December 9, 2024

I do not digest it

Lack of breakfast and accumulated grievances risk turning into a stomach ulcer. If today you are not in the spirit or in a non-working mood, then, most likely, others will say that you have a headache … or stomach.

Both of these “diseases” in the society are legalized and it is possible to talk about them quite calmly. Meanwhile, the pain in the stomach, although it is considered something like a norm, can signal serious problems – both with the lifestyle and with the way of thinking.

About why the stomach hurts, the correspondent of SHE recognized.

Help:Gastritis – inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The main cause of it today is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which also leads to an ulcer. 80% of people live in the stomach, but the disease develops in 40% of them in the presence of conditions favorable for the bacterium.

Ay, hurts

Symptoms of gastritis are known to most of us: burning, pain and heaviness in the upper abdomen, which can be accompanied by belching, nausea or even vomiting. We are used to everything that hurts “under the spoon”, it is customary to call gastritis and wave off your hand: it will ache and stop.

And in this belief many are wrong: as the gastroenterologist of the clinic of the Institute of Physiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Ekaterina Valuiskikh told, the pain in the epigastric region (“under the spoon”) can be not only in case of stomach problems. “Hungry pain that passes after eating is often a sign of peptic ulcer or epigastric dyspepsia. If the pains appear after eating, then most likely there are problems of the pancreas, bile ducts or even the intestines, “- the doctor cites some characteristic signs of the disease, but notes that even a specialist on the basis of symptoms alone can not determine what exactly hurts in the patient.

As explained by Larysa Zyubina, MD, professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy with proflboleznyami NGMU, the diagnosis of gastritis can be set only after the patient is made gastroscopy: a special study when the stomach mucosa is looking through the probe and takes from there a piece of material for research , to determine the presence of a pathogen – Helicobacter bacteria. If the inflammation and the cause of it (the bacterium) are found, treatment will be required. Otherwise, a stomach ulcer or even a cancer can develop.

Working hunger

As gastroenterologists explain, favorable conditions should be created for the development of gastritis.

“According to my observations, most often these are young people with an intensive pace of work, so we can say that the stress factor is one of the most important in the development of the disease,” Ekaterina Valuiskikh shares.

People with a high stress factor – experiencing anxiety, emotional discomfort, irritation – lower the threshold of pain sensitivity, and if a person in good spirits does not perceive impulse as painful, people in a stressful situation feel any minimal change as pain or discomfort. This launches a vicious vegetative circle and can gradually lead to the formation of organic disorders, – explains the mechanism of the development of the disease gastroenterologist clinic of the Research Institute of Physiology.

The second factor – a violation of diet: as you know, there is a dry and on the run harmful. But the biggest censure of the doctors causes big breaks in eating, and especially the refusal of some women from breakfast: as doctors say, this is the most dangerous of the wrong habits in nutrition, and it goes level with the habit of smoking on an empty stomach. Food that does not include fried, fatty and salty, can cure digestive disorders, and if a person eats properly, he probably will not know about gastritis.

Material Thoughts

Finally, today doctors give more and more importance to not only the way of life, but also the way of thinking. Science psychosomatics, which studies the relationship of our experiences and physical health, has its own point of view on stomach pain.

“The digestive process has a similar functioning mechanism with the work of our brain. At the physical level, we absorb various material substances (food), process, assimilate or not digest, neutralize, deduce, “says Natalia Mogilevskaya, a therapist at the Siberian Ayurvedic Institute. Directly to the stomach is associated with functions such asreceivingfood and the beginning of herdigestion.

The parallel of eating is connected on a mental level with the ability to perceive, feel, feel. If a person deliberately (or unconsciously) refuses, suppresses the ability to feel, this function “takes” on himself and the stomach.

Dyspepsia (a syndrome of functional dyspepsia – a violation of digestion under the influence of external factors, often in violation of diet or lifestyle), according to the version of psychosomatics, is associated with the inability to “digest”, absorb the information coming from the outside world.

The central role of the stomach is to start the process of digesting food – this is the formation and secretion of gastric juice. In its biochemical nature, this medium is quite aggressive – hydrochloric acid and pepsin are able to break down food (proteins in particular) into constituent parts. Also, an aggressive environment is very important for the detoxification of harmful microorganisms that can get caught with food.

In a situation where a person does not manage to resolve the conflict at the level of the senses (consciously “digesting the insult” or transforming it into active responses), he begins to do this at the level of somatics. It manifests itself in increasing the aggressiveness of gastric juice, which leads to illness. Thus, if at the psychoemotional level a person does not see or does not want to see the problems of this plan, then they will “descend” to a more “gross” physical level of the body – and the stomach in particular – to make a person draw attention to himself, summarizes Natalia Mogilevskaya , recommending not to go to extremes and constantly look for where that scythe and hurts, but still try to learn to treat life easier – in a good way.

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