February 15, 2025

Lady in the Panther’s Skin

The most fashionable fur coats in this season are “branded” with ornament and painted “under exotic animals”

Defenders of the animals are angry about the case, but with the defenders of people, you can also agree – without fur things in Siberia in the winter to live unsafe. But just wrapped in the skins or run from house to house in the sheepskin coats do not want the ladies, give them light, soft, not constraining movements, but preferably embarrassing the men’s mind and heart fashionable fur coats.

Or stylish sheepskin coats. It is desirable to look expensive and like in magazines on the stars, but were affordable. The opportunities for realizing these dreams and the fashion trends of the fur season were recognized by the correspondent of SE.

Fur coat and sheepskin coats are things that are bought seriously and for a long time, passing from season to season and undergoing dramatic changes in style. However, every year new items come up: they will invent a new manufacture – even softer, they will paint in unexpected colors, then some of the furs will be declared the most relevant.

Lady in the Panther's Skin

For example, a surprise for many was the justified popularity of fur coats from the Mouton. In the minds of the majority, this fur is associated with the smell of naphthalene or at least with something formless and old-fashioned. “Many people are surprised when they go into the store and see fur coats from fine draped fur, with a silhouette flying like furs,” says Olga Filatova, manager of the Mouton Lux chain of stores. “This effect is achieved with the help of new processing technologies, thanks to which the skin becomes especially soft and light. ”

Famous world designers offer this season several topical decorative fur solutions. This is a laser burning ornament, painting fur in a bright, unnatural color and applying prints, most often animalistic, “leopard or zebra. ”

Lady in the Panther's Skin

Novelties also touched on such a conservative, as we used to think, Mouton. “You can still buy classic models, but a lot of this season and the avant-garde – continues Olga Filatova. – Unusual colors, imitation of the coloring of wild animals – tiger, leopard, lynx. On the fur, stencils with ornaments are applied, the “ridges” are symbolically depicted, as on the dressed skins. ”

Fur coats from Mouton, “Mouton lux”, from 15 thousand rubles
Coats from Mouton, “Melita”, from 14 thousand rubles

Few did not notice that this winter the absolute hit is a mink. “The real queen of women’s hearts is, of course, a mink! – the deputy general director of the Liloti chain Ruslan Lotarev is sure. – After all, an elegant fur coat from a mink not only emphasizes the prosperity of its owner, but also demonstrates its taste. According to producers and sellers of fur goods, the age of buyers of status coats decreases from year to year, and even very young girls manage to realize their dream of a mink fur coat. Fortunately, prices do not bite too much. ”

Unconditional leader – a classic version of a smooth, sheared mink, monochrome – black, dark brown, white or gray, flared short coat, a strict coat or short jacket with a hood. But new items, such as drawing animalistic prints and laser firing, touched this fur.

Lady in the Panther's Skin

“In Novosibirsk, there is a great demand for a dyed mink with laser processing,” says Ruslan Lotarev, “as well as classic models that are” out of time and fashion. ”

Fur coats from mink, Liloti, 50-150 thousand rubles Mink fur
coats, “Balu”, 48-170 thousand rubles

In the store “Balu” SHE correspondent was told what is the difference between a winter leather coat and a sheepskin coat. In the first, the skin and fur serve as a lining to the skin and do not necessarily belong to the same animal. Sheepskin coat is a one-layer fur coat sewn from one skin. Both that, and another this season is relevant. The most popular version of the top of the leather coat is lacquered, with imitation of python skin.

Sheepskins in this season are preferred with curly fleece, fitted or imitating a jacket-plait. If we talk about color, it is preferable to natural – sand, ocher, brown, beige shades.

Cuffs are very large – sometimes a fur lapel reaches the elbow. The waist underlined by a belt is one more sign of a season. Belt in sheepskin coats takes on special significance, it helps to preserve the grace of the silhouette and is often made fur or leather with all sorts of decorative inserts.

Sheepskin coats, winter leather jackets and coats, Liloti, 8-38 thousand rubles
Sheepskin coats, “Baloo”, from 17 thousand rubles

In December, practically in all fur salons of the city, sales of the winter collection begin. Those who suffered a little and waited for discounts, given the opportunity to buy a dream coat for 10-30% cheaper than its original cost. Although who knows, maybe the next year’s fashion will change rapidly? By the way, in Europe the karakulcha is now actual. Perhaps next year this wave will come to us. Come up with images!

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