“Many women’s problems, before which the best psychotherapists fall, are easily solved by hairdressers. ”With this wisdom it is difficult to argue. But there are situations when there is not enough new hairstyle, when the problem is not so much depression, as in the absolute impossibility of living as before.
And often the cause is dissatisfaction with the case you are dealing with. It either does not bring money and career growth, or does not leave time for a personal life, or simply does not become a favorite occupation in any way. Then the boldest decide on extreme measures in the hope that together with the new profession harmony and success will come into their lives.
Whether it is necessary to go on such cardinal changes and with what to begin, if all of you have appeared in the number of the most courageous, recognized correspondent SHE.
You need to know this in order to find a job for the soul without harming your wallet
Why this is necessary
Of course, deep depression, when “what I want – I do not know myself” – this is not the only reason that makes a woman think about changing her profession. It happens that the life or economic situation itself pushes people to change, the latest changes in the labor market serve as evidence of this, when until recently such needed secretaries and marketers were the first on the list to cut wages, or even simply to reduce.
“In addition to the desire to earn more, the reason for this may be a change of residence,” says Olesya Plotnikova, human resources manager at Sybers. “Sometimes health is interfering with the definition of a profession – when you have to give up work from your computer because of problems with your eyesight or your spine. ”The reason may also be the realization that one can not become a professional in the position due to lack of any abilities or skills.
But psychologists are sure that most often to such a serious step as a change of profession, pushes the woman’s desire to change for the better all her life, not just her financial side. “It’s just a moment when a woman wants to finally feel self-sufficient, confident, meaningful and successful. And this is impossible, if you do not do the work that she likes, “Natalya Mazalova is sure.
The director of the Anti-Stress Center, the psychotherapist Maxim Zagoruiko, warns: before deciding on radical changes, you need to understand yourself and understand whether discontent is really caused by work:
“It is necessary to clearly define what does not suit – the profession itself, or, perhaps, the location of the office. And sometimes the cause of general dissatisfaction can be covered in general in another sphere of life. ”
But most often this dissatisfaction is connected with money, more precisely, with their absence. Then the choice has to be made between the beloved, but not profitable business and completely uninteresting, but highly paid work. “If there is a choice: to enjoy the work or to be able to travel with the child to the sea, then only the woman can do it,” says the therapist Zagoruiko. “Sometimes it’s worth trying the third option: to find additional sources of income in the context of your favorite occupation. ”
How it happens
Still, it’s not always possible to make a favorite business more profitable, so the employee of the company “Sybers” Olga decided six years ago to leave the teaching of biology in school and do web design. Today she is an excellent specialist, but those who are faced with such a choice, warns: dramatically change the profession is not so simple.
“The history of difficult times has dragged on very long: only a year ago everything was leveled in professional activity and changed from” in spite of “to calmness, contentment and full harmony,” Olga says. – At first there was not enough experience for official employment, freelance did not bring money, several times customers simply “threw”. Then in a new place it was difficult to cope with their ambitions, it often seemed that nothing happens and will never work. But the desire to bring it to the end did not let me down. ”
Experts agree with Olga: the change of profession is a very serious step, and it can not pass absolutely smoothly and painlessly. For example, not all employers are ready to hire an employee who at the age of 30 suddenly decided to change his profession. “Especially if this is not the first change in activity,” says Olesya Plotnikova. “Few people want to be a” staging post “and take on such risks. ”According to Olesya, the fact that a person has graduated from the university for 10 years as a graduate of an institution, and has not yet determined at least the general outline of his interests, can sometimes alienate the employer, sometimes this shows that there are no specific life goals, and therefore, reliability.
Where to begin
If reputational risks and emotional loads do not stop, then the profession really needs to be changed. “It is very important to answer the question, what exactly do you want, and to determine the steps to achieve your goal,” advises psychologist Natalya Mazalova. – Find out what and where to learn, how much money and time to spend. And most importantly, be prepared for the fact that the first time will have to invest more than get. ” It is necessary to soberly correlate their capabilities with the requirements of employers and outline a plan of concrete actions: to choose courses for training, to study the necessary literature, to communicate with specialists and gradually grow into connections in the chosen field.
If it is decided to leave the old profession, and the new one has not yet been determined, Olga, who adopted the most important decision in her life 6 years ago, advises starting with … a childhood dream. It is in our childhood fantasies that the answer to the question “what exactly will bring me pleasure? ” Is often hidden. Since childhood, I liked drawing? You can do design. If you do not give up the dream of rock music – start organizing concerts in clubs. I liked to cook – go to cooks’ courses and, maybe, one day open my own cafe.
However, the therapist Maxim Zagoruiko advises to be more careful with children’s dreams: it is important not to get lost in your own illusions and decide what you need right now, and not just wanted in childhood.
“Even if a woman was very sociable, but then she worked all her life with digits at the computer, it may be difficult for her to enter the sphere where she will have to constantly communicate with people. ”
It is difficult to change the profession not only after thirty, but even if the university is finished yesterday. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that not everything will turn out right away, not all friends will support. The main thing is to believe in oneself and find an inexhaustible source of inspiration. And what exactly it will be – the opportunity to pay a ticket to Madagascar, to present your project at an international conference or to get acquainted with a future husband on a business trip abroad – each decides for herself.