The refrigerator is the most dangerous object for a slimming woman. He beckons to himself in the afternoon, and even more in the evening. Some of them can not cope with temptation and they drag salads and cakes from an attractive object all evening.
An empty refrigerator can not afford each, most at night on the stove is a fragrant dinner, and around with spoons wait for hungry children and husband.
Why exactly do you want to eat that evening and why exactly is the evening meal so harmful to the waist, the correspondent of SE found out from Oksana Bragina, a nutritionist at the SRI of SB RAMS.
Why on many of the most powerful hunger attacks precisely in the evening – and not for lunch or for a snack?
Genetically a person is programmed to get up with the first rays of the sun and go to bed when it comes. Genetics is changing more slowly than our modern way of life, but in the dark, the body is still programmed to store nutrients, accumulate energy, and in the light – to spend it. We do not go to bed after sunset, but we are awake, the body is working according to its regime.
What other factors affect the evening appetite? There is an opinion that those who have nothing else to do are prone to bouts of evening gluttony …
There are different types of eating disorders that lead to excess body weight, the development of obesity. Restrictive type – when a person deliberately restricts himself in food, refuses his beloved products, exposing himself to torture, as a result, depression forms. If he relaxes, for example, in the evening, after work – eats up more than necessary, breaks down. One of the varieties is the night meal syndrome, when a person restrains himself in the evening, and before going to bed empties the refrigerator, and then falls into an even greater depression. If you quarreled, nervous, and felt a fit of hunger – this is characteristic of emotion-eating eating behavior.
There is also the so-called external type of eating behavior – this is when a person does not feel hungry, but the environment, the smell of the surrounding food, its appearance, the advertising images work so that you want to try. All this has nothing to do with real hunger.
How to determine that hunger is real and really worth eating?
If we are talking about external eating behavior, one must be able to distinguish between the feeling of real hunger and the imaginary. If you fall for color, taste, picture, exquisite serving – this is most likely external behavior. If you know that some foods help you improve your mood (ate and become easier), this is an emotiogenic factor. The stereotype of improving the mood with food is formed very easily, so it is very important to be able to switch to another type of activity in time, to get pleasure from other sources.
Signs of natural hunger are known to everyone: when the level of glucose decreases, there is a characteristic sensation of weakness, nausea, slight dizziness. This does not mean that you should bring yourself to this state, but you need to be able to distinguish the approach of hunger from that which has nothing to do with it.
What should you eat in the afternoon, so that in the evening the hunger was minimal?
All products consist of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Much more important here is not the individual products, but the amount eaten per day. Food should be divided, you must not allow breaks. Standard recommendations say that 70% of the nutrients we need to get in the first half of the day, and 30% – for dinner. In this case, we never overeat and will not be overweight.
What to eat for dinner, to lose weight and feel good?
Supper should contain protein and carbohydrate component – for example, fish, vegetable garnish. Fats in the evening need to be limited as much as possible – after all, in the evening the body works for storage. A glass of sour-milk product, broth of herbs, dog rose, freshly squeezed juice. Fruits are useful, but you do not need to consume them with food, but after a while. To very sweet fruits, such as bananas, you need to be wary of people with obesity, elevated glycemic index. Pears and citrus fruits are good. Grapefruit contains active substances that enhance the breakdown of fats. Of vegetables are especially good sweet peppers.
Many people have a question – how to eat after the evening training?
In training, you are actively spending energy, and they need to be replenished with carbohydrate food. After training in the first hour and a half, metabolism occurs much faster, so carbohydrate food is absorbed very quickly. The only thing if you go and sleep – it will be uncomfortable. The food should leave the stomach an hour before bedtime. If you come from training at 20 o’clock, eat normally, and go to bed at 23 – there is no problem. But come back from training at 22 hours, and there is no time to fall asleep. You have to think about how to adjust your regime. It may be possible to delay sleep for an hour or go to workout earlier.
If after the session you do not have the strength even for dinner – then it’s worth thinking about the intensity of the training, after it you should not come home without effort as a squeezed lemon. This erroneous opinion – the more you get tired – the better you practice.
What then is the idea that the best way to lose weight is not after six?
Many eat breakfast on the go, somehow eat at lunch, in the end the bulk of the food falls on the evening. It is only natural that by cutting physically this meal, a person grows thin – he simply reduces the caloric content of the diet. In addition, there is a factor that we deprive the body of food in the period when it is set to the maximum reserve.
It is much more reasonable to reconsider the total calorie content of the diet for the day, thus reducing it accordingly. Do not limit yourself only in the evening, but break the daily rate into five receptions, and calmly eat at eight. Another thing is that it is easier for many to follow a simple, at first glance, advice – not after six.
And if a person follows this advice, but still does not lose weight?
First, he in any case grows thin – if the caloric content is limited, there is no other option. But then the effect of the weight plateau is triggered – when the weight does not increase, but does not decrease either. It can last from one to several months. This is due to the fact that the body in a stressful situation for reducing caloric content begins to struggle, to expend less energy, but after a while understands that the organs are working normally, they have enough calories, it calms down and the person begins to lose weight again. But very often many wait for a month, two and give up disappointedly. After all, the effect of a weight plateau can last up to six months.