September 20, 2024

How to create a Ethereum wallet

In this article, you will learn what ethereum cryptocurrency is and how to create a wallet for yourself to store both a local and a web wallet.

Ethereum (ethereum, ether) – positions itself as a platform for creating decentralized online services based on blockchain technology (daaps). Unlike many cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, lightcoin, and others positioning themselves as virtual fuel for a decentralized network.

There are 2 types of wallet as I wrote at the very beginning of the article. First we will analyze the local wallet, this is the wallet that will be stored directly on your computer, just as with a bitcoin wallet it is a part of the network but only ethereum.

We download the wallet client from the official developer site, there you can constantly find out about the release of a newer wallet version and update your ethereum wallet, which is available for both 64-bit operating systems and 32-bit ones. You can view the properties of your computer by right-clicking on the shortcut of the computer and opening the properties.

The wallet client is also presented under Linux 64 bit, Linux 32 bit, MacOS, or you can download the source code of the wallet.

After downloading, unzip the archive, I will give examples for windows 7 64 bit for others, respectively, all the same.

After unarchiving the etirium wallet, go to the folder with the wallet and run the file “Ethereum-Wallet” and you will start synchronizing the wallet. The wallet will start downloading all the blocks that came out. When I installed the wallet there were 1,375,710 units.

After downloading the entire block chain with the so-called synchronization, you can enter the wallet application itself. And that’s what you see.

Press the “Add wallet” button to create an ethereum wallet on my screen, I don’t see it as I’ve already done it myself, but after your first entry into the wallet you’ll have a big blue button with a little sign inside. Click on it and enter any name for your wallet.

When you click on Main accout (Etherbase) you will see all the data about your wallet, you can copy the address of your wallet, or show your QR code for reading by the phone.

When you click send, a window will open in which you need to choose from which wallet you want to send coins to ethereum and enter the coins to which purse to go, as well as select the optimal commission you want to pay for your transaction, the higher the commission the faster your transaction will be included in the block , respectively, your coins will be transferred faster, and click to send.

You can also exchange another cryptocurrency for ethereum, in the Amount ETH line enter the amount of ethereum coins that we need, in the Return Address line enter your cryptocurrency wallet number from which you want to send another cryptocurrency and receive ethereum, and in the Email for Receipt line we enter your valid postal box. Not iron such, and electronic. And click Submit.

On this part of the article ended, the next question will be the creation of an online wallet. Go to the site MyEtherWallet

After going to the website at the very top, you will see a line with a menu to create. We are interested in the Generate Wallet tab. Click on it and we see a menu opened in the very first step. click on the button “Generate”.

All for us, our ethereum wallet number was generated.

Under paragraph 1 is your wallet address that you can specify in the settings of the pool for payments.

Under paragraph 2, you need to download two files to your computer: this is a Keystore file and JSON, these two files are required to access the wallet, and you can also save yourself or print your private key in your Private Key (unecrypted) frame, not encrypted, any A person knowing your private key can enter your wallet, in the files that we downloaded it is stored encrypted.

The third item you can print out is your QR-code that can read your huge address by mobile devices without entering it manually.

So, we have created an online efirium wallet and now we go into it and see what’s what, again at the very top select View Wallet Info, and click on it. We are redirected to the wallet login page, right there we need to specify the path to the JSON or Keystore file, or choose to enter your Plain Text Private Key to select files, press SELECT WALLET FILE … and specify the path to your file, after which Click UNLOCK WALLET. And you will get into your wallet as you will see your address, private key unencrypted, and account balance.

To send your funds, we need to select Send Transaction at the very top in the To address field, enter the recipient’s wallet number, and in the Amount to send field the amount in Ether, Finney or Szab
o and click Generate Transaction.

1 Ether = 1000 Finney = 1000000 Szabo

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