A cashier at a Harrisburg, Pa. grocery store brightened up a little girl’s day, and now her mother has taken to Facebook to thank him for his kindness.
Lisa Teach’s 9-year-old daughter, Lilly, loves to watch groceries being bagged at Giant Food Stores.
“She likes watching how everything fits into the grocery bags, kind of like the game Tetris. I believe it’s sort of therapeutic for her in a way,” Teach shared on Facebook, adding that, on top of becoming a doctor or a teacher, Lilly has always dreamed of working at a grocery store.
As Lilly approached Isaac Witte’scheckout line, she started to help the cashier get the first bag ready.
“Isaac, in a moment I’ll never forget, asked Lilly if she would like to help him and bag the groceries,” Teach wrote. “Lilly was thrilled and so happy to have this opportunity. I don’t know how Isaac knew how meaningful this would be to her, but somehow, he did. ”
One little girl’s mother is thanking a cashier at a grocery store for showing kindness and patience. (Photo: Facebook)
“He took his time with her and let her bag each item,” Teach said. “She independently bagged all our groceries and told Isaac, ‘I love you. ’ She doesn’t say this to everyone, but in the moment, I believe this was her way of saying ‘thank you for seeing me and for letting me help, I love you’ … Thank you Isaac for taking an ordinary task and turning into a special memory that we will always remember. ”