February 13, 2025

Is Tinder Plus Worth the Money?

Tinder is free to use and you can do a lot without paying a dime. Since they added two premium tiers to the app last year, many people have been paying up to $14. 99 a month for a little more action. So is Tinder Plus worth the money?

Usually when someone says an app or product has changed life forever or has changed how humans do a certain thing we put it down to hyperbole. Marketing is great at making up accolades to pile onto a product in order to sell it. For once, in the case of Tinder at least, saying that it has changed the way we date forever is not an exaggeration.

The base app is free to download and use. The main investment here is in the time and effort taken to write a good profile and take some awesome shots for it. Then there are two premium tiers, Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold. Today we are discussing Tinder Plus.

What is Tinder Plus?

Tinder Plus is a premium version of the dating app that adds some super powers to your dating. It offers five primary features, Passport, Rewind, Boost, Super Likes and Unlimited Swipes to the app. Each adds a little more potency to your online dating.


Passport is a neat idea that allows you to change your location and chat to anyone in the world. If you travel a lot, having your profile stuck in one city doesn’t help you if you want to play while you’re away. Passport allows you to change the city you’re in on the fly and allows you to find new ‘friends’ when working in different cities.


Rewind is an essential feature that is worth the price alone. Ever swiped left when you meant to swipe right and swore at yourself for an hour afterwards? I know I have. Even if you know the person will come round again, it would be nice to be able to undo that last mistaken swipe. Rewind lets you do just that.


Boost sends your profile to the top of the deck of other users. You get increased exposure for thirty minutes once per month and will appear higher than usual. Choose your time wisely and Boost could do a lot for your success rate.

Super Likes

With Tinder Plus, you get five Super Likes instead of the measly one. I still think these are a little creepy but they do show someone that you really like them.

Unlimited Swipes

Unlimited Swipes are just that. As a Tinder Plus subscriber you have no swipe limits and can keep going for hours if your pool is large enough.

Other features of Tinder Plus include ad-free browsing. The ads in Tinder are less intrusive than some but can still detract from the experience. Depending on how seriously you take your Tinder use, this might be a deciding factor.

You also get to limit the visibility of your profile with Tinder Plus. This may sound counterintuitive for a dating app but if you want to control who sees your profile and when, it may be useful.

Tinder Plus used to have a strange pricing structure that offered cheaper subscriptions to under 30s. Since a court decision said that was discrimination, a flatter structure is now in place. Tinder Plus is $9. 99 a month whatever your age. It will be billed by iTunes or the Google Play Store and not by Tinder themselves.

Is Tinder Plus worth the cash?

So now you know what you get for your money, is it worth it? I guess the answer depends on how seriously you take Tinder. If you’re an occasional user who keeps the app around to supplement and already successful dating life, then no it probably isn’t worth the money.

If you use Tinder more seriously, work away from home a lot, want to control who sees your profile or want to swipe away all day long without any restrictions then Tinder Plus may be worth the money.

Passport is great if you work away from home a lot, or for long periods of time. Rewind is essential if you’re prone to swiping without thinking and don’t want to wait until they come around again. Boost can be useful but you can buy those individually and Plus only offers one a month. I do not value Super Likes at all but you might.

Unlimited Swipes is worth it if you live in a big city. If you’re in New York or Los Angeles or somewhere with a huge pool of users, Unlimited Swipes is essential. If you’re in rural Iowa, they won’t be quite so useful.

Do you use Tinder Plus? Do you find it worth the money? Had more success with it than vanilla Tinder? Tell us about your experiences below!

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