It has long been noted that everything in the history of things develops in a spiral, alternating: the mini replaces the maxi, the rigor replaces the romantic, the commitment to natural – the love of new developments in synthetic materials.
The love for nylon and soap produced in chemical laboratories was replaced by a trembling attitude towards everything natural, including cosmetics. The fact that natural cosmetics, what it is good and what its shortcomings, was recognized by the correspondent of SE.
In general, the concept of “biocosmetics” is rather blurry. In general, this term is recommended to apply to cosmetics, which includes products of plant and animal origin. In general, any cosmetic products in this case can be called natural, because a drop of ethereal or olive oil or herb extract can be found in any composition among the chemical formulas. However, by natural cosmetics we mean products made entirely from natural substances, it is sold in shops where soap is cut as a cake, and masks can be poured into a jar like honey or jam.
“The composition is absolutely natural, without preservatives, it can not be – the account of its safety goes to the clock,” Ella Zubritskaya, a dermatovenerologist of the highest category, Smitra clinic, doubts.
“Preservatives in cosmetics, of course, are present, but they are also natural,” retorts Irina Novoselova, director of the Lush store. – This is soda, vinegar, laurel.
There are means where chemical preservatives are used – methylparaben and propylparaben, but their content does not exceed 1%. ”What then includes natural cosmetics, what is hidden under the name “natural ingredients”? Basically it is extracts, essential oils, resins, other extracts from flowers, roots, leaves and fruits. One of the varieties of Lush soap, for example, includes apple juice.
What is the advantage of the natural composition? The effect that the biocosmetics has on the skin and hair is softer than that produced by the synthetic one. Natural cosmetics also do not go beyond the upper layer of the skin, which in some cases is safer than deep penetration into the epidermal layers. Many people really like the natural smell of natural cosmetics. According to the comments of a lover of products, she now can not wash her hair with shampoos from the mass market – they too have a synthetic smell.
What are the disadvantages of biocosmetics? Like all herbal medicine, she often does not give an instant result. To achieve the stated effect, you sometimes have to use the remedy regularly for several months.
But according to Irina Novoselova, the result is guaranteed in any case: “For example, some of our henna have to be painted five times, although someone has the right color and shine after the first use – it all depends on the individual hair structure. ”
In general, criticism of natural cosmetics comes because of the high likelihood of allergic reactions. “The cosmetic effect of natural cosmetics is,” says Anna Borzenkova, a dermatologist and cosmetician, Milady’s salon. – But the percentage of allergic reactions is likely much more. The degree of purification of natural components is often quite low, in addition, many people are allergic to natural products. ”
In addition, there are fewer and fewer places on the Earth, the ecological situation in which, and, consequently, the harmlessness of the flora, does not cause concern. Some people are confused by the high cost of production. For example, 100 grams of handmade soaps in the Lush store cost 150-300 rubles, Fresh Line store – 200-400 in the Greek cosmetics store, Fresh Line shampoo – about 500, Lush – 300 rubles.
As for the result, the statistics confirming the efficacy or uselessness of creams, masks, shampoos, moisturizing soap on the skin, no. The majority of both buyers and experts – cosmetologists and doctors – tend to the fact that the effect in each case is different: it can be visible and bright, it can be easy supporting, and maybe completely absent.
“Natural components are good and unnatural components are also good,” summarizes Ella Zubritskaya. ”It all depends on the individuality of the skin, you can only learn about the reaction by testing it. ”
In any case, the apples have not been invented yet, there is no need to wait for a miracle, but you can just enjoy the aesthetic effect. ”And indeed, for residents of cities, contact with nature, even through the aroma of soap, which is cut from a large piece of cake, is already a holiday.