: for the morning boil buckwheat porridge, filling it with a small amount of oil, and add the cottage cheese, preheated in a frying pan until a sticky condition. Such porridge will serve as a valuable source of animal protein.
Lunch– traditionally thorough, in the autumn must include soup. Hot soup warms better and faster than other dishes.
In the autumn version instead of summer vegetable soups you need to prepare a full broth – based on fish or meat.
On the second you can eat a piece of fish, but this time lean, for example, such as perch, tuna, flounder, pollock. As a garnish, potatoes are partially rehabilitated in autumn: it takes toxins well and is rich in vitamin C. Unfortunately, this is not an option if you already have claims to your weight: dieticians of such patients strictly warn that potatoes are not their garnish.
A similar situation with bananas, which are often used in snacks: a starchy fruit, as nutritionists say, is often underestimated by gourmets who want to lose weight, and stress is seized by bananas. Banana is a treat, and it should be used accordingly.
That’s certainly useful for asnack– a glass of juice. In the autumn, recommend drinking at least two glasses of juice a day, one of which is necessarily a vegetable. This is necessary to maintain the vitamin level, in addition, fresh vegetable juice helps digestive enzymes.
Fordinner, especially if it’s a late dinner – after seven in the evening (actual for working late) – the plate should have vegetables and a small piece of a bird. It is useful to eat a slice of cheese. And generally use a fermented milk product.
Hoot without good
What is the one who decided to lose weight to the yellowing of foliage? Specialists are forced to disappoint us a little:
“Human life is subject to biorhythms, including seasonal, associated with a change in temperature and light conditions. At this time, the body is experiencing severe stress due to a change in weather conditions.
If this is added to the stress associated with restrictive diets, it can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases and promote the formation of new ones, “says the director of the Siberian Federal Center for Healthy Nutrition Yakov Novoselov.
Autumn mood
Returning to the beginning, we recall that increased appetite causes a factor of seasonal depression, and it can not be underestimated. And in fact, by the way, some types of products have a property to improve mood. For example, mushrooms are a rich source of well-digested protein and minerals, as well as carbohydrates that enhance mood. Or cocoa products in different kinds.
The ability of sweets to give life to colors is known to everyone: according to Yakov Novoselov, this is due to the fact that simple carbohydrates increase the permeability of brain barriers to hormones of inner comfort – if not enough, sweet helps the available amount to get into the brain. But a much more effective way is to increase the amount of endorphins. And most of all they are produced with physical activity.
The conclusion suggests itself – enrolling in dance, yoga or swimming pool in the fall, you kill three birds with one stone: increase your mood, reduce your appetite and get chiseled forms.