February 12, 2025

How To Be Happy: Mood-Boosting Tips

Cope and Oattes say: «Your life is a story and you’re the author. You might not be able to change the events that have happened, but you can re-cast yourself as the hero.

That changes how you view the past and, spookily, will affect how you approach the future.

«So, when something doesn’t go according to plan, it’s not a nightmare, crisis, challenge or problem, think of it more like a ‘plot twist’. »

2. Let it go

It originally comes from a Buddhist construct but there is evidence to support the belief that when we’re too attached to negative events of the past, it can affect our psychological wellbeing. Instead, it’s suggested that letting go of the things that are weighing us down will actually help us move forward.

«We’ve all been wronged, treated unfairly, dissed, dismissed, abused and upset,» say Cope and Oattes. «As someone once said to me, ‘I haven’t got time for any new wounds – my old wounds are still healing. ’ It’s time to let it all go and move on because, guess what, the world has finished with your past if you have. »

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3. Shine-tinted specs

We’ve all been told to look at things with rose-tinted glasses — we’ve even tried the beer goggles approach — but there is scientific backing for the theory that looking at familiar situations with fresh eyes can change how we feel about it***.

Here’s how Cope and Oattes explain it: «Everyone knows and understands déjà vu, that feeling of familiarity, an experience that has happened to you before. Very few know the opposite, vujà dé, which is when we see a familiar situation through new eyes.

«Rose-tinted spectacles are so last millennium. We’re offering you an upgrade to ‘shine-tinted’. Not only will they help with your vujà dé, they also allow you to illuminate wonderful experiences that most people miss. »

4. Celebrate bad stuff that didn’t happen

It’s easy to feel consumed by the thought that something bad is going to happen, which is why sometimes, it can be satisfying to revel in the relief that it didn’t. . . ****

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