February 13, 2025

Looking for boots, without leaving the computer

The off-season is a difficult period: slush, then the sun, warming the pavement during the day, until the summer feels. One pair of boots is clearly indispensable.

But you will agree, how pleasant it is to walk along the soft veil of yellow dry leaves, drowning the clatter of heels, in thoughtfulness to lead it round with a round toe of fashionable ankle boots …

The tendencies of this autumn: minimalism, restraint and in contrast to it some theatricality. In addition to traditional high boots, “Cossacks”, ankle boots, boots and boots are still relevant.

SHE presents the catalog of fashion footwear “Autumn-2007” from the collections of stores in Novosibirsk.

Botilions3290 rubles. ,

Corso como, “Askania”

Bootillions 2850 rub. ,

Emilia Estra, Emilia Estra

Boots 3490 rubles. ,

Sona, “Askania”

Boots 3875 rub. ,

Mascote, “Giotto”

Botilions 5850 rubles. ,

K + S, Emilia Estra

Boots 1420 rub. ,

Berconty, “Giotto”

Boots 5740 rubles. ,

Destina, “Askania”

Boots 3450 руб. ,

Emilia Estra

Boots 3990 rubles. ,

Lisette, “Rossita”

Boots 2890 rubles. ,

Lisette, “Rossita”

Boots 3350 rub. ,

Emilia Estra, Emilia Estra

Boots 3590 rub. ,

TAMARIS, “Rossita”

Boots 3450 rub. ,

Sailase, Emilia Estra

Boots 4640 rubles. ,

Corso como, “Askania”

Boots 4450 rubles. ,

Corso como, Rossita

Boots 5530 rub. ,

Picolinos, “Askania”

Boots 5820 rub. ,

Liska, “Askania”

Boots 3750 rubles. ,

Anna Pereena, Emilia Estra

Boots 2720 ​​rub. ,

Sona, “Askania”

Boots 2590 rub. ,

Lissete, “Rossita”

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