The New Year is already desperately reminiscent of itself – New Year’s garlands in shop windows and holiday discounts. It seems that it is still full of time, but in order to meet the year fully armed, and not run around the shops, trying to get through the crowd, you need to take care of everything in advance.
Thank God, there are enough worries, and if they are not there, a woman will come up with them. Preparation for the New Year reminds the game “What? Where? When? ”. You need to choose what to give, what to wear and what to cook, where to buy all this and most importantly – when?
There are many more questions: where to meet, with whom and how much does it all cost? The most frequent female questions were answered by the correspondent of SE.
Answers to the most frequent questions on the eve of the holiday
Where should I meet NG?
The earlier you are concerned about this issue, the better. Fantasize on the topic “but it would be nice to fly to the island of Bali” is appropriate if there is such a financial opportunity. But when there is none, consider options that you can afford. Mark in the club, restaurant, at the dacha, go to visit friends, call friends to him, go to grandmother’s pies, finally – stay at home, in a cozy “mink. ”
If you have chosen a vacation in an institution in the city, be sure to find out which program is planned and what is included in the specified amount. And then think carefully: are you ready to part with your weekly or monthly budget for what you were offered.
What if I was left alone?
If you run the risk of remaining alone on the New Year, look urgently for the company. Choose carefully so as not to spoil your holiday. If you choose not from anyone, look through the notebook. Perhaps someone from old acquaintances will be able to shelter you in their noisy company. If she does not settle at home, and go to have fun in the institutions of Novosibirsk, there is a chance to find the prince at a nearby table. However, it is not recommended to go on a quest on New Year’s Eve – it’s risky. But the two-meter-tall Gennady from the new company will frighten off the hooligans who attempted your honor in a single way. And it does not matter that you only know him for a couple of hours.
Nobody wants to embrace you? Do not worry – open yours. You need a place to celebrate and pressure. All indecisively mooing acquaintances can be processed and invited to visit. Bright descriptions of the upcoming party and your enthusiasm can work wonders. And let your former classmate do not know your neighbor – so even more fun. Think about entertainment for your guests and distribute responsibilities. Of course, you as hostess of the holiday will have to take the main temporary and material costs for yourself: come up with the concept of the evening, competitions, stock up on music and fireworks, and think through the menu. But this is a fee for a merry night.
And the third option for the extreme and for those who did not work the first two. The Internet is a magical thing, here you will find a lot of people who are looking for a company for the New Year. Limit accuracy, diligence and a preliminary meeting will save you from trouble. If you already know your interlocutors at least on virtual communication, then this is already a plus. Throw a call in LJ or on the forum – an interesting proposal usually responds.
What to wear to the next year was successful?
The year of the Yellow Mouse is coming. Everyone wants happiness in the coming year, and let very few people believe that a yellow hoodie will save you from failures, but you can still try. So in fact? So, Mice definitely like it, if you dress in all the shades of yellow: lemon and mustard must be present not only on the table, the color of ocher and brick, too, will fit. But leopard and floral prints are best reserved – a modest Mouse they will not please. Of the jewelry is suitable yellow jewelry, of course, gold (yellow mouse) and amber. Do not overdo it with accessories: strictly, but elegantly – this is what you need.
Do not forget about comfort: throughout the night you will have to eat, drink and dance – these are our festive traditions. Even if you plan to move only in a sitting position or, conversely, you are sure that you will spend the whole night on the dance floor, pick up comfortable clothes and shoes – they should not bother you. Inconvenient shoes with a hairpin, which you always want to take off, and a mini dress that you always want to pull, can spoil the New Year’s Eve.
What to wear, if there is no money for a new outfit?
If you have money, give advice on how to spend it, it’s silly and pointless. But if they are not, and in the dress from the neckline you were already at the past New Year’s corporations, you have to solve a difficult task.
The first optionis to put on what you have, and do not care that you already saw it. It’s not a fashion show! Malicious colleagues with a good memory can safely say that the year of the Mouse is a year of practicality and economy.
Option Two– buy only a part of the evening toilet. Open your closet. You have to find the lower part of the outfit – trousers or a skirt. In such conditions, the Mouse will forgive you the black, and from the mouse gray only clap it. Will fit and dark blue, and chocolate. It remains to find a spectacular top. Here you can already choose the “New Year” color. Try to choose a thing that you can wear after the New Year.
Option three, with minimal investment – to revive what is. If there is no money and a blouse, you will have to rummage in the closet. Rummage around my mother on the mezzanine – vintage is back in fashion. Lace, ruches, crepe de Chine, jabot, braid and bows will be very welcome. Combine what was previously worn separately. Make bright accents with accessories – a wide belt, scarf, brooch or bracelets – and your New Year outfit is ready.
How not to recover in the New Year?
The answer to this question can only be given by the most volitive young ladies. If this is not about you, small tricks will help to save the figure and deceive the stomach. Celebration of the stomach can be arranged without depriving yourself of a salad olivier – just let its neighbors be vegetable light salads. Instead of mayonnaise, use sour cream if possible. Remember that oily fish is better than fatty meat. It just seems like you can not do without french meat.
You can make an unusual table in a certain style – with unusual salads without potatoes and smoked chicken, with fish in exotic sauce for hot and with a fruit dessert for sweet. If you approach the matter wisely, but without fanaticism, you will have an excellent festive table. And next morning on the scales to get up will not be scary. Do not forget about dances – fun is guaranteed, and the extra pie will remain unnoticed.
What to give?
Start with the fact that designate a gift amount – how much you can allocate for gifts, while not starving half-January. Now make a list of those to whom you want to give a gift. Let the list of people at the top of the list be the most expensive and important, so that if the desires and opportunities do not coincide, the list can be shortened from below.
Of course, there is no unique gift that is suitable for everyone at once, in nature. But you can consider options.
For men
The main difference of a gift to a man is practicality and functionality. Funny rats (a symbol of the New Year), save for children or girlfriends-collectors. Men love toys, but others. The presence of buttons and a silver case will replace the gift wrapping and tinsel, and a warm cozy scarf – a tie with Santa Claus. It is better for young, unfamiliar young men to give something neutral, without a hint of your future plans. If you want to give a personal gift to your boss or colleague, limit yourself to pleasant office supplies or a souvenir. Alcohol is the only gift that is used only once, but causes positive emotions in men. However, to begin with, it is better to find out whether a man drinks alcohol. Suddenly he was coded?
For women
Here you can give space fantasy. But be careful: decorative cosmetics are still better to choose independently, and funny New Year’s panties may not fit or even offend your girlfriend. Lucky and other devices for nail care are not superfluous, but with a face cream you can get into a mess. If you really want to give something for beauty, you can experiment with natural cosmetics – festively decorated jars and fragrant pieces that help to become beautiful, a woman will appreciate. Mom probably will be pleased with various things for the house – cozy rugs, cheerful plates, soft cushions and painted boxes. Let these cute trifles are not a matter of prime necessity, but they perfectly raise the mood. Do not forget about the certificates – with them you can not worry about the unsuccessful choice.
This New Year certainly will be better than the last. Arise yourself in a good mood, please yourself and others. Do not be sad if you did not manage to buy a coveted dress and spend a lot of money for gifts to everyone. After all, there is still a whole year ahead – 364 days, for which you can do a lot.