February 12, 2025

How To Remove Halloween Makeup According To TikTok

Happy Halloween! Whilst dressing in the most epic costumes and applying the most extra makeup is what the day is all about, tackling colour stains from said lewk is not.

In need of Halloween makeup inspo? Everyone’s first port of call the year has been TikTok, boasting over 9. 1 billion views under #halloweenmakeup, but as for taking off Halloween makeup? This may be a new trend that is actually quite useful… and surprisingly satisfying.

Whether opting for a trickle of blood for a simple but effective finish, or those Picasso-approved masterpieces we’ve all seen TikTok makeup artists spend hours creating, Halloween makeup proves challenging to remove. With the more frequent use of bright, highly pigmented colours, comes the risk of skin staining. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been stained orange from body paint from my rendition of a pumpkin, the towel scrubbing haunts me to this day.

Consequently, Halloween enthusiasts have taken to TikTok to share the deconstruction of their Halloween makeup looks. Some users have taken a more informative approach, sharing their tips and tricks to removing tough products.

@beautygurumo shared her Halloween makeup removal, describing her makeup balm remover as a, “lifesaver”. The video sees the artist massage the balm into her skin, before using a towel to remove what she can, before following up with a trusty, makeup wipe.

Another user, @siananscrivner, documented her pumpkin makeup removal (which I could have done with a few years ago). She responded to a comment asking for recommendations for sensitive skin makeup removers, she replied, “Clinique take the day off balm is incredible! ! I also recently tried the Kora Organics oil cleanser and it was amazing! ”. No gatekeeping products here.

Some of the videos have garnered hundreds of thousands of views just from the satisfying sounds and visuals – move over pimple popping and soap cutting. The more satisfying removals tend to involve the – literal – ripping of fake skin. @daniellemarcan filmed her peeling off her constructed cheekbones, detailed with pinched, piercings.

@wyntirose also proved that peeling off a fake chin, cheeks, nose and eyebrows is a new form of ASMR many users can get behind. One user commented, “why is that so satisfying”, with another saying, “the noise is so nice”. The peel has been a satisfying favourite for a long time, who didn’t let PVA glue dry on their hand so they could peel it off as a child?

@makeitjess gained over 160,000 likes on her ‘Halloween Makeup Removal ASMR’, posting a compilation of the most satisfying removals from multiple of her incredibly creative Halloween makeup looks.

Who knew makeup removal could be so entertaining?

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