February 12, 2025

Madalin Giorgetta reveals food she eats for ‘abs and booty gains’

Madalin Giorgetta has worked extremely hard to retain her enviable physique. And now, the personal trainer, who’s famous for her ‘bubble butt’ workout, has revealed the food she eats for her washboard ‘abs and booty gains’.

Taking to YouTube, the 28-year-old Instagram star, from Perth, demonstrated how she prepares her healthy, nutritious meals at home.

Madalin Giorgetta has revealed the foods she eat for her washboard ‘abs and booty gains’

For dinner, she prepares roast chickpeas, carrots, cauliflower with a kale salad and quinoa

For dinner, she prepares roast chickpeas, carrots, cauliflower with a kale salad and quinoa

To make a salad for lunch, she adds spinach leaves, cherry tomatoes, avocados, roast sweet potatoes, red onion, feta and tinned corn – before drizzling over balsamic vinegar and extra virgin oil

To make a salad for lunch, she adds spinach leaves, cherry tomatoes, avocados, roast sweet potatoes, red onion, feta and tinned corn – before drizzling over balsamic vinegar and extra virgin oil.

‘This is one of my favourite things to have for lunch, these salads, it’s so yummy and so easy to make and they taste delicious,’ she said.

To make a salad for lunch, she adds spinach leaves, cherry tomatoes, avocados, roast sweet potatoes, red onion, feta and tinned corn - before drizzling over balsamic vinegar and extra virgin oil

For dinner, she prepares chickpeas, paprika, olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper in a glass bowl, before mixing through cut-up cauliflower.

She stirs all the ingredients together before adding to the baking tray before roasting it in the oven.

Next, she prepares the Dutch carrots where she adds crushed garlic, lemon, salt and olive oil to the root vegetables before roasting them too.

Madalin serves the roast vegetables with a side of leftover kale salad from lunch and quinoa.

For dinner, she prepares chickpeas, paprika, olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper in a glass bowl, before mixing through cut-up cauliflower. ÂShe stirs all the ingredients together before adding to the baking tray before roasting it in the oven

For dinner, she prepares chickpeas, paprika, olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper in a glass bowl, before mixing through cut-up cauliflower. She stirs all the ingredients together before adding to the baking tray before roasting it in the oven

The 28-year-old personal trainer has worked extremely hard to retain her enviable physique

ÂTaking to Instagram last month, Madalin came clean about her eating habits

Taking to Instagram last month, Madalin came clean about her eating habits

Taking to Instagram last month, Madalin came clean about her eating habits.

‘I’m often asked if I eat healthy all the time, and most people assume that I do. The truth is, I love to eat everything, and it’s not all considered “healthy”,’ she said.

‘It’s also nice to have abs and everything but bread > abs for me. Counting calories, counting macros, it will achieve your weight loss goals.

‘And if that makes you happy, awesome. I simply find that chasing abs results in more body criticism for me. ’

She started recalling the moment she became obsessed with calorie counting.

‘I remember when I was cutting for three weeks, tracking every macro and calorie, weighing all my food, I was obsessed with checking my body fat,’ she said.

‘I started weighing myself every morning, pinching my stomach after a meal, constantly staring at my body in the mirror.

‘I felt like I was missing out on food, because I felt restricted, my thought process was “well I better at least look good, and this better be working so I’m going to check my body from every angle every damn day”. It made me miserable. ’

And so Madalin decided to change her mindset because she loved food too much.

‘I like going out and ordering dessert after every meal, I like being able to eat a meal at my Nonna’s house and not have to question her on all the ingredients. I like eating. Period. It’s one of my biggest joys,’ she said.

‘I’ve often thought that in order for me to be successful as a “fitness influencer” I need to look the complete package. I need to have abs, I need to show definition, I need to have biceps blah blah blah.

‘I’d prefer to be known as a woman that encourages other women to be their healthiest, happiest, strongest selves, than simply encouraging you to go on a cut and lose fat.

‘Don’t feel bad for eating food that makes you feel happy. Eat food that makes you feel good, whether that be chocolate or broccoli.

‘Healthy to me doesn’t mean being under 60kg or having a 24inch waist. Healthy to me means living a balanced, happy, full life. And healthy looks different on everyone. ’

Last month, sherevealed the best exercisesfor sculpting an ‘hourglass’ figure.

For the enviable frame, the woman’s hips and bust are wide, and the body gently curves in at the waist and out again –resemblance to that of an hourglass.

The Instagram star started recalling the moment she became obsessed with calorie counting

‘You can’t build curves without lifting heavy weights,’ she said in a YouTube video.

For any woman who have an hourglass body, Madalin revealed the three reasons on how they got that shape.

‘It’s the result of either one or three things,’ she said.

‘Number one: genetics so you’re born with it. So J-Lo and Salma Hayek – just these women who have a naturally small waist, big bust and big hips.

