I make eye contact with thus cute guy, look at my Grandparents who both look extremely disappointed, and a few other people are looking at me. Obviously I left the room immediately.
Take a peek at some everyday objects through an electron microscope. *Note: Photos are colorized*
Nylon hooks and loops of velcro
Cut hairs and shaving foam between two razor blades
A human head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) clinging to a hair
Calcium phosphate crystal
Surface of a strawberry
Household dust
Bacteria on the surface of a human tongue
The corroded surface of a rusty metal nail
Eyebrow hairs growing from the surface of human skin
The head of a mosquito
The weave of a nylon stocking
Ballpoint pen
A clutch of unidentified butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant. These eggs have already hatched
Surface of an EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) silicon microchip
The end of the tongue (proboscis) of a hummingbird hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
The head of a Romanesco cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis)
Cigarette paper. The crystals (blue) are additives that keep the lit cigarette burning by producing oxygen
The shell of a foraminiferan. Foraminifera are marine single – celled protozoa that construct and inhabit shells composed of several chambers