April 25, 2024

Meal Plan for April Week 3

This month, Summer Miller is back, sharing her meal plans for April. Summer is a mom, a full-time food writer, and also helps test the fabulous recipes we bring you every week at Simply Recipes.

Here we are squarely in the latter half of April and ready to celebrate the best of spring.

We don’t think much about it anymore, but eggs are actually seasonal. Chickens are photosensitive, which means they lay more eggs as our days grow longer.

It’s also about this time of spring where cool nights followed by warm wet afternoons, and morel mushroom season begins.

It only seems fitting, then to start the week off with a dish that pairs two of my favorite in-season products – eggs, and mushrooms!

When our kids were little they loved foraging for mushrooms. But then as they entered elementary school, they decided it was “So boring” to walk around outside looking for an obscure food they didn’t want to eat any way. I would play little games like “find the colors of the rainbow in the forest” to keep their minds off the fact that we were hunting endlessly for a hollow mushroom the color of dried leaves.

But then you do find a mushroom, and it’s next to impossible not to give another 30 minutes of your life in search of another. If you’ve never foraged for mushrooms, I highly suggest finding an experienced forager in your area and giving it a go.

Although, the recipes below don’t call for morels, feel free to substitute them for any mushroom recommended in the dish if you are lucky enough to find some. They are delicate and delicious.

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