‘Number two: Lifting heavy weights. So you can build curves if you lift heavy weights. So for me, I genetically already have a smaller waist and bigger hips but by lifting weights and building muscles, I am able to accentuate this even more.

‘But I have seen other women who are straight up and down, build curves through lifting weights as well, so it is possible for you. ’

‘Number three: You can just pull your knickers up to your waist, which is the oldest trick in the book and I see so many people do on Instagram, myself included.

‘It creates a nice shape to your body and it also makes your legs look longer. ’

‘When building an hourglass figure, there’s three different types of body parts that you’re kind of focusing on to create that illusion and that look. ’

Glute bridge: Madalin lies face up on the floor, with her knees bent and feet flat on the ground while gently lifting a 30kg weight 25 times

For the enviable frame, Madalin said you can’t build curves without lifting heavy weights

Leg press:Madalin then does 12 rounds of a leg press to target her vastus lateralis, by keeping her feet low, heels together and toes pointed out – and she pushes her knees outside the body

Donkey kick: Using a resistant band, Madalin lifts one leg, knee staying bent, foot staying flat, and hinging at the hip. She repeats this 20 times on each leg

To create the look, Madalin said the first step was building your shoulders up before working your way down to the hips and the thighs.

‘So building your shoulders up, building your delts – people don’t think about that but if you look at an hourglass shape, unless you’ve got really big boobs, you’re not going to look bigger on top naturally unless you build up your shoulders,’ she said.

‘We’re going to work on growing your side hips and your side thighs – so that’s your vastus lateralis, which is part of your quadriceps glute on your outer part of your thigh. Then we’re going to work on your side hips, which is the tensor fasciae latae. ’

She said there are three muscles in the glutes to focus on – gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and the gluteus maximus.

‘Although you can’t target each muscle individually, there are certain exercises thatactivate one muscle over another to give a more rounder shape,’ Madalin said.

In her first workout dubbed the ‘fire hydrant’, she positions herself on the ground, with her knees hip-width part, hands under shoulders, neck and spine neutral.

Using a sling-shot resistant band to activate her glutes, she moves her knee gently away from the body before returning to the starting position. She does 20 reps on each leg.

The 28-year-old, from Perth in Western Australia, shared her workout routine to achieve a natural hourglass body

Hip thrust:Madalin uses a 70kg weight to gently do 12 reps. To perform the exercise, she leans her back on a low bench, and once the bar sits directly on her upper thigh, she lifts her body off the ground, with feet flat to the ground

Staying in the same position with the resistant band, she moves on to the ‘donkey kick’ to target the gluteus maximus by lifting one leg, knee staying bent, foot staying flat, and hinging at the hip. She repeats this 20 times on each leg.

To activate the gluteus medius and the gluteusminimus, Madalin demonstrates the ‘clam’ exercise by lying on her sidewith legs together and knees bent.

Her head, shoulders, bottom and heels touch the floor as she opens her top knee towards the roof to full rotation while keeping the heels connected. She repeats the exercise 20 times on each leg.

She then moves onto the ‘glute bridge’ where she lies face up on the floor, with her knees bent and feet flat on the ground while gently lifting a 30kg weight 25 times.

Still using the resistant band, she does a ‘single leg raise glute bridge’ by lyingdown with her back flat on the ground, knees bent before raising one leg up. She repeats this eight times on each leg.

Madalin moves onto a ‘hip thrust’ where she uses a 70kg weight to gently do 12 reps.

To perform the exercise, she leans her back on a low bench, and once the bar sits directly on her upper thigh, she lifts her body off the ground, with feet flat to the ground.

Targeting her side hips, she uses a ‘hip abductor machine’ to abduct the thighs to press the legs apart, with her feet on the foot holder.

Hip abduction: Targeting her side hips, she uses a ‘hip abductor machine’ to abduct the thighs to press the legs apart, with her feet on the foot holder. Once her legs are fully abducted, she slowly reverses the movement to return to the starting position. She repeats this 15 times on each leg

To create the look, Madalin said the first step was building your shoulders up before working your way down to the hips and the thighs

Once her legs are fully abducted, she slowly reverses the movement to return to the starting position. She repeats this 15 times on each leg.

She moves on to the ‘cable hip abduction’ where she moves one leg away from her body with a low pulley. She repeats this 15 times on each leg.

Madalin then does 12 rounds of a leg press to target hervastus lateralis, by keeping her feet low, heels together and toes pointed out – and she pushes her knees outside the body.

In her last round of exercises, she does an ‘arm side lateral’ workout by lifting the dumbbell over your shoulder. She does this 12 times on each arm.

She does a round of ‘chest supported rear delt fly’ by lying chest down on a slightly inclined bench witha dumbbell in each hand.

From there, she raises the arms to the side, repeating this 12 times.

Madalin does 12 rounds of the ‘cable upright row by grasping a bar cable attachment that is attached to a low pulley – she gently lifts the cable bar up and down. Ending her routine set, she finishes off with a 12 rounds of the ‘cable bent arm front raise’.

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