September 9, 2024

How can you earn on the game Counter-Strike

Today I want to tell you about this kind of earnings, like playing for money with real opponents in the popular online shooter number 1, this is a counter-strike game.

Hard to imagine butsuch a long-standing game Counter-Strike remains one of the favorite games of millions of fans around the world. It’s not a secret to anyone that there are many teams that play this game professionally, various computer games competitions are held.

And there is a newer version of Counter-Strike – Counter – Strike Global Offensive, in common people, unlike in version 1. 6, completely improved graphics, beautiful weapon models and much more. I will not fully describe all the delights of these two great shooters, as we primarily have a financial benefit directly.

In the world wide web there is such a great site for earning money at the CC and 1. 6 as OverPro. What does such a wonderful site offer us? You can play cash for money, bet money for matches with money, play 1 on 1 with the opponent, choose the required amount of the bet, make a team with your real or virtual friends and create a game 2 for 2 or 5×5. Play a match among 18 people, receiving a reward for more kills.

The most interesting thing is that you will be able to experience all the charms of earning money at a cop or counter-strike 1. 6 without investing anything. All you need to do is go through the usual registration procedure, specify your login in the future, it will be your nickname in the game, password and email.

You can proceed to registration here.

Immediately after a short registration procedure, you will need to install on your computer the most powerful protection against dishonest players, such as MyAC for a counter-strike 1. 6 or EAC for playing a game of money. After installing the anti-cheat protection, the account activation button will appear, click and activate the account, and this is the first bonus that the administration has prepared for us, we have 2 rubles in our account.

Next, we need to click on the promotions in the top menu of the site, and get a second bonus of 10 rubles for joining the Vkontakte group. I think many people have this social network, but if we don’t have it, we’ll type the phrase “VKontakte” in any search engine and this social network will immediately appear in the search results. To get the third bonus in the amount of 10 rubles, click on the link and confirm your mobile number to notify the news from overpro.

If you want to play at a higher rate, you can always replenish your account with electronic payment systems Webmoney, qiwi and more than 10 types of payments through the automated service RoboKassa. The withdrawal of money from the project is carried out on the kiwi and webmoney payment systems. There is no minimum for withdrawal, but for a withdrawal you must play at least 10 games. You can always see how to register with Qiwi on our blog, in the payment systems section, or go to the page with a description of Qiwi registration, register with the payment system.

Now you can create a game and start playing. Click to create a game and select all the settings we need, the number of players, the amount of the bet from the team. And we click save.

To connect to your server CS 1. 6 to play for money, copy the IP address that appears after creating the game, start the protection and start the game itself in the console (called ~), write connect 37. 230. 210. 39 (where 37. 230. 210. 39 is the copied address). And to connect to the game, go click on the server address directly on the site itself. After logging on to the server, we write in the “ready” or “rdy” chat room and start competing with the opponent. And make money in cop.

In addition to playing for money, you can learn a better game of counter-strike 1. 6 on the X-Zone server, where there is always responsive administration, a unique choice of weapons, and excellent protection against dishonest players.

In addition, the server has an original forum where you can ask questions directly related to the game of counter-strike 1. 6, or read the advice of “experienced” players how to shoot correctly, customize the game for themselves and much more. In addition, you can meet me, I also spend my time there constantly improving my game, and who knows a respected reader maybe after a long game you are constantly working on improving your reaction and tactics in a counter-strike, you will be a successful cybersportsman who will participate in world competitions.

